The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 270 Seeking to treat each other sincerely

Chapter 270 Seeking to treat each other sincerely (1) ([-])
The child Xiaosi, ever since the little girl liberated him from the Jingren Palace from the Tong family, has been fond of Mingrong. I saw him once with my own eyes. He smiled faintly at Mingrong and looked back. Seeing Xiao Wu, his face quickly turned to the ground again. The rapid change of face really made me laugh.

But although this kid has a stern face, he is also very kind to Xiaowu and the others. I heard that he often teaches Xiaowu how to read. I guess he is probably afraid of being used as a gun again. Thinking about it, I feel sorry for him , so he was allowed to ride in the same car with that girl Mingrong.

After arriving in Rehe, I deliberately asked Mingrong to get in touch with Bandi. Our Manchurian aunts want to be refreshing, so it’s not okay to be coddled. Knowing to save face for Bandi seems to be satisfied, so I feel relieved.

Let’s just say, my eyesight is actually pretty good.

When Bandi greeted me, he also proposed to invite that girl to go out for a horse race. I smiled and nodded, but I didn't expect that those brats would make trouble. I listened to several boys taking turns to stop her every day With Bandi, it's time to watch a play.

I also understand what they do. Originally, a sister who cared a lot about her, suddenly got a forehead, and after getting married, all the attention was put on the forehead. Who would be able to balance it?I'm not balanced either. In the future, that girl Mingrong will live outside the palace, so how can she bring me soup and food every day?

So I didn't stop those boys at all, just let them torment the class to their heart's content, it happened to be a test for him, if this obstacle can't be overcome, how can we protect that girl Ming Rong in the future?
So knowing that I drove back to Beijing, Ban Di's stunned head just couldn't be alone with Ming Rong. I was really amused when I heard the report from the secret guard. Even Bao Qing, who had always been against Bao Cheng, was pulled over. How could Ban Di succeed, but that Ban Di was not angry at all, and would go to Ming Rong to report every day, just by looking at her a few times, he would be able to giggle all day long.

Although I think Ban Di is a little unintelligent, but fortunately he is not stupid, and it is easy to handle if he is unintelligent, especially looking at him like that, he is clearly interested in that girl.In this way, I will feel relieved.

On the way back to Beijing, I was really happy, but I didn't expect to be assassinated. Although I was injured a little in the end, I was quickly saved by that girl. On the day I woke up, Huang Mamo and I was talking about going to the harem these days, and at the end I sighed, that girl Mingrong is really my lucky star in the Qing Dynasty, I heard from the group of wastes in the imperial hospital that the poison you have is not easily cured It's open.

I didn't speak, just smiled softly. I knew this a long time ago. She is blessed and can bring blessings to those around her.

Under her treatment, I recovered very quickly, but the leader of the hidden guard reported to me that there was some turmoil in all aspects of the situation, and his words hesitated, so I frowned involuntarily.

According to him, it seems that all forces have been spied on, or more seriously, restricted, but after careful investigation from the inside to the outside, there is no clue, so he wants me to make a decision.

I was silent for a while, and asked him to clean up all the suspects, re-select people from all walks of life, and then select innocent people for training.

I don't know who has such a great ability, who can find out most of my power and restrain it?A series of lists quickly flashed through my mind, and it seemed that, some rebels everywhere, it was time to clean up.

It was Baocheng who brought me the clue at the end. He found the shadow of the Mongols among the assassins. After tracing it, he actually had some connection with the Junggar [-]st Division. I looked at his tired and pale face, and my eyes were clear. With anger and fear in his heart, he sighed softly.

I have always known that Baocheng is smart and hardworking. It seems that as long as the children Mingrong takes care of, they all grow up very well, healthy, smart, and lively. Baocheng is, Xiaowu is, and even Xiaosi later After being by her side in the past few years, his whole body is no longer as pale and weak as before in Jingren Palace.

On the other hand, the few who are not very close to Ming Rong, Baoqing was raised by the Minister of Internal Affairs, needless to say, the others such as Xiaoqi and Xiaoba are all thin and weak, and they are timid when they see me The timid, the respectful are very alienated.

Seeing that Xiao Shisan had already been born, the little girl who never liked to go to various palaces went to visit Zhang Jia's and gave her a little jade bead, which looked plain and unpretentious, but I know, how could this girl give away something casually, the less eye-catching something in her hand, the more extraordinary its origin.

I guess that the person who passed away in Tan Tuo Temple was actually ascended, and has always been in contact with this little girl, but I guess she also told this little girl not to tell me, so this girl sometimes looks at me with apologies I didn't care too much about the eyes.

Those people can't interfere in the mortal world. I am very satisfied to be able to help me again and again through the little girl, and the Qing Dynasty is my country after all, so I naturally have to take corresponding responsibilities. To rely on others, then what use is that chair for me?
I also had the idea of ​​asking that girl to take care of Xiao Shisan, but she refused, and I didn't make it difficult for her. I know that there are other reasons why she can take care of Xiao Si and Xiao Wu more. , being able to send something to Xiao Shisan is already taking care of him.

In a few days, I issued an edict to Baocheng to leave the court. Looking at my tall, graceful and smiling son-in-law, I sighed again in my heart, the child has really grown up, and so has the girl.

So during the New Year's Eve, I made an edict to give the little girl a marriage. The forehead is the first-class Taijibandi. Seeing her receive the imperial edict and bow gracefully, I snorted softly and reminded her to quickly build the princess mansion. Otherwise, I will not spare her if she loses my face at that time.

She pouted, and then reluctantly replied, "I know." I curled the corners of my mouth slightly.

It's just that I never thought that I paved the way for her to lead to stability and happiness one day, but one day it would be destroyed.

Sometimes I feel very angry when I think about it, and then I am very tired. When will those women be able to settle down?

Wu Yashi!
It's really not enough to quell my anger even if I kill him with a thousand cuts and a thousand cuts.

I know that Tong Shi is secretly drugging her, but I also acquiesced in the first place. As for Wu Yashi, I was the pawn I raised to balance Niu Hulu and Tong. Now that Niu Hulu is gone, Tong's disease No, it's useless if I want her.

It is precisely because of this that, in the bottom of my heart, I still can't justify the tacit approval of Tong's poisoning her, so when she begged to see her, I hesitated or passed, but I didn't expect that Wu Ya's so bold, she would dare to I'm drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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