money and life

Chapter 1 Preface

Chapter 1 Preface
Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), British, recognized as "the originator of modern success studies", "the father of Western success studies", "the father of inspiration and self-help", was praised by later generations including Carnegie "Human Spiritual Mentor".In fact, Smiles' primary identity is not a success scientist, but an outstanding political reformer and moralist.Perhaps because of this, the ideological value contained in his works is beyond the general sense of "success" and has a strong philosophical meaning.

It can be said that Smiles had a profound influence on the modern moral civilization of the West.The most easily identifiable manifestation of this influence is that his works have been sold around the world for more than 100 years and have become life textbooks for young people in Europe and the United States. "Bible"".

On December 1812, 12, Smiles was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. At the age of 23, he began his apprenticeship with a doctor before entering the University of Edinburgh to study medicine.Smiles has rich experience in his life, and has worked as a doctor, businessman, photographer, historian, reporter, editor, social reformer, railway minister, moralist, orator, etc.His rich experience has enabled him to have a deep understanding of the lives of all social strata, and he has a deep feeling for the quality of human nature and the success or failure of life.This laid a solid foundation for his future success creation.

In 1859, Smiles' book "Save Yourself" came out, which immediately aroused strong repercussions.Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, the United States, Japan, Russia and other countries competed for publication and continued to reprint.This book is recognized as the pioneering work of modern success, and Smiles became a professional writer.

In fact, the book "Save Yourself" was originally written to accompany Smiles' speech. Around 1856, Smiles often went to Leeds to give lectures to a group of poor and helpless young people.The location of the lecture was a simple, empty big house, which was originally a temporary ward for the treatment of cholera.In his speech, Smiles tried his best to let this group of confused young people understand that happiness in life depends to a large extent on their own efforts, such as hard work, learning, self-discipline and self-control; Cultivate integrity, honesty, and strictly perform one's duties.

The speeches worked well beyond Smiles' expectations.So he began to organize the content of the speech into words. According to Smiles himself, "after all, books are more widely circulated than spoken words."He decided on the title of the book "Save Yourself", and he felt that "there is no other title that fits the theme better than this one".

"Save Yourself" uses an ancient saying "God helps those who help themselves" throughout. Through specific and vivid examples of celebrities from all walks of life in history, it discusses the philosophy of life, such as diligence, bravery, faith, integrity, and the concept of money, etc., focusing on teaching Young people correctly understand themselves, shape themselves, and improve themselves.

Smiles has written more than 20 books in his life, among which the most widely circulated ones include "Save Yourself", "The Power of Character", "Money and Life" and so on.It mainly discusses success and happiness in life, about conscience, about morality, about freedom and responsibility, etc.After studying the successful people in many countries and fields in history, Smiles found that in human civilization, there are some excellent qualities that have persisted for a long time, which transcend time and region, and constantly lead people to success and happiness.There is no shortcut to success and happiness in life. The most reliable way is to follow the good moral conduct passed down from generation to generation.These morals are simple, but not easy to achieve, and even if they are achieved, they are not easy to maintain.These virtues include hard work, perseverance, self-reliance, honesty and justice, tolerance and kindness, thrift and restraint, etc.These conducts are not only the only way for an individual to achieve success and happiness, but also the only way for a country and nation to achieve prosperity.

To the superficial or quick-snap reader, Smiles's ideas smack of moral banality.However, history has proved that if a person puts aside basic moral character and seeks happiness and success through so-called "shortcuts", the final outcome must be failure.Smiles is a historian, he has read a lot of first-hand materials, and expresses them in concise and clear words, so that the successful people are vividly displayed in front of readers; Come alive in the vivid story.

Smiles' writing style is simple, like a kind soul messenger, deeply touching.Many sentences are as deafening as aphorisms.It is said that an Englishman once visited the palace of the Egyptian ruler Khedive.On the resplendent walls, the British found some proverbs, so they asked Khedive: "Are these proverbs copied from the Koran?" Khedive replied: "No, they come from Smiles..."

The greatest charm of Smiles is not the words, but the content, especially the "pragmatic" aspects of his works.

For example, in "Money and Life", he put himself in the reader's shoes and discussed the relationship between thrift and wealth.Unlike most success books of later generations, Smiles did not passionately advocate "creating wealth", but discussed in a low-key manner how to retain and accumulate wealth through "frugality".For most ordinary people, this idea is undoubtedly more pragmatic, simple and effective.

In Smiles' view, thrift is a duty.Frugality is "putting everything where it is most worthwhile" so that you and your family can have enough food and clothing.There is an earthy sense of duty in thrift, and necessary self-restraint.It should be turned into a daily habit, a way of life, a kind of self-cultivation.

Smiles pointed out that "poverty is because money is not treated well".This sentence may seem unremarkable at first glance, but if we carefully examine the ups and downs of the people around us, we can appreciate the uniqueness and sharpness of the author's perspective.Indeed, a lack of control over money can cause wealth to slip away unknowingly, thereby further losing opportunities to acquire wealth.Smiles reminds us that wealth isn't lost in obvious ways.So we have to be kind to money anytime, anywhere.Smiles recommends some financial processing methods to readers, such as "regular accounting", so as to have a clear understanding of one's consumption tendency and gains and losses, and then formulate better consumption plans through rational analysis.

Smiles' success theory does not pretend to be profound, but to find the way to success through the analysis of daily trivial matters.He guides us to reflect on ourselves and try to restrain negative emotions and inertia. Although it sometimes seems to have a strong puritanical atmosphere, even contemporary readers have to admit that his ideas are effective in real life.For example, Smiles has repeatedly emphasized frugality, even including "emphasis on health" into the category of frugality.He pointed out that people should cherish their health and minimize the loss of their bodies, just like cherishing their money; when they are poor, a little money is very important. precious.

Generally speaking, Smiles's success thought is more about self-seeking, emphasizing morality and conduct.The British "Observer" magazine commented on Smiles: "He has contributed excellent works to the spiritual and moral life of mankind. He reveals to us the goal of life, the purpose of life, and life in a sharp and wise style. The true meaning of life, such as the obedience of life, the passion of life, the power of life, the freedom of conscience, and the greatness of faith, shape and sublimate the fragile natural life given to us by God into a spiritual life with noble character and strong will.” And the United States "Time" emphasized that "while imparting technology to the younger generation, we should never forget: we should also educate them to become men and women with noble ideas, honest and dare to speak the truth; while cultivating their abilities, we should never forget It should be forgotten: they should also cultivate their noble personality." This is the fundamental reason why Smiles' works have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for more than 100 years.

Smiles' works have been in China for many years and have always been highly respected by readers.There are many Chinese translations, good and bad.In order to allow Chinese readers to absorb Smiles' thoughts more accurately and concisely, our version, in addition to strictly following the accurate translation of the original English work, has also appropriately simplified its content.I hope this book can help readers walk more steadily and faster on the road to success.

(End of this chapter)

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