money and life

Chapter 3 Success comes from labor

Chapter 3 Success comes from labor (2)
He said: "People who always want to avoid troubles will have more and more troubles and sorrows. Lazy people always want to do easier and simpler things. They hope that what they do is neither laborious nor laborious, but God It's fair, it doesn't let these lazy people succeed, it even makes easy and simple things difficult to do. Those lazy and selfish people will one day realize God's punishment for him. God doesn't Will let go of lazy people who have no responsibility. Such people's brains are full of selfish, base and vulgar ideas, and they have never had public character. Since a selfish world view has been formed in their brains, so that Their correct worldview that could have been formed has disappeared, and all kinds of selfish desires have corrupted them. Many people who do not seek to make progress have wasted their lives in this way."

laborers are respectable

Every worker in every position is worthy of respect.For example, waiters, farmers or manual workers, they are all contributing to society.And the young men who sell ribbons and yardsticks, their work is not menial.If they really feel ashamed of doing the job, it's just that they're as narrow-minded as a ribbon or a yardstick.Fowler once said: "Only a person who loves his profession deserves to have a suitable job. If a person always looks down on his own work, then he does not deserve any job."

Bishop Hall said: "As long as you take your work seriously, no matter whether it is physical labor or mental work, you can get rich fruits in the end." Work without shame.They don't really need to be sad, but they should be grateful for their experience.Because of the hardships they experienced when they were young, they are able to overcome the difficulties they encounter in life very well.

A US president's coat of arms is in the shape of a shirt sleeve, chosen because he was a lumberjack in his youth.Fletcher was the bishop of Nissen, but in his youth he was a candle-maker.Some people deliberately mocked him, saying that he was of humble origin.Fletcher would immediately rebut such people: "I was just a candlemaker when I was a kid, but I never underestimated myself. If it had been you, I think you'd still be out there making candles now."

The rise and fall of a country depends on the people, if people are irresponsible to their work and very selfish, then the country will fall one day.But if people are very diligent and work hard, then surely the country will continue to progress and prosper.

Even if you're a hedonistic person, it's good for you to do some useful labor.

The happiness brought by labor cannot be obtained without labor.Mr. Scott said: "After we work for others, although we are a little tired, it can make us feel happy and sleep more soundly; in fact, everyone wants to rest, but only after working hard for ourselves, we can get a reasonable rest. Time is commendable, it will make people enjoy the joy and happiness after labor. This kind of life is happiness."

Some people in life die from overwork, but many more die from overindulgence and idleness.Excessive fatigue, combined with not paying attention to rest, will seriously damage one's body, and may "death from overwork" in severe cases.This approach is wrong. We can't just work blindly without taking care of our own health. It is undoubtedly against ourselves. Smart people know that "the body is the capital of the revolution."

The meaning of a person's life is not measured by how long he has lived.There is a very foolish notion that the longer one lives, the more meaningful one's life is.The meaning of a person's life lies in what he does and whether he likes what he does, not how long he lives.A person who only knows how to satisfy his appetite all his life and is addicted to wine and sex, even if he can live 1000 years, his life is still meaningless.On the contrary, do something beneficial, and put in your own efforts for it, and at the same time reap happiness yourself, this kind of life is meaningful.

Early Christian priests would personally participate in some hard labor, and they also felt honored to do so.St. Paul has labored all his life, and he is very proud of himself for doing so.He also has a point of view - no work, no food.base?Boniface brought only the Gospels with him when he arrived in England, but he lived not on mission fees but as a carpenter for others.Later he moved from England to Germany, where he still supported himself by carpentry.So did Luther.Luther worked as a watchmaker, gardener and construction worker.A Nuremberg abbot had given him a set of turning tools.In order to thank the abbot, Luther wrote him a letter.There is a passage in the letter: "I'm glad to tell you that my clockmaking skills have improved again. You know, those Saxons are always drunk and never know the time, because they don't care about time when they drink, So always ask people 'what time is it?' Then again, they don't know how to make clocks." And the industrious Luther relied on his own labor to support himself no matter what he did.

Whenever Napoleon saw some well-made industrial products, he felt a kind of respect for inventors in his heart, and he always bowed for the inventors of those industrial products to thank their labor for changing the world. Leading the world and promoting the progress of the world.

Napoleon once visited St. Helena with Mrs. Bagombe and saw some people carrying goods coming.Madam immediately said angrily: "Quickly step back, you are blocking my way!"

Napoleon immediately said: "Madame, these coolies deserve our respect. No matter how hard the labor of others is, and no matter what their status is, as long as they have made contributions to this society, they deserve our respect."

