The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 281 Yin Qi's Extra Story

Chapter 281 Yin Qi's Extra Story (3)
She took us to go horse riding together, and then met the eldest and the third child at the stable, and I knew it was happening again.

After the next game, nothing happened. I was really surprised, something was wrong, how could it be possible that there was no frame, no tampering?Then Lan Jing kept trying to compete with her sister, so I immediately became vigilant, I said, it turns out that they are not fighting among themselves today, but want to plot against my sister, huh, dreaming!

Lan Jing was confused, she started arguing in front of Nagarzang, and then the marriage was over. I stood carefully in the dark, listening to the third child reprimanding Lan Jing, asking her why she was so Stupid, I can't do anything well, there are many opportunities to deal with my sister, so I use it to make a fuss in front of the Mongolian prince?He also ruined his marriage.

Lan Jing was not convinced: "Didn't Chunxi give the marriage to Mongolia first, and then Mongolia retired, so Huang Ama chose her forehead in the capital?"

Only after I heard this did I understand that Lan Jing originally had this idea, but her reputation in the capital is even worse than in Mongolia. As long as she has a higher status, who would want to marry her? Really I thought I was a good one.

Then the third brother was silent for a while, changed the subject, and asked Lan Jing to inform Master Zhaojia, her grandfather, to send someone to Yangzhou to check the situation there. It's a crime, but one Chen Ning was left behind, and the situation has not been found out yet.

Lan Jing said again: "You can just ask Chunxi and you will know. Didn't she just come back from Yangzhou?"

The third brother immediately became a little angry, "Who is going to ask? You ask? You don't know that she has a good relationship with the prince? She will tell us the truth? Even if she has a bad relationship with the prince and us, it's not you , I can’t do anything well, it’s fine if I don’t have a good relationship with her, but now I’m still fighting with her like this. Also, didn’t you say that you messed with Yinfei’s saddle in the morning, why didn’t you move? How did you do things?”

"Then you brought the snow next to her to the capital, doesn't it mean that she doesn't know anything?"

"Know that you are still needed? Anyway, you have to find a way..."

Here it goes again, I'm too lazy to listen to it, what's the point of doing this trick and that trick all day long?
Either I crushed your business, or you impeached officials under my influence. I remember last time that Mingzhu was impeached by the third brother, but it was Huang Ama who really made the decision. Can't see clearly?The third brother was still so complacent, and he cut off the elder brother's arm, but what benefit did he get?

Did Huang Ama abolish the second brother and make him the prince?

Speaking of the second brother, I feel that the fourth brother and the second brother are a bit alike now. They follow behind my sister all day long, and look at her with the same eyes as the second brother, but it is a little more subtle. There is also a sister. Happy, did you get bullied by your second brother when you were in Yangzhou?
So I decided to take my sister out often to relax.

After returning to Beijing, one day, I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Huang Ama. I had never seen Huang Ama in a daze before, but this horrifying scene actually appeared before my eyes. He held his breath for fear of waking him up.

Then I discovered that the way he looked at his sister had also changed. I couldn't understand the meaning in his eyes, but I knew it was different. Before when he saw his sister, there would be a slight smile in his eyes , but now it's all pitch black, bottomless.

I carefully observed his changes, and found that the closer the second brother came back, the more anxious his mood became. When the second brother came back, he was no longer anxious, but more silent, which made it difficult to see through. People are afraid.

I couldn't figure it out, so I told my second brother all this in private, he pondered for a while, then patted my shoulder, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's because of Junggar's trouble again, don't be afraid, second brother Brother is here."

I had a hunch that what he said was wrong, but it was true that what he said made me feel at ease, and I really let go of it, although for several days, when I went to pay my respects to Huang Mama, I saw Huang Ama silent Sitting on the lower side of Huang Mamo's head.

Years later, as the second brother said, Junggar began to jump again, and then Huang Ama took the eldest brother and the second brother to the conquest, and the elder sister also acted as a military doctor.

Neither the third brother nor the fourth brother could follow. The third brother was so angry that he attacked the influence of the eldest brother in Beijing. For example, one day the members of the Nala clan went to drink flower wine together, and then they were impeached as expected. Zhezi All the way to the hands of Huang Ama who personally conquered, for example, one day, all the scholars jointly sued the Yiergenjueluo clan for killing the people, disturbing the public security of the capital, and so on.

The third brother has more prestige among literati, and only this kind of hands and feet can move, but he doesn't dare to be too arrogant now, because the little tricks of the fourth brother were discovered by the eldest brother and the third brother somehow.

Think about it, the two people who were fighting happily, suddenly found that there were people from the fourth brother in their respective camps who were fanning the flames. The feeling is simply indescribable.

Then these two people will fight each other while guarding against the fourth brother, and the fourth brother will respond to all changes without changing his face. The blows made the two of them flustered and overwhelmed.

Soon, news came from the front that Ge Erdan was dead, and the entire Junggar army was wiped out. The second brother who made the most contributions was the second brother. I was naturally happy for him. I originally thought about giving him light work when he came back, but I ended up celebrating. The banquet turned into a practical banquet, and he told me that he was leaving again.

I asked if I would take my sister with me?

Probably because my reluctance was too obvious, he laughed, and then said lightly, I don't know yet, it depends on what Huang Ama says.The smile on his lips has not receded, but his eyes drooped, making it hard for me to see what was hidden inside.

When I went back, Huang Mamo asked me, do you want my sister to stay?

I intuitively felt that her question had something to do with Huang Ama's abnormality, but I couldn't figure it out, so I gave her a vague answer, "If my sister can stay, I naturally want her to stay."

Then Huang Mamo followed my words and asked me to ask Huang Ama to keep her sister in the capital tomorrow. I opened my mouth and had no choice but to agree.

Unexpectedly, my sister still failed to stay in the end. I stood at the gate of the palace and looked at her car at the end of the guard of honor. My heart was in a mess. I asked my second brother what was going on, and he just told me to leave it alone, but... ...I looked sideways at the fourth brother beside me, and saw the bottomless blackness in his eyes.

In 32, on the second day of my wedding, when Fujin helped me get dressed, I saw the emotion in her eyes when she looked at me, and suddenly felt struck by lightning. On the edge of the bed, I didn't hear anything Fujin said.

(End of this chapter)

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