The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 262 Seeking to Treat Each Other Sincerely

Chapter 262 Seeking to treat each other with sincerity ([-])

I can't risk my life.

She went to see Chang Ning and her biological mother, and when she came back, her expression was calm. I took a closer look at her eyes, which were as flat as a pool of still water, without joy or excitement, just like meeting an ordinary person.

I watched her making fun of the Queen Mother, and smiled slightly.

Later, I heard from Huang Erniang that she asked the little girl how she met Chang Ning.

The little girl just said casually: I said Huangma, don’t say I’m not filial, it’s better to be kind than to raise kindness. Ukuma, Huangma, and Huang’ama treated me so well, and I missed them again. do what?What's more, Huang Ama put so much effort into asking me to visit them. I'm afraid that one day he will despise me.

I smiled knowingly.

She is a good person, and Baocheng was well taken care of by her, and I also knew that what he said to me when he came here was inspired by her, but I still praised him, seeing the joy in his eyes, I also Very happy.

I like that these two children treat me like Ama, not as the lord of a country, like Baoqing who trembles and shrinks when he sees me. I am not a tiger or a lion. Is it so scary?

When it was my birthday, I organized a big event according to Huang Mamo's request.

At the banquet, Wu Changzai was diagnosed as pregnant, and it has been four months. I listened to the congratulatory voices from the courtiers, and smiled lightly.

The court lady who bumped into the little girl, I watched her pretend for a month, from Chengqian Palace to Jingren Palace, she was very persevering, but she only wanted to be in the top position, probably never knew that, in fact, she sometimes did A concubine is not as good as being a court lady, especially if she is not favored, anyone can spoil it.

I doted on her as she wished, and then I forgot about her. Today, she made a head start, but she only wanted to use this to invite favors, but she didn't know that I didn't like it at all. Four months, Good scheming and good means, if such a person is in the position, he can get Niu Hulu to come down earlier.

Her current status is too low to raise a child, and both the queen and the imperial concubine are hanging below their knees, but it would be too powerful for the empress to raise another child, so it is best to give it to the imperial concubine.

The next day I deliberately turned over Tong's brand, and sure enough, she began to cry as soon as she arrived at Jingren Palace. What she said was nothing more than regret for not being able to conceive an heir so far and coveting for the child in Wu Ya's womb. He sneered, but coaxed her on his face, and then pretended to think for a while before answering her.

Afterwards, she began to protect the Wuya family who lived in the side hall, and the Niu Hulu family also reacted belatedly, and came to beg me. I didn't want to show my impatience at first, but in the end I still He couldn't help scolding her.

For Ye Bilong's sake?Hmph, I'm the king of a country, and he's just a courtier, yet he let me look at him for his sake. What is he trying to do? Are you looking for death?

Niu Hulu is not easy to be reconciled, even after being reprimanded by me, she still did not give up, and always tried to get close to Wu Ya, but unfortunately she is not smart, otherwise she would not know, the more diligent she is, the more Wu Ya Will you avoid her more?

I also occasionally go to Wu Ya's place to sit. First, she has become a gentle and gentle look. Although I don't particularly like her, it is true that the place is clean; second, I also want to show my respect for her. The attention of her sons and the concern for the Wu Ya family gave her more confidence when forming a balance with the Niu Hulu and Tong families.

Three times, it is also for the sake of An Wuya's heart, so that she can give birth to the child smoothly. Although she is just a coat, I have too few offspring now, and I can tolerate one or two more. Just beat Niu Hulu, don't think about things that don't belong to her.

However, Mrs. Niu Hulu obviously didn't notice my beating, so I sneered a little, but it's okay to think about it, how long can she stay in the queen's position, what do I care about with her?
As I expected, after Wu Ya's birth in October, I made a decree to hug the little elder brother to Tong's family, and also made Wu Ya's concubine by leapfrogging. As soon as the imperial decree came out, Niu Hulu's family didn't have long started to get sick.

And I also secretly gave Tong a sterilization drug.

The Tong family is my mother's family, and I am not a person who does not miss the old love, but now the Tong family is more publicized in the previous dynasty, and this time because I suppressed the queen, I will give my younger brother to Tong's adoption, Tong The clan is more presumptuous.

I didn't say much, I just took a look in the direction of Jingren Palace, I gave you the child as you wished, then you don't want to have it yourself.

This cousin who grew up with me has become unrecognizable at some point, perhaps because she was destined to enter the palace and was cultivated by the Tong family. The slap was a little lighter, but I didn't expect that it would cause trouble later.

It's just that I don't have the time to think about it now.

The eldest son, Baoqing, turned six years old this year and moved into the elder brother's office. I didn't particularly like this eldest son, but I didn't particularly dislike him either. I was brought up by the Minister of the Interior, so I have nothing more than a normal father-son relationship with him, and I really don't like the way he shows timidity when he sees me.

But I didn't expect that such a timid child in front of me would look quite different in front of Baocheng.

I stood there watching for a long time that day, I have been there since he scolded Baocheng angrily, I listened to his words and wanted to step forward to scold him, but my figure didn’t move, he clearly found me, his voice was stuck, The body also moved slightly, and then the voice suddenly became quieter. I didn't hear what he said, only saw that after he said it, Baocheng was irritated by him.

Is there anything else I don't understand when I see this?
It's just that when I was disappointed, I still reprimanded Baocheng. I looked at Baocheng's astonished eyes, my expression remained unchanged, and punished him severely. He was really well protected, so little Small tricks can actually calculate him, what's the use of me wanting such a prince?

It’s not bad for me to pay attention to brothers and friends, but I pay more attention to the difference between superiority and inferiority. As the crown prince of the Qing Dynasty, I was bullied by a bald elder brother and still acted generously. After surviving here, how can he secure his position in the future, how can he suppress his ministers to govern the world?If such a person inherits the great rule, why not become a puppet controlled by the courtiers?
After Baocheng was fined by me, I saw him go to Xisan Office to look for the girl. I was a little worried that the girl would coax her, but I didn't expect that girl to stop all protection for Baocheng in the following days. Standing down, he watched Baocheng suffer with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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