money and life

Chapter 18 Health is the most precious wealth

Chapter 18 Health is the most precious wealth (4)
For example, in the subject of physiology, it is best for every woman to master its knowledge proficiently.The reason is that this subject is closely related to people's lives, no matter men, women or children.After women study physiology, they can better arrange a suitable living environment for their children and create a good family atmosphere for adults, so that every family member has a comfortable and refreshing mood.Now you know why women need to have multi-faceted knowledge, right?If a woman knows little or nothing about the laws of life, the child is harmed and even killed.If parents have a certain understanding of health knowledge and nutrition, the survival rate of children will be greatly increased, and the living environment of children will be greatly improved.

These things are some small things in daily life. Paying attention to these information can make life far away from diseases and disasters, but many people still turn a blind eye to them, leading to things that they regret.And the consequences of these things are devastating, and we have to swallow the bitter fruit of our own making.The society has always blinded people's eyes and tied people's hands and feet. Things that could have been done easily have been ignored by people, and severe consequences have followed.After understanding these principles, we should start to pay attention to the small but significant things in life, and prevent more innocent people from sacrificing for them.

Among the abilities that women must have, diligence and thrift cannot be forgotten.Perhaps some housewives do not have income from work, but their families need living expenses.Therefore, it is very necessary for housewives to learn how to calculate and calculate carefully.There are bound to be some who object and say, "It's no use for a housewife to learn math." Hopefully those people will change their minds, especially men, and when they get married they will know that their wives know math importance.If a housewife does not know how to calculate, she will not be able to arrange and record the income and expenditure of the family economy. It will not take long for her to create a series of troubles: the income will be spent in a short time; Expenses; after finishing one end, there are problems on the other end.The daily life of the family has also been disrupted.The result of not being able to make ends meet is to constantly borrow money from others, which will increase the husband’s burden and affect his mood. Heavy work will also affect his health. Once the husband collapses, the whole family will also fall into desperation.

Cooking and Family Health

Household chores have a lot of content and many things to pay attention to, so you may not be able to finish them all in one day and one night. Among them, cooking is the most interesting.People should let their children learn admirable cooking skills from an early age, especially when training women, they must not forget this aspect of education.Many families have conflicts because of cooking. The ingredients bought at high prices are turned into unpalatable and ugly garbage because of unskilled cooking techniques. It is really wasteful.Unpalatable meals can cause discord in an otherwise beautiful family and cause couples to break up.

Among the many kinds of labor, the labor that serves food production accounts for the majority.The working people and the bourgeoisie exhaust themselves in the production of all kinds of food.Planting, cultivating and harvesting grains, raising cattle, sheep and livestock, these labors are directly related to the basic life of people all over the world.Humans cannot survive without food.Rice, wheat, corn, beans, and various meats are transported layer by layer, and finally reach the hands of housewives, who cook them and turn them into delicious food for family members to enjoy.So what kind of cooking methods do they use to make food?Have they seriously learned to cook?Know how to cook?In today's society, people don't pay enough attention to cooking, many cooking methods are no longer known, and people don't bother to think about new methods.

The work of the workers requires a lot of physical strength, but if their wives do not know how to cook, most of the nutrients in the food cannot be absorbed by the body, then the physical strength of the workers cannot be fully displayed, and the hunger and fullness of the meal will make the workers feel full. Their life and work are in a state of instability.What if the workers make the food by hand?It's not much better than his wife's craftsmanship, because they also have a half-knowledge about the combination and cooking methods of things.

This phenomenon is also very common in middle-class families.A scholar once said: "If you are lucky enough to have a meal at their home, you will find that their life is far from as good as you imagined: the food makes people lose their appetite when they look at it, so they have to throw it all away, which is not delicious. hungry people are in a bad mood. Husbands complain about their wives angrily, and if they don't get angry, they go to drink and fill their stomachs with wine. Now we can see that not only food is wasted by improper cooking, It will also affect the emotions of ourselves and others, consume energy, and have a bad impact on our lives."

