money and life

Chapter 20 Chapter 2 decides success or failure

Chapter 20 Details determine success or failure (2)
Many ideas and researches that seem difficult are the conclusions drawn in the simplest practice.Apollonis?Patches discovered the conical section. At the time, little attention was paid to the invention, and no one thought his discovery was of any use.By the 20th century, his discovery became the basis of astronomy.Astronomy is the most basic tool for leading modern navigators to fight against the vast sea. It can make modern navigators sail along the correct route and bring them to any port they want.If you don't know the relationship between lines and planes, if mathematicians don't do long-term research, but only rely on some careless observations, you will definitely not discover such achievements in astronomy, and you will never be able to explore the ocean.

When Franklin discovered lightning, many people laughed and asked him, "What can lightning do?"

Franklin replied: "Children are not very useful when they are young, but they will grow up to be talents!"

Geology and mining were born because some stones and fossils were unearthed, some people were studied and such a science was born.Of course, while researching, a lot of money and manpower have to be invested.

Some equipment for mining and starting factories, some power equipment for steamships, and equipment for pulling locomotives all rely on a small machine.It can provide power by heating water into steam. This machine is called a steam engine.When the water in the teapot is boiled, the water vapor inside will push the lid open. This is the principle of using steam as a power - the genius inventor Watt invented the steam engine, which can provide huge energy, enough to be used for the above-mentioned different activities.

People engaged in business activities must have such major qualities as concentration, punctuality, diligence and accuracy.

At the beginning, these qualities may be trivial, and even if you don't have these qualities in the early stage, the impact will not be great.However, for a person, in the long run, it affects whether a person can be successful, and whether the person can do his part to the society.From this perspective, the above-mentioned main qualities are very important.Little things one by one slowly affect us and change our character, and they also constitute the whole of life, because how many big things can there be in a person's life?

Small things should not be underestimated, because it not only affects individuals, but sometimes even affects the fate of a country.If a person or a country fails, we can certainly find the reason in small things.

It is important to realize that every human being, regardless of his or her occupation, has certain obligations to fulfill.

In the foregoing, I have given many examples, involving various walks of life, such as commerce, arts and sciences, and so on.In the successful examples of so many people, it shows that hard work and willpower are very important to life, so I will not continue this topic here.

In fact, as long as the habit is formed, it is not a problem to cope with every little thing in life. In order to form such a habit, in addition to always paying attention to the little things that should be paid attention to, diligence is also very important.

In addition to diligence, accuracy is also very important. Accuracy is the ability to practice one's own knowledge.The accuracy here includes the accuracy of observation, the accuracy of speaking and expression, and the ability to handle affairs.We can't underestimate anything in business, we must try our best to complete it, because doing one thing well, even a small one, is more useful than doing ten unfinished things intermittently.A wise old man said: "Don't seek to be fast, it is useless to be fast but not complete. It is better to do it step by step, which will be faster."

Many people don't realize the importance of accuracy.A well-known scholar in the scientific world once said to me: "I have met many people, and it is surprising how many of them do not realize the importance of accuracy."

The smallest things in business can often determine whether the person you do business with will be your enemy or your partner.A man who cannot handle things accurately is not necessarily trustworthy, despite his many other virtues.Because if he does not do things accurately, then some troubles and "repercussions" must follow.

Baxendale's Secret to Success
Joseph?Baxendale is dead, but he made a group of workers at work, and these people became his friends later.He has always been gracious to ordinary people, just like Franklin in the business world.He was a wise man, and stories of him helping others are everywhere.He often asked the servants to prepare some umbrellas when it rained, or provide some help for the elderly.He also gave his servants pensions when they grew old.

He wrote some maxims on paper and pasted them on the wall of his warehouse, and those who passed by here would see them—"Never give up", "Labor creates everything", "Without savings, you You are a beggar", "When time passes, you will never look back", "Let diligence, patience, and frugality become your living habits."These mottos are written in large characters so that passers-by can see them clearly.Here are some maxims that are easy to remember, and those who memorize the maxims tend to try to do what the maxims say in real life.

