The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 276 Seeking to treat each other sincerely

Chapter 276 Seeking to treat each other sincerely (3) ([-])
I thought about it and decided to keep her. I called Baocheng to tell him. He seemed very surprised, but it was just embarrassing that he had already answered Ming Rong. I waved him to go back and decided to go He told Ming Rong about it.

But I didn't expect that before I had time to speak, she came to the door by herself. I listened to her excited words, heard her happy for helping me, and looked at me with bright eyes. Dodged in embarrassment.

What should I do?What should I do?Why did she go this far?
Girl, girl, what do you want Huang Ama to do?You, who have been well-behaved and caring since childhood, why did you give Huang Ama such a big problem?

I clenched my fingers tightly, opened my mouth to allow her, and watched her kneel down, her light figure swayed from the bright yellow curtain, and then disappeared.I closed my eyes, and the tears couldn't help but fall down, my little girl...

She rushed away for thousands of miles, and I sent a dark guard to follow her, and within a few days, the dark guard told me that her martial arts were not much lower than Baocheng, and she found the dark guard, so I only let the dark guard far away. Stare from afar, just make sure she doesn't go to Taiwan to find a guarantee, and don't worry too much about the rest.

For four years, I missed Baocheng, but I missed her even more. I looked at the letter she handed me, the news reported by the hidden guards around her, and the thank-you notes handed to me by various Mongolian ministries, and I felt a sense of indifference in my heart. Joy and guilt and panic.

Girl, girl, don't like Baocheng, okay?As long as you only treat him as your younger brother, Huang Ama will always dote on you, okay?good or not?
In August 33, Huang Ma was gone.

It was a very normal morning, I just woke up when there was noise outside, I frowned and was about to ask what was going on, when Li Dequan hurried in and fell to his knees suddenly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Something happened to the Queen Mother!"

For a moment, I didn't even quite understand what he meant, I was stunned for a moment, and immediately walked towards the Palace of Compassion and Ning.

When I arrived, the imperial physician had already arrived. Seeing me go in, they all knelt down silently. My heart quickly sank into the bottomless abyss.

No disease, no pain, and die.

I stood by the bed and looked at Huang Mama's calm and even smiling face. My heart was numb. She just passed away in a dream, relaxed and natural. I should be happy for her. She is already in her early eighties. She returned to Changshengtian's embrace without a bit of pain, but she left so unhesitatingly that I didn't even see her for the last time.

I should be happy for her, but I am still in pain. The elder who raised me and educated me has finally gone. I have complained about her strictness to me, feared her strictness to me, and respected her. Iron fist, but at this moment, I suddenly discovered that I love her too, so deeply, but I never dared to show it in front of her, because she told me not to believe anyone.

However, it wasn't until she left that I began to regret why I never told her that I not only respected and loved her elders and respected the strict teacher, but also loved and trusted her.

I used to take this as a warning. I respected her and the Queen Mother. I thought that as the emperor, what I did was good enough. When she left, I realized that it was not enough, not enough, far away. not enough.I gave her the supreme honor of being the empress dowager, but I didn't give her the caring and caring as a family member. In fact, I did too little.

And the girl who had the same thoughts as me also came back half a month later. I heard the servant report that she went straight to the Compassion Ning Palace as soon as she came back, then passed out, and my heart was empty.

In the evening, she came to see me.

After four years, I finally saw her again. She didn't change much, but she seemed to be thinner than when she left four years ago, her complexion was not good, and her eyes were slightly red and swollen.

She came over and fell silently on my lap, and I knew she was comforting me, or both of us, in her way.She is so close like when I was a child, it still makes me feel sad.

Baocheng is coming back too, girl, please don't let me down.I've lost a loved one and I don't want to lose you again.

But I am still disappointed. I never feel more that Lan Jing's ill intentions towards Ming Rong are beneficial. There was a trace of panic, and then he reacted and threw himself into my arms.

There was a burning pain in my heart, and a fishy smell rushed up my throat, which I swallowed forcefully.

I don't even know how I got to Qianqing Palace, all I know is that I'm really disappointed.

For my love for them, for my trust in them, for my expectation of them.

Everything I gave them was let down by them!
Since I was sensible, I have been walking so firmly, crossing mountains and ridges, overcoming thorns and thorns, and I have never wanted to give up. I always firmly believe that there will only be better things in the future. Even if I am extremely tired and tired, I will work hard persist in.

Then at this moment, I just felt that I was trapped in a fog, and I couldn't seem to find my direction. I felt powerless and bewildered like never before.

Every day, she brought soup as before. After I saw her once, I didn't want to see her. I dared not and didn't want to see the clarity and clarity between her brows and eyes. She and Baocheng were hiding from me so much How could she still look at me so honestly, why should she?
I suddenly had the idea of ​​destroying her. Once this idea came together, I couldn't stop it anymore. I hated them for hiding from me, hated them for betraying my trust, and hated her looking at me with an innocent look!
I asked her to bring the child to me, and then watched her trembling in panic, then knelt down and begged me, the last bit of luck in my heart was broken, I tried to maintain the surface as if nothing had happened After entering the second room, I couldn't help but tremble slightly.

I forced her, why not force myself.

I don't allow myself to avoid it anymore, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, they procrastinate and refuse to face it, but I can't.

I have thought many times what they will look like when they confess to me, and I have also thought many times that that child may not be guaranteed, but until the moment I saw that child, I thought I had fallen into love. The bottom of the cliff fell down again.

So similar looks.

At that moment, I suddenly calmed down. That child's clever appearance was very similar to his Ama'eniang's appearance when he was a child. When I think about it again, it makes me hate it!
I kept silent and tried to suppress the anger surging from the bottom of my heart, but failed in the end. I couldn't help but picked up the inkstone and smashed it hard. I looked at the red and white face of the child, and deliberately ignored the flash of that moment. stinging, swearing sharp and hurtful words, driving them all away.

(End of this chapter)

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