For everyone, it is beneficial, happy and joyful to engage in some useful labor on a regular basis.If you don't do this often, people's bodies will slowly break down, and after a while, even their minds will become numb.Caroline?When Boseth's daughter Louisa was first married, Caroline reminded her that she must not indulge in idleness and idleness.He said: "I have this feeling that when my children are not at home, I will feel bored and the time will pass for a long time. And you as a young wife may often feel bored and bored. Whenever this Sometimes, you have to find a way to avoid this state in yourself from continuing. The best way to overcome this state is to work hard. When your life is full of work and there is not much leisure time, Boredom and boredom will naturally disappear, and happiness will automatically come to you. No matter you are an ordinary person or a very successful person, you must not be lazy. It’s like getting into a trap, it’s hard to get out again. This is a sentence your grandfather told me, I hope you can remember it and pass it on to your children.”

There are many advantages to engaging in a regular and profitable occupation.It can improve your self-cultivation and also benefit your physical health.A vulgar person is muddled all day long, he just knows how to dawdle, and he doesn't want to make a name for himself. After a long time, he will become lazy, and just make do with it all his life.Then the original society's resources for cultivating this person are completely wasted.On the other hand, enterprising people use their time and energy as much as possible to work hard. They always maintain a high work attitude, of course, they don't work all the time, and they also take proper rest.As a result of their hard work, they have achieved success both in their careers and spiritually.After work, arrange your rest time reasonably. Such people have a strong affinity themselves, and they are invincible at work.

Just doing work is better than doing nothing.

Francis?When Drake was young, he was sent to work at sea. His boss told him that you should work hard and persist in your work.When talking about Mr. Drake, British scholar and missionary Schiller said: "He has a meticulous character, which is related to the strict training and work attitude he experienced when he was young. Those work experiences have developed his excellent character and character. He has a strong will, and the work experience at that time made his body very strong." Schiller also did heavy mechanical work in the workshop, and when he recalled the work he did, he said that he was very honored To have such an experience.It was in that step-by-step mechanical operation that he developed good habits of diligence and concentration, and these good habits affected his life and benefited him a lot throughout his life.

Generally speaking, scientific and reasonable work and labor are beneficial to people.Man is a kind of animal with high IQ. Various body organs are regularly combined to form the human body. Therefore, only the coordinated movement of various organs can promote human health.The right amount of work is conducive to the coordination between human organs.It can be said that labor is a basic form of human existence, no matter who it is, it is beneficial to do some moderate labor.Of course, you can't work too much all the time. Excessive expenditure of physical strength and energy will break the balance of various organs in the human body and damage human health.

We say that work is beneficial to physical and mental health, but because of the different nature of the work, some jobs may be a little monotonous, and some jobs may be harmful to the human body, but there must be someone to do the work.At this time, those who have good jobs cannot look down on those who have bad jobs. This is an extremely inappropriate phenomenon.

Doing a moderate amount of physical labor is good for the body, and the same amount of mental work is also good for you.

Whether it is physical labor or mental labor, pay attention to arrange the intensity of work according to your physical condition, and be careful not to overload your work.Constant inactivity is injurious to the body much more than the wear and tear of labor.

Again, we cannot overwork and not pay attention to rest. Such harm is very serious. If the person happens to be bored and anxious, then overwork and anxiety may ruin a person.We know that a car cannot run on a completely smooth surface, and it must have a certain amount of friction with the ground to move forward, but if the ground is always uneven, the high friction will cause the tires to explode, which in turn may detonate the entire car.

The human being is like a machine. The machine needs to work, but also needs to be maintained and repaired.However, we cannot leave the machine on all the time, which will inevitably shorten its life; nor can we keep the machine idle, which may rust and damage the whole machine.The same is true for human beings. Only by reasonably arranging the time for rest and work can we survive well while making contributions to society.Don't overwork, because it will break the balance of the body and have a great impact on people's health.

To be happy is to work

The famous French painter Greuze said that engaging in various useful occupations, no matter what the occupation is, these labors are commendable, and labor is also a stop that must be passed on the road to happiness.Many great people have told us from their experience that this argument is true.

French Protestant theologian and classical scholar Cazobon, under repeated pleas from a friend, finally decided to put down his work for a few days and take a rest.But he had just rested for a while, and continued to work again. He didn't want to rest for a few days as he himself said.He explained: "I was so tired from work that I fell ill, and I couldn't do nothing to rest. I couldn't bear to watch the time go by."