If the food is delicious, people's demand for alcohol will be greatly reduced, and only when the appetite is not satisfied will people look for alternatives in other ways.A good meal, whether it is delicacies from mountains and seas or simple light dishes, can make us happy, healthy and strong.Excessively refined food has the potential to cause physical disease; this is why poor people are mostly physically stronger than rich people, although the poor's low incidence is also thanks to having a capable wife in the family, or other people with good cooking skills. Skilled people can cook delicious food.A sloppy, lazy wife will bring disaster to the family. It's not that she doesn't care much about anything, all she cares about is her grooming.She chooses a lot of clothes, how to match the jewelry and hats with the clothes one by one, she can tell if something is wrong, and change it immediately.Such a woman is useless to her husband and family. She can assign the housework to the servants, ask the cook to cook for the family, and she is dictating. The soup was as light as a bowl of water, and the meat was not fully cooked, exuding the smell of raw meat.After seeing these terrible things, the husband must run far away to avoid the troubles brought by his wife, and hide in the tavern and refuse to come out. In their opinion, the food outside is better than the food at home.

Mr. Smith said: "In the whole world, England has the most patients with digestive diseases." It can be seen that the cooking of British families is very unsuccessful.When many British people travel abroad, they are shocked to find that the food in the UK is very different from that in foreign countries.In foreign countries, any restaurant can quickly serve up a dozen different meals when you need to eat; in Britain, there are only potatoes, beef and mutton and ribs everywhere.Once when I was traveling in France, I saw a dilapidated restaurant on the side of the road, and I asserted that the food here must be unpalatable, but my friend just smiled and said, "Don't draw conclusions too quickly, why don't you go in and have a look." So we went After entering the restaurant, after waiting for less than half an hour, the table in front of me was already full of food, including chicken and duck, steak, bread, butter and soup.Seeing all this, I was amazed when I thought of the food in British restaurants.

Therefore, people should definitely pay attention to women's learning in cooking, which is beneficial to human beings and society.For the poor who cannot afford a cook, whether the wife is good at cooking is even more important. "Potatoes are cooked just right, mutton chops are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the mixed vegetable soup is fresh and refreshing. It is not easy to do these things. If we meet someone with superb craftsmanship, we must applaud. Some people may sneer at boiled potatoes, thinking that It’s just a simple thing, how can you judge whether a person’s cooking skills are superb? What they don’t know is that the simpler the method, the more able to see a person’s ability, and it may not be possible to find one out of 100 people who can cook potatoes It is not an easy task to get someone who is soft and sticky in the mouth and overflowing with sweet fragrance."

Having said so much, I want everyone to pay enough attention and attention to cooking. Like many crafts, it requires people to constantly learn and innovate.The correct cooking method can reduce the waste of ingredients, and it can also keep us happy and healthy.A poorly cooked family wastes or discards enough food in a day to feed a French family. To waste food is to waste money.Therefore, no matter whether a woman comes from a noble family or a low-level family, I hope she can seriously learn the skill of cooking and bring joy to her family and family.

The meaning of hygiene: safeguarding life
Hygiene is of great significance, needless to say, how to let people learn to pay attention to hygiene is the most important thing, if we want people to learn to protect the environment, we must first let them learn to read books and newspapers, pay attention to health-related news, and read more relevant materials .A good environment not only makes people healthy, but also keeps people's hearts pure and maintains a harmonious family atmosphere.It is also related to many aspects of life that are closely related to people. It can save family expenses and keep people comfortable. It is an important reference factor for human civilization and social progress.

Dr. Paley often reminds those who are going to foreign countries to pay more attention to the living environment of the local people and try to avoid behaviors that damage the local environment.The doctor said that if you want to know whether people in a place have good living habits and moral cultivation, you only need to observe people's random behavior on the street; what you see with your own eyes is more real than any gorgeous rhetoric.People who love cleanliness will never let you down with their culture and morals; messy people will only make you stay away from them; danger usually hides in chaotic places.If you want to change all this, you must first remove the filthy thoughts that exist in people's minds.

