call red alert

Chapter 531

Chapter 531
When Xu Tian and Laura rushed into the coverage of the forest in the air, all the black trees suddenly danced their branches and leaves, emitting a dark light, all of them came alive, moved at high speed, and formed a mysterious magic array. All other existence of light is swallowed by darkness.

"Damn it, right? Nothingness and darkness, the domain of God."

Xu Tian received the memory of this field in the fragments of the law. As soon as he found out that something was wrong, he released the metal field immediately, so that he was not swallowed by the darkness. However, the field was continuously suppressed and shrunk to 20 meters, which put him under a lot of pressure. Do your best to resist this erosion.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, his thoughts flashed, and he quickly came up with an answer that was close to the truth.

"This is the world of Diablo back then. Could it be that Diablo has been resurrected? It shouldn't be, the Mother Goddess World Tree won't let there be gods in this world, otherwise it would be meaningless to select and kill the sons of God. The only possibility is All of this is controlled by the Mother Goddess World Tree, and Diablo was also conceived by her, so controlling the power of darkness is not a problem at all, rub it, and be fooled."

Knowing that this time was full of danger, Xu Tian was very worried about Laura being by his side. He threw out the wheel of space and combined with the wheel of time circling around Laura, turning it into a ring of time and space, firmly locking onto the ten-meter-circle Time passed, holding Laura in his arms.

"Go, Laura."

Exploding more than [-]% of the majestic spiritual power, Xu Tian activated the fundamental ability of the ultra-artifact Ring of Time and Space, and time went backwards. He wanted to go back to the time before the two of them entered the sky forest, but he was shocked to find that the entire void and darkness seemed to be solid. One body, the law of time doesn't work at all, teleporting through space for a dozen times, the result is all in darkness, no one knows how far it has advanced, and another layer of mental power is consumed.

"Laura, you've been calculated thoroughly this time, and it seems that you can't do it any better. Come on, lean your forehead over."

In order to let himself have no worries, Xu Tian scratched the center of his eyebrows and drew a drop of blood on Laura's forehead, re-establishing the summoning relationship with Laura.

Laura and Xu Tian had the same mind, knew what he was thinking, gave a concerned look, and flew into the door of summoning obediently.

Seeing Laura successfully enter the summoning space, Xu Tian felt relieved.

Since Xu Tian was promoted to a holy rank summoner, he can modify some of the summoning rules. He felt that he survived a few times before and almost caused the death of everyone in the base, so he took the initiative to cancel the summoning relationship with them and all the main base vehicles. The impact of the summoning contract on everyone, so that even if you have any accidents, everyone in the base can continue to exist and develop the base.

You must know that the azure star is ten or twenty times larger than the earth, and the dark forest covers a vast area, only smaller than the storm ocean, and larger than the entire earth. It surrounds the crimson fortress, and wants to enter the crimson The fortress, only through the dark forest, is based on this, here to deal with yourself
Xu Tian took the initiative to reduce the domain to a range of one meter covering himself. Spiritual power is the root of the existence of the domain. It is related to the solidification and size of the domain. With 6% of the mental power removed, only the domain can fight against the domain. If you want not to be dark For ablation, consumption must be reduced.

This time, a little golden light, like a faint candlelight in the darkness, may be extinguished at any time.

"Your sister, I have experienced many battles, I will be afraid that you will fail, time and space domain, come out."

Although I haven't fully grasped the super-artifact Ring of Time and Space, it is still possible to inspire a little power. Xu Tian doesn't believe that this dark realm is a complete version of the Dark God Realm, otherwise there will only be the instinctive power of darkness erosion, all kinds of power. Attacks have already come one after another. The domain that Diablo has tempered for tens of thousands of years has evolved into a world that owns everything in the world. This single formed metal domain of mine will be broken in just a few strokes.

A beam of light intertwined with silver-gray and milky-white rays cut through the darkness, and was swallowed by the darkness in an instant, but Xu Tian still saw a ray of moonlight.

"Ha, let me just say, it's still useful, and then, I don't believe it can't be broken."

It doesn't take much energy to just stimulate the natural space-time domain of the super artifact itself. The space-time domain collides with the dark god domain in various shapes such as blades, arcs, and crescents.

Mechanically waving the ring of time and space in his hand, and under the Tai Chi Heaven and Man Unity, his spiritual power recovered to a seven or eighty-eight degree, but Xu Tian couldn't be happy at all.

"My lord, the space-time domain shouldn't have any effect if it's weak, it's the ultimate power of the universe."

Depressed Xu Tian naturally did not know that the power of time and space is indeed the ultimate power of the universe, but they cannot be seen or touched, and they can only be sensed, while the entire universe is shrouded in darkness. Darkness is everywhere, and light can only exist with the help of darkness, and it only exists in a relatively narrow range. It is the most extensive existence in the world, and it can completely compete with the power of time and space.

Under the layout of the Mother Goddess, the disputes among the gods continued to fall and disappear completely, but in the dark forest there was a ray of Diablo's consciousness, which had the possibility of resurrection and gave birth to countless monsters. This shows how amazing the strength of Diablo is. I'm afraid that she already has the strength to fight against the mother god, in order not to let everything go out of control, which led to the mother god's many calculations to start the era of the falling god.