Charles?Rambo used to be a secretary of the East India Company. His whole day's work was to sort out those documents, which was very boring.The long hours made Rambo hate the job so much that he finally quit.On the day he left the company, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world that day, because he finally got rid of that boring job.

Rambo is giving Bernard?Burton's letter described his feelings at the time: "I don't want to go back anymore. It's like a prison cell that I don't want to endure. Think about it, I have been working there for more than ten years. What have I got? Only [-] I really shouldn’t have come here to work with a salary of about £[-].” Then, Rambo wrote excitedly: “I’m finally free now, I’m finally free! I can’t believe it’s true now, even though it’s It is my own decision. I will arrange the rest of my life by myself... I think that for a person, doing nothing is the happiest thing. I will have more time in the future. If you want , I can even share some of my time with you!"

Rambo lived carefree and carefree for two years.At this time, while he was leisurely, he recalled the time when he worked in the past, but at this time his view of his previous job had changed.Now he finds that his boring job actually brought him a lot of happiness, but he didn't realize it was happiness at the time.In the past, he wished he had more time to rest after work, but now he has been resting, but he can only watch time slip by.

At this time, he gave Bernard again?Burton wrote a letter: "I now know that doing nothing is terrible, even more terrible than being overworked before. People who have no work will be irritable and bored for no reason, which is extremely harmful to health. I now live It's boring, nothing can make me interested... Can people like us go to heaven after death? Now I can only go for a walk when I have nothing to do, and that's all. I feel like I'm committing a crime now , because I wasted a lot of time."

Diligence and concentration are important, and Scott probably knows this best, for he has been writing all his life.Lockhart described Scotus in this way: "We have examined the leaders of all ages and countries, and it is difficult to find a person comparable to Scotus among these great men, and among the world's great writers , and may not find a man as industrious as Scotus."

Scotus always warned his children like this: "If you want to be happy and successful, you must be diligent."

When he wrote to his son Charles, who was in school, he mentioned: "I have to remind you many times: God wants each of us to work. If we don't work, we can't succeed. Only by working can we create everything. No pain, no harvest , many wealthy people who are already wealthy are still sticking to their careers; farmers can only eat sweet bread if they plant their own land and harvest food from the land... It is undeniable that you may find such an accident—— Someone may steal the grain harvested by the farmer. However, the thief cannot steal the technology of the farmer’s plowing, and the farmer will still be able to harvest the fruit in the next season. Therefore, you have to learn and accumulate more knowledge, because knowledge is a person’s Wealth that lasts a lifetime."

Then he said: "My dear child, you must first cherish your time, and second, you must study hard, so that you can make continuous progress. Only the sowing of spring can bring the fruits of autumn. You are young now, and it is a good time to study. If you waste this time, you will regret it in the future. There is a Chinese proverb: If you don’t work hard when you are young, you will be sad when you are young. It means that if you don’t work hard in your youth, you will end up with nothing, and you will not get respect from others when you are old. Regret and sadness."

Like Scotus, Ceci is also a very hardworking person, and work and labor have become an indispensable part of his life.

When he was [-] years old, he wrote such a passage: "I am [-] years old! My life has passed a quarter of the time, but now I have not achieved anything, and I have not made any contribution to society. When I think of I feel ashamed of these. People who help farmers look at the wheat fields and see that the crops are not spoiled by crows can get two pennies a day, which is considered a contribution to society. But I am wasting social resources, but I have done nothing. .”

In fact, Sisi did not do nothing at the time as he himself said.He is a diligent person who has been studying British literature, and through translation, he has known famous literary masters such as Tasso, Ariostoma and the ancient Roman poet Ovid.He himself thought that this kind of life was not enough, and he had to concentrate more on one thing, so he devoted his whole life to the pursuit of literature, and made great progress in the field of literature.He once said: "Although I don't have much money, I like to read and read a lot of books; I am grateful and happy, but I have always maintained a humble attitude."

From the famous quotes that some people like, we can also see the person's personality and preferences.

Scott's favorite motto - Always strive.

Scottish historian Robertson's favorite adage - he who knows knowledge lives better.

Voltaire's life motto - work is a necessary part of life.

Naturalist Racibid's favorite maxim - in life, as long as you are willing to observe, you can be good at discovering.Pliny liked this quote very much.

Bo Shuzhong worked very hard in college, and his classmates gave him a nickname based on his name—the bull who can only bow his head and plow the land.

The Swedish poet Sjaberg once used "Life is like a war" to give himself a pseudonym, Friedrich?Feng?Hardenburg also used a similar pseudonym, and it can be seen from the fact that these two geniuses took almost the same name that they have great ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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