The initial thoughts of human beings are pure and flawless, and the dirty thoughts are slowly cultivated by themselves, which slowly and completely consume our lives.Wherever it went, it was a mess, and because of fear, people avoided it one after another, and the beautiful things disappeared.It deprives men of their nature and makes them their prisoners; it drives out virtue;How can a person who cannot even keep his living environment clean to keep his heart pure?Health officials tell us that the dirty underclass are the most intoxicated, confirming the notion that filth leads to debauchery and intoxication.They spend their days wallowing in taverns for their own impotence and self-depravity, which only adds to their misery.

It is self-evident that a clean and tidy environment can give us life and spiritual experience. Generally speaking, it is the cornerstone for all good things to appear, and it is the necessary factor for the development of all virtues and good characters. It has a role and influence that cannot be underestimated on people's external behavior and internal cultivation.

Moses is known as the greatest man of action since health reform because of his vigorous advocacy of sanitation.In Asian countries, maintaining a clean environment is also a way of showing loyalty to the faith.Believers believe that mind and action are inseparable. They restrict and influence each other. If you go to visit the gods with rough clothes and appearance, it can only show that the person does not respect the gods, and it will also make others hate you.Therefore, we can see bathing places around the mosque. Muslims attach great importance to bathing. One of the essential things they do in preparation for meeting the gods is bathing.

Hygiene, in simple terms, is to ensure a clean and hygienic environment; among them, air and water are the most indispensable things for human survival. If they are polluted, they must be cleaned immediately, otherwise they will endanger human life .Often the simpler and simpler things are, the less people pay attention to them. People don't pay attention to what they can get easily and what they are owning.People think that simple things should be done, who is willing to use complex scientific theories to keep the environment hygienic?Sewage drainage and ventilation couldn't be simpler, and cleaning is something that everyone knows. As for making it so troublesome?

Hygiene mainly teaches people how to clean up the body and living environment. In comparison, among many disciplines, hygiene is inconspicuous, and it can be included in one sentence: "Clean up when there is garbage; clean up well. After that, please ensure that the air and water supply are sufficient, so that people can live in health and comfort.” If a certain street or a certain neighborhood in a city is dirty, it will lead to a much higher incidence of disease in this area In other clean areas; instead of taking injections and taking medicine after contracting a disease, it is better to clean up the environment early, make the water clear again, and the air fresh again. Preventing problems before they happen is worse than temporarily holding Buddha's feet.Mr. Li mentioned above said that typhoid fever can be avoided, but the British let it go and hand over their lives to death for nothing. Every year, more than 5 people are infected with typhoid fever and are struggling on the verge of death.People marvel at the casualties caused by social violence, but they don't think about the consequences of their actions, which are no different from violence, and people still maintain an unrepentant attitude when they keep hearing such news.Wrong thinking will only reduce people's lives one after another. Typhoid fever, which would not have occurred in the first place, kills tens of millions of people every year, which is equivalent to two Waterloo wars every year.The official in charge of the health cause said: "Nature ignores and destroys the environment, and nature uses typhoid fever to retaliate against human beings."

Many people are deeply touched by the things Howard revealed due to various bad habits and dirty hygiene; but people must not have imagined that, compared with Howard, Mr. Chadwick watched in the slums of Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool. The situation is even more severe.The poor people from Ireland huddled in all kinds of small alleys and small streets. The environment there was very dirty, and almost everyone was infected with typhoid fever, so typhoid fever was also called "Irish fever".A dirty and messy environment not only ruins people's lives, but also ruins people's moral conscience. You must know that a bad life is a breeding ground for the growth of crime.In people's minds, dirty areas are synonymous with high crime rate and low quality.The people there speak filthy language and lead a dissolute life. They can't change and are too lazy to change the environment. They spend time in taverns day after day, and the vicious circle continues.How women and children living in such an environment would be affected, we cannot imagine.

To ensure family harmony is to ensure social harmony, and to maintain personal health is to keep moral conscience free from pollution.Bad environment brings people more serious mental damage than physical damage.Bad habits follow behind the dirty environment like a shadow. Once people fall into it, they will lose their good morals and gentle characters involuntarily.They want to change, but they can't help themselves, so they have to drink to numb their nerves with the illusion of happiness, and the harm caused by alcoholism makes the already bad things even more unmanageable.

(End of this chapter)

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