The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 258 Seeking to treat each other sincerely

Chapter 258 Seeking to treat each other sincerely (1) ([-])
I was very puzzled, the hospital was helpless, how did such a little girl do it?Then she told me that she had given Baocheng her little jade lock, and I immediately understood.

That little jade lock was locked together with my Ping An lock, so it can be said to be a good thing from the Buddhist family. I have benefited a lot, but I didn't expect that the little girl would be willing to do so.

Although she is still young, she doesn't necessarily know how good this thing is. It's just that a little girl who is greedy for money and knows how to scoop up things all day long will take the initiative to protect the things that never leave her body. She must like Baocheng very much. Since then, I have been relieved to let her visit Baocheng every day, and she has not let me down. With her company, Baocheng has grown up healthily day by day.

And she grew up day by day, her stature grew rapidly, and her temperament became more and more eccentric. Although she spent most of the time with Baocheng every day, the rest of the time must be wandering around. A small person, why is she so mischievous, she is always searched by her servants all over the palace, Huang Mamo and Huang Erniang never blamed her, I wanted to reprimand her, but just opened my mouth, She immediately threw herself on me and acted like a baby, which made me dumbfounded.

Fortunately, she is also very measured, although she is more lively, but the rules are good, but she always likes to pester me and Huang Mamo, such dependence makes me never want to criticize her.

What's more, she is caring and sensible, such a small child, stepped on a stool to make soup and brought it to me, and Baocheng took care of her so well, what else can I say?

Moreover, she is a soft-hearted child. She often sees that servant girl in the palace who has been bullied, and must be taken by her side to protect her. At first, because of the rush to carry her in, there were not enough people around her, but later she came to rescue her. All the people who have died have been filled up. I intend to tell her not to do this, but I don’t care if I think about it. I just let Li Dequan go to the clan mansion and officially record her under Hesheli’s name. , she is my daughter, the princess of the Qing Dynasty, and I will protect her.

She spent more and more time on Baocheng, and Baocheng became more and more dependent on her. Even when she called for someone for the first time when she caught Zhou, it was her sister, so I felt a little awkward for some reason. I don't know if I'm jealous that Baocheng can get her wholehearted care, and let that little girl who used to love to pester me ignore me, or if I'm jealous that she can get Baocheng's reliance so wholeheartedly.

So I often like to torment her, Huang Mamo laughed at me, saying that I was fussing with a child, which made the little girl angry, so there is nothing to coax her.

I thought it was funny when I thought about it, but then I felt a little sad. When I was a child, I was not close to anyone. Huang Ama was naturally impossible. After Er Niang gave birth to me, she was not in good health, and every time I went to see her, I always let her go. I tried to get Huang Ama to come and see her, and the brothers were not too close because of Er Niang's relationship, but Huang Ma was more in awe than closeness.

So when I met these two children who depended on me, I suddenly lost my composure, but I liked them very much. They are my children, and they should be dependent on me. So what if I spoil them a little?

Especially that little girl Mingrong, who spends her days idle and spoiling Baocheng. I'm so busy, but I still have to worry about them. How can I let her relax so much?
Soon, Ma Jia gave birth to her eighth son, who was also healthy.Then I was worried that the Ma Jia family would not be able to protect him, so I thought about taking him to Ningshou Palace. When I told that little girl, she thought I didn't love her, which made me angry and funny, so I agreed. It took a lot of promises to coax her.

It's just that when I went to Niu Hulu's place that night, she cried and begged me to give Changsheng to her to raise. I thought that Ye Bilong still had a little power from Xiaoqiying in his hand, so after thinking about it, I He nodded in response.

Putting Changsheng in the hands of Ma Jia, whose child has not yet learned a lesson, is better than putting it next to Niu Hulu, who is a bit higher, so that Niu Hulu can also calm down and stop stretching his hands around.

I saw that little girl at Baocheng again, so I asked her to take care of Changsheng from time to time. In fact, I also meant to watch a good show. Who in this palace doesn't know that she and Niu Hulu's family don't get along well? To see what she will do.

I thought she would act coquettishly and disagree with me, but I didn't expect that she pouted and peeked at me a few times, but didn't say anything, and actually went to Niu Hulu's place to see Changsheng so bored, I was a little funny And a little happy, after all, this girl still listens to me, I didn't love her for nothing.

What just made me angry was that I put Baocheng in the Qianqing Palace and told everyone clearly that I valued this son-in-law. Unexpectedly, I still had an ignorant feeling to attack Baocheng. Killed a group of slaves, and then ordered people to send several Buddhist scriptures to the concubines in each palace, and asked them to copy the scriptures to pray for the Qing Dynasty.

During the war, I was so busy that I wished I had to sleep, everyone was still so worried, but that girl and Baocheng were good and never troubled me.I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

That day she hurriedly sent someone to look for me, saying that something had happened to the Hongde Hall, and I rushed over after losing the ink brush. As soon as she saw me, she knelt down and apologized. I heard her tell the story again, and asked me carefully Is she a monster? I can't help but sigh secretly. She is blessed. People with sensitive five senses are ordinary people. They are rare in a hundred years. I didn't expect to be born on her body. She is in the palace because of this. Going out, without my protection, I don't know what will happen.

I wanted to tell her not to speak out, but she still didn't open her mouth. She is so afraid that she is a monster now. If I say that again, she will be even more afraid. Just think about it. It's not a bad thing anyway. , so I just comforted her, and then went to investigate this matter thoroughly.

It's the Niu Hulu family again, damn it!I couldn't help but raised the cup and wanted to smash it down, but then slowly put it down, Ye Bilong, I really can't keep you anymore, let's speed up the plan.

A long time later, when those two children were traveling abroad, I would often think of their appearance when they were young, and I would often ask myself, didn’t I say that I should not believe anyone?Why do you subconsciously pamper and trust them.

Especially that little girl who is ghostly and ghostly, she doesn't stop every day, she knows how to play with Baocheng all day long, and even came to greet me in a hurry, the two siblings stick together all day long , I don’t care about everything else, it really makes me feel very intrusive.

At this time, the situation in San Francisco is getting more and more serious. When Wu Sangui wrote a letter pretending to resign, I knew I had to make a choice. When Huang Ama collapsed, Wu Sangui marched northward Entering the sacrifice, and the governors of Yun and Gui are all controlled by him. The annual salary of Yunnan alone is close to 2000 million, plus the transportation payment of Guangdong and Fujian, it is more than [-] million per year, resulting in more than half of the annual wealth being spent on San Francisco.

(End of this chapter)

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