The super artifact is conceived by the origin of the universe. If it is in its full glory, it is not weaker than Diablo. Unfortunately, it has been separated for tens of thousands of years, and the origin is damaged. The core power is still simulated by the origin of water and fire. It is not pure in itself, and it can be broken there. Dark God Realm.

"Mother God, you old monster, don't you want to trap me to death and drive me crazy, but is it possible? I have a beautiful woman by my side. Laura came out to watch the fireworks."

Many experiments failed. Although Xu Tian was worried about the base, he had nothing to do and could only sit back and enjoy the pain.


A grizzly bear tank was thrown from the gate of summoning, and with the brief blessing of the summoning power, it was instantly detonated, and a group of bright fireworks bloomed in the dark domain of God.

With a beautiful woman in his arms, Xu Tian also gained experience in playing fireworks. He condensed the thunder and lightning storm into a tree shape. Grizzly bear and rhinoceros tanks were hung on the tree. He thought the explosion was not big enough and not good-looking enough. A large number of C4 , torpedoes, Patriot missiles, intercontinental cruise missiles, etc. were hung on the tanks one after another, and the thunder tree was wrapped in the field of time and space, sent into the air, and detonated.

Gorgeous and beautiful patterns such as peony, heart-to-heart, heart-piercing, two people's heads, etc. were engraved in their minds under the control of the two and became a beautiful memory.

Looking at Laura's delicate and flowery face, Xu Tian flashed the idea of ​​killing her, but the moment is not a happy scene, there is a possibility of being underestimated, and the timing is not right.

The two of them had a great time playing, Xu Tian thought complacently,

"Ha, if the mother god sees it, I don't know if she will be pissed off, haha."

When he got excited about playing, Xu Tian sacrificed layers of circles made of thousands of tanks, and the two of them were in the middle. When the fire was lit, under the control of mental power, the flames burned in an orderly manner, and a flower was burning Laura, who was in it, was moved by the colorful flame lotuses, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes.

Xu Tian's heart moved, and he kissed Laura's seductive lips, and Laura closed her eyes cooperatively.

Suddenly, holy white light poured out to purify the darkness.

A head came in, saw the scene in front of me, and was out of breath, with white hair and beard trembling, "You little bastard, how much effort did you spend to break through this field, but you are here .”

Hearing the familiar voice, Xu Tian didn't even raise his head, and said in a calm manner, "You old bastard, you are your uncle, you spoil my good deeds, you want me to be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

Although the two of them kept cursing, their eyes were full of joy. In mid-air, the two chests collided heavily, making a loud bang.

"Comrade Magic Stick, how do you know I'm trapped here?" Xu Tian asked happily while looking at Selsey, who was also a teacher and friend in front of him.

"Hey, you all said that I am a magic stick. The magic stick knows everything and is omnipotent. Okay, this is not a place for chatting. After a while, the [-] realizes that we can't get there. Leave here first, hold on to me ” Selsey laughed, stretching out his hand and pulling a white light, rushing outward at an electric speed, wherever he passed, the dark power melted and retreated.

Seeing the white light constantly shrinking and pulling him forward at high speed, it rushed out of the air forest in a blink of an eye. Everything around his body was crystallizing. He frowned and was puzzled, "Light power? It's not like that, but it has the ability to approach the speed of light, and only light has this characteristic, but the light speed ability is not mastered by even the Goddess of Light. This involves time and space. Law, hey, there seems to be other forces in it."

Out of curiosity, he exuded a trace of spiritual power. As soon as he touched it, his spirit melted, and pictures came out one after another. All the scenes on the earth from his childhood to his adulthood all emerged. Xu Tian's body shook, and he blurted out, "Fate, this Is it the power of fate, does the river of fate really exist?"

As soon as the words fell, Selsey took away the light of fate, brought the two of them to the ground, looked at them with a smile and said, "Oh, you also know that this is the power of fate, yes, your vision has improved."

Xu Tianzheng wanted to refute a few words, but found himself standing in the middle of a huge basin, looking at the crimson rocks and sudden surprises around him, he said in surprise: "Why did the crimson fortress become like this? It's not that there is a king of beasts sitting in the formation, all of you It’s a demigod-level existence.”

Shocked, he couldn't help worrying about the safety of Uncle Kidz and the others.

Selsey waved his hand, "They're fine, they're suppressing the rioting King of Beasts."

"Uh, the king of beasts is really still alive?"

"Well, when the supreme god left, he left the king of beasts to suppress the luck of the human race, which made the human race develop for thousands of years, until the consciousness of the supreme god in the race war turned into a thunder god to fight for thousands of years, allowing the human race to grow again for thousands of years, but The King of Beasts was severely injured, and could only be used to seal the tribes of the survivors. Unexpectedly, the old woman of the Mother God quietly eroded the King of Beasts, and the central system of the King of Beasts was assimilated. Under our control, it fell into a disorderly runaway, one-third of the parts were robbed by other races, and the human race also participated in it. If the Supreme God is still there, how sad it will be." Saier said with a heavy face.

"What is the tree of the world, the mother god? How do you know that I am in danger? You should tell me everything now!" Xu Tian knew that the answer to the mystery was about to be revealed, and all kinds of things would be answered. As for why he came to this world and how he left, it was impossible for him not to care and not to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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