Not only did Baxendale write these maxims for passers-by, but he also circulated some longer, more classic ones among his workmen.In other words, he wants to put these mottos on his workplace and the place where he does business.He wants to print these mottos on some hard paper, and then stick the paper in the employees' offices, or places where employees often go, such as cafeterias, locker rooms and other places.These aphorisms are some valuable advice and thoughts, and one of them is about the importance of punctuality, which reads:
"If you want to succeed in business, the method is very important, but if you are not punctual, no method will make you successful. Punctuality is very important because it can create a harmonious atmosphere for a company or a group. If you are not punctual, it will Without this atmosphere, there is not even the benefit that the collective should bring to the individual. Punctuality makes the individual attractive.'Because a punctual person is never late for an appointment with others.'If you are not late often, Then everyone in your circle will know that you have such a merit, and your reputation will undoubtedly spread. And if you are punctual, your family and servants will be punctual. If you make appointments with others , then you shouldn't be late, because what right have you to waste other people's time?"

Some people may have some doubts, this Joseph?Who is Baxendale?

In fact, he is the boss of Pickford Company.His company is a household name in England and throughout Europe.Mr. Baxendale was born in Lancaster, the son of a physicist, and received a good education from his early childhood.Later, he started to enter the cotton textile industry and became the legal representative of a cotton textile company in London.For a while, because of great commercial pressure, he wanted to give up the cotton textile industry and develop in other industries.Pickford ventured into the transportation business, but the company's development had been slow because of a lack of funds.Finally, with the help of Mr. Baxendale, the financial problem was finally resolved.For a period of time at the beginning, he participated in the operation only indirectly.However, Baxendale found that there was a problem with the internal management of the company, so he decided to actively participate in the management work and personally devote himself to the operation of the company.

Since then, he has devoted most of his time to Pickford.Before long, he had agents of the company spread all over the UK.For some reason, the roads were actually not good at the time, and it was difficult to move goods from one part of the country to another.

Obviously, managing such a transportation company with a wide range of businesses requires not only a large amount of capital and first-class management, but also a lot of energy from the managers.

There were more than 1 horses used for transportation in Pickford's time.For on the lines of communication between London and Manchester, London and Exeter, and London and Edinburgh, there are some transit stations which require many horses.From a newly built dock, Mr. Baxendale commanded all the fast and slow ships used to carry the goods.

As a leader in the transportation industry, you need to take a long-term view.Therefore, the kind of decisive and energetic people can be qualified to lead this kind of company.

His work is very busy, almost working around the clock.On the river, he quickly patrolled back and forth in a speedboat, checking whether the staff were on duty, whether all kinds of transportation facilities were ready, and whether the people in the agency were working.After finishing these, he galloped on the road with a special carriage.This kind of carriage uses the best horses, and of course he has to pay a high price to the steward of the post station. This kind of carriage is used because it runs fast and will not waste his time.He usually likes to catch up with the company's transport vehicles suddenly to see if they are going to the next stop along the right road, to see if the people on the vehicle are still awake, and to see if the agency is doing their duty; Whether the people on the transport vehicles have brought large-caliber short guns (road transport is very dangerous, and robbers are often encountered, so they must bring weapons every time they transport), and whether other things are arranged reasonably.

In addition to chasing transport vehicles along the main road, he also sometimes took side roads.Drivers should always be vigilant, because he may appear at any time.The coachmen never knew when, where, or whether he would appear in front or behind, for he knew almost every road in England.

Through these efforts, his business grew bigger and bigger.At that time, the British transport industry has always been based on the use of the transport capacity of roads and canals.Just when his business was booming, the railway appeared and was still popularized.

When the railway was first developed, some people were skeptical about it. The Duke of Bledgewater said: "I don't believe that these confusing railways have much room for development." avoidance came.Britain built the first railway and used it to transport coal from the coal mines to the sea, where it was shipped to London.Some people think that since railways can transport coal, they can also transport other goods, so they plan to lay railways between cities to transport goods.Nankai County has the most developed transportation, so the earliest railway line was laid between Liverpool and Manchester.Subsequently, starting from these two cities, the railway line gradually extended to all parts of the country.

