The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 255 Can't Stop Zhang Yi's Heart

Chapter 255 I Can’t Stop Memories (5)
When the child came out, he glanced over, and then suddenly smiled slightly, his dark black pupils shining brightly, "Is this Rong Ruo A Moqi (uncle), Ama and Er Niang asked my nephew to say hello on their behalf."

I was startled, and then replied with a smile, and he also replied politely, with a slight intimacy between his words, I think, that's enough.

During the southern tour in 34, I did not accompany Ama because of her illness, so I also missed the opportunity to meet her. After Luanjia returned to Beijing, I heard people talking about the prince's fall from favor. The emperor didn't see him at Shichen, and I saw the emperor lost his mind at the two boxes occasionally, so I knew that the statement was not true at all.

I mentioned His Highness the Crown Prince by chance once, and then the Emperor snorted softly, suddenly I was a little funny, the Emperor was afraid that he would lose face so he would not see the Crown Prince, why did he only let Brother Hong Xi return to the capital, but the two of them None of them came back, but I didn't expect the emperor's anger, I'm afraid it was self-defeating, the crown prince and her have been away for four years since the southern tour, and the number of times the emperor lost his mind when he looked at the two boxes gradually increased.

It’s just that I understand this, and it’s also because of the emperor’s closeness to me that I can know it, but other people can’t get to the root of it, just like the elder brother and the third elder brother, the relationship between the two grows with age The struggle became more and more intense, including the forces gathered behind them, and it gradually became clear, but the emperor was watching coldly.

I can't refute his actions. Although he is his son, how can they be tolerated by the emperor because they form a party and threaten the imperial power? The only thing I can do is to persuade Ama to stop slowly.

Ama has been unsatisfactory since he was relegated. Now that he is getting old, and I followed the prince's advice and made a thorough analysis, he gradually stopped thinking and slowly withdrew from the big brother's party. Big brother After personally coming to the door to persuade him to no avail, he directly threw Ama aside and accepted the power in Ama's hands.

Ama was very disappointed, but I breathed a sigh of relief.

I think I will probably always remember that sentence with iron painted silver hooks and sharp pen: always loyal to the person on the throne, if the imperial power is not destroyed, Nala will never fall.

In 38, the emperor was infected with the epidemic on the way to Rehe. Brother Hongxi asked for a sickness, and then the prince and her also rushed back, but they had already entered before I knew it, and soon after, the emperor recovered, and they He has also left without a sound, and even the elder brothers have not seen each other.

But I could clearly feel the joy of the emperor.

It’s just that they left for ten years and didn’t come back until the Empress Dowager passed away in 48. I still haven’t been able to see them. I just heard the news of their return and said that they stayed in Qianqing Palace all day long. He does not often summon foreign ministers every day.

I didn't see them during the Chinese New Year, but after the year, the emperor issued an imperial decree to ask the prince to garrison the Yalu River. The country pays tribute every year. Although these years seem to be a little tricky, it is obvious that I am afraid of my Qing Dynasty.

In the first month of the 50th year, the emperor issued an edict, and he was familiar with both China and foreign countries. The vassal state of Korea was officially included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty. I looked at the unconcealed pride on the emperor's face and breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe her name of Kefu is true, and her blessings are so strong that only a son and grandson like the prince of the Qing Dynasty can suppress her, and for so many years, the crown prince has always taken her by his side, and the emperor often Tell me some news about them, and I can hear that they are very happy.

So, why do I still have to worry about it? It seems that the day appeared in front of my eyes, under the sun and the fragrance of ink, she raised her head and smiled brightly at me, and I also smiled slightly.

Until a few days ago, they returned to Beijing again, and then she returned to the Guerjia Mansion to recognize her ancestors and return to her clan, and then married the prince. I stood among the officials and listened to their whispers.

"Why is the crown princess so similar to the eldest princess?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how old is the eldest princess, how can she be so young?"

"But the prince is also very young."

"That's true, but the eldest princess and the crown prince are siblings..."

"So how could it be the eldest princess? I'm afraid it's because His Royal Highness has been taken care of by the eldest princess since he was a child, so he found someone who looks like her..."

I secretly thought it was funny, but suddenly a light flashed in the corner of my eye, I turned my head, and suddenly found Zhang Tingyu, the second son of the Zhang family next to me, shed tears at some point, as if he felt my gaze, he looked at me One glance, and then slowly lowered his head, only to see drops of tears falling quickly.

After the ceremony, I saw that he was in a daze all the time. After much deliberation, I still felt that I would follow him so that nothing would happen. However, when I left the palace gate, he unexpectedly met the fourth elder brother again.

I have always been reluctant to get close to the fourth elder brother. This elder brother is too cold-tempered. When he is looked at by that cold gaze, anyone can shudder, but I did not expect that Zhang Tingyu would meet him. Walking together, I followed them quietly, and found that they went to the restaurant to drink.

I stared blankly at the two people drinking wine without saying a word, seeing the light flickering in the corners of their eyes, the past and the past whizzed by, and many things that I didn't understand or care about in the past were all so clear at this moment.

The prince's concern for her, the fourth elder brother's dependence on him, and Zhang Tingyu's marriage proposal.very many.

I carefully backed out, went back to the mansion to sit quietly, and then suddenly laughed. At this moment, I didn't know whether to be proud or funny. The girl I always regarded as my daughter has attracted so many people's hearts. He is a noble man, and suddenly he has some desire to show off.

Yun Hui, do you think that if it were our daughter, would it cause countless heroes to bow down?
Today I was about to leave Qianqingmen, and saw her entering Jingyunmen, she saw me, and smiled brightly at me from a distance, I nodded to her, but my heart was churning with unknown emotions.

Yunhui, Yunhui, if our daughter is still here...

After the wedding, the three of them lived in Yuqing Palace. The emperor has always brought the prince by his side and taught him various political affairs. Terrible speed takes it all.

Then the elder brother and the third elder brother who were no longer young have not stopped, and they have been making small moves these days, but the emperor and him have ignored them all.

I asked the emperor in private, why he didn't act, and the emperor said with a smile: "I will not interfere with their generation's affairs. I am old and don't want to bother so much."

(End of this chapter)

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