If Mr. Baxendale had not consented to the use of a new means of transportation, the railroads, he might have been driven out of the field of transportation not long after the rise of the railroads.However, he clearly realized that the railway system had great advantages, and he accepted the railway.To straighten out traffic, by means of which he solved some of the troubles of the Liverpool and Manchester transport companies.Later, the railway from Birmingham to London was proposed to be built, and he had already prepared some necessary materials and work on this matter before Parliament passed the construction plan.After the railway was built, he changed the freight to railway transportation, so his company became a huge leader in the transportation industry. Every city with a railway has his delivery business.

He also became a major shareholder in the railroad company.In the Southeast Transportation Company, his status is getting higher and higher, and the company invited him to be the chairman of the company's board of directors.He and later William ?Together with Cupid, apply for the railway to be repaired to Dover.However, the Dover Harbor Commissioner did not relax the control of the port at all, and was unwilling to cooperate with the railway.Mr. Baxendale immediately decided to buy the port of Folxstone himself, but this port was still counted as a port for the South Eastern Shipping Company.At the same time, his next work is also planned - the construction of the Boulogne and Amiens railway system.The main investment in this railway comes from the United Kingdom. If it is completed and opened to traffic, there will be a direct train line between London and Paris.

The expansion of his business, and his endeavors for the railroad system, required a great deal of time and energy, which was a great hazard to his health.After learning that his physical condition was not good, he went abroad to recuperate for a period of time.A small group of Liverpool has emerged to take advantage of his absence to appoint another chairman of the board to replace him.Although he lost his position in this way, he was not angry, but resigned happily.

After that, he would still be enthusiastic about his own interests, but by this time his son could help him take care of the business.He has relaxed a lot, but he has never given up doing good deeds, and he is never tired of doing it. He keeps telling his assistants, staff and every employee in the office about his good suggestions and his rich experience.

Let me cite one of his "sentence-provoking adages" that has been circulated among many employees and has now been used as a motto and nailed to the warehouse wall:
"Not long ago, an old employee said that when he was first hired by Pickford Company, his salary was very low, but because of his frugality and hard work, he is still very successful in his life. The secret of his success is--after a When shillings are spent, the money must not exceed 9 pence. This money may not look like much, but if there are 20 times, it is 5 shillings, and 40 times is 10 shillings.

"Suppose a young man's annual salary is 20 pounds in the first year, and if he adds 10 pounds every year thereafter, he will have more than 6 pounds in 100 years. If you don't pay attention to saving money in the early stage, it will be very difficult to save money later. Difficult.

"Anyone who's been on a salary for 30 years and hasn't saved anything is really ashamed of what he's doing. If they could have saved, they would be rich now. And we are too Each of them will be regarded as a respectable person in society.

"Diligence and thrift are the foundations of our philanthropy. To achieve this requires perseverance, not intelligence. All of us can be respected. It is not difficult to be respected, Just know that 'God rewards the self-reliant.' 'He who enjoys nothing but does nothing will soon have nothing to do.' Those things will do.

"There are some trivial things in life that don't go our way, and we often complain non-stop because of it, and lose ourselves in these non-stop complaining.

"I want everyone to be punctual, everyone to respect their work, and everyone not to put off indefinitely what they have to do today.

"If you suddenly have more work, you might as well work overtime for a while. Otherwise, your work arrangement may be in chaos, and it can also prevent you from being annoying to others because of work chaos. We can often find such situations—those Careless people always push the work they can't finish to those who can finish the work on time.

"There is a practice that is now more common - hiding and covering up other people's mistakes and mistakes. Not only does this behavior take a toll on your boss, but it actually takes a toll on the person who made the mistake.

"Some things happened recently, which made me notice a very important issue: pay attention to your public status and personal relationship. The most important thing for a person is to be honest, and the last thing to do is to lie. Although some people don't use their 'mouth' Lying, but what he did was deceiving others, and such behavior was also 'lying'.

"When you know that your boss's company's interests are being damaged, but you pretend not to know, that is shameful, and this is another manifestation of lying. In addition, people who are not punctual are also liars.

"Whether you speak or do things, you must seek truth from facts. In this way, you will make fewer mistakes and work more efficiently.

"Few people have the ability to do earth-shattering big things, but most people can do some small things well, and these things must be done by someone. As long as we pay attention to unite with colleagues when we are working, we must always maintain our enthusiasm and hobbies for work. , then we are still respectable people.”

(End of this chapter)

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