Outdoor leisure live room

Chapter 106 Simple and Delicious Dinner

Chapter 106 Simple and Delicious Dinner

Grandma's words left Qin Ming speechless!

Good guy, disrespect and disrespect! ! !
"Xiao Ming, do you like playing mahjong? Let me tell you, playing mahjong is very interesting. It can exercise your brain and fingers. I play mahjong often to prolong my life."

Grandma was kind-hearted and kind, and she was full of concern for Qin Ming's health in her words.

However, why did Qin Ming feel that these words became more and more wrong the more he heard them? ? ?
After helping grandma wash the remaining few vegetables, grandma shook off the water stains left on the vegetables, then put the vegetables in the small basket beside her, and took them home leisurely.

Grandma is old and weak, but her mentality is very good, and she can still joke with him from time to time.

Qin Ming also realized that the emotions of hurting the spring and autumn in his mind just now seemed to be too much.

One day the old man will grow old and turn into a pile of loess. As an outsider, I always feel that they are pitiful, and life is full of misery.

But in fact, for them, life may be so ordinary, and they will not yearn for those living conditions that are luxurious and luxurious.

Because, they have their own young mentality, this is enough! ! !
The river water was clear and cold, Xiu'er felt around in the river water, the trousers he just rolled up had already fallen off, and now someone got them completely soaked.

The whole pair of trousers were almost wet.

Two white and tender hands fumbled around in the river, and she really caught one or two small river prawns.

From time to time, you can also touch a snail.

The little girl picked up a stone, which was about the size of a child's fist, but the lines on it were very beautiful.

Xiu'er seemed to have touched a treasure, and happily showed off to Qin Ming: "Look, uncle, Xiu'er has touched a big gem!!!"

In fact, this is just an ordinary pebble, not precious at all, let alone what kind of gem it is.

Children's thoughts are so innocent and cute.

Qin Ming followed her words with a look of doting and joked: "Xiu'er, you have to grab the gems well, maybe you can sell them for a good price!!!"

Xiu'er smiled and said, "Got it! Uncle, do you adults think money is very important???"

Qin Ming nodded: "Of course, if you don't have money, you can't do anything, and you can't do many things."

Hearing what Qin Ming said, Xiu'er began to ponder, as if she was making a difficult decision.

After a while, she had already made up her mind, raised the pebble in her hand, and said seriously to Qin Ming: "Uncle, then I will give you this gem. If you sell it for money, you will have the money to marry an aunt for me." !"

"What?" Qin Ming was stunned by her words.

What is going on in this little girl's head? !
But Xiuer said seriously: "How can you marry a wife if you don't have money? No one is marrying you now, isn't it because you have no money? When you sell this gem, you will have money, and I will have my aunt to love me!"

This little girl spoke seriously, making Qin Ming feel ashamed.

Is he still short of things like money? ? ?

If you only talk about deposits, no one in the whole town has as much as him, right?
It is no problem to say that he is the richest man in the town! ! !
However, if he doesn't have a partner, how can it be a matter of money?
It's just that he's not interested...

This silly girl... actually still worry about these things for him? ? ?
Qin Ming really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked, "Xiu'er, why do you suddenly want to help uncle find a partner???"

Xiu'er smiled and said: "When I was at school yesterday, a boy in our class always boasted that he had a lot of family members, and his family members gave him a lot of red envelopes during the holidays. Uncle, if you don't marry a wife, how can Xiu'er get more red envelopes??? "

After hearing her reasons, Qin Ming couldn't help but laugh.

Little girl, after all, are you just thinking about your own red envelope? !

Qin Ming had no choice but to say perfunctorily: "It's getting dark, hurry up and touch the snails. Whether we have snail soup tonight depends on whether we have harvested!"


Sure enough, Xiu'er's attention was diverted by him, and she continued to fumble for the snails.

Qin Ming also focused his attention on the water.

The snails are generally attached to the surface of stones or inside the sand.

As long as you turn over the big rock, you can find several snails.

"this is not bad!"

After taking out a rather large snail, Qin Ming threw it into the bucket with satisfaction.

He also has standards for touching snails.

Escargots that are too small are definitely not acceptable.

First of all, snails that are too small have no meat and are all shells, so they are not edible at all, and even eating them is difficult.

Furthermore, small snails can be kept for sustainable development, and there will be no worries about not having snails to eat in the future.

At this time, Xiu'er also took out two small snails, smaller than her thumb.

She wanted to throw it into the bucket, but Bi Qin Ming stopped him: "Xiu'er, this is still a baby snail, let's keep it for now."

Xiu'er was also very sensible. After hearing what Qin Ming said, she obediently let go of the snails: "Yeah, when the baby snails come home, we'll take them home!"

After touching for nearly 40 minutes, it was already dark.

After looking at the buckets with average harvest, Qin Ming had no choice but to go home first.

He carried Xiu'er back to the shore, and then he held her in one hand and went home with the bucket in the other.

When he got home, the uncle saw that Xiu'er was drenched in playing, although he had long been mentally prepared for this, he still couldn't help scolding him softly.

"You little friend, why are you all wet? What should you do if you are sick? Let your grandma take you to take a bath! Then change your clothes quickly!"

Her grandma also rushed over to take Xiu'er to the bathroom to take a clean hot bath.

Although the weather in the south has warmed up now, most people outside only wear two pieces of clothing, and don't need to wear long johns.

But from time to time there will be a cooling state.

Xiu'er is still so young, and now she's drenched all over, once she's caught cold by the wind, it's very likely that she will catch a bad cold.

As an uncle, Qin Ming naturally understands this truth, but he is not very worried.

Because, Xiu'er also took some pills for strengthening her body. Don't look at her as a little girl now, but her physical fitness is far superior to her peers.

It's just a mere wind and cold, it hasn't invaded her body so easily! ! !
Qin Ming rinsed the snails in the bucket with clean water. In order to let them vomit sand quickly, he also put edible salt and some white vinegar in it.

Under the stimulation of salt and white vinegar, the speed of snail spit sand can be slightly faster.

If time permits, you can change the water every 4 hours.

By the next day, the sand was vomited clean.

However, there is no time to wait now, because we will start cooking oil and cook a pot of snail soup later.

So how much can you vomit now.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Ming picked some green leaves in a small vegetable field next to the uncle's house.

These blue leaves are called false betel in the local language.

Its leaves are round and look like apples, which can be used as spices and medicines.

Seeing Qin Ming picking these leaves, the audience expressed their curiosity, because there are very few vegetable markets in the city that sell these leaves.

Even those large chain supermarkets have never seen any fake betel.

"Brother Ming, what kind of plant is this? It can't be the seedling of some kind of small tree, right? What is this leaf going to do again???"

"I look like sweet potato leaves, they are all big and round, are they the same thing???"

"It's too dark, I can't see clearly, I think it should be the leaves of perilla, right? This perilla tree grows bigger, so the leaves are also big and round???"

"It doesn't look like it. The leaves of perilla are not that big, and there are fine hairs on the surface of the leaves of perilla, which look rough, but the leaves picked by brother Ming are very smooth!!!"

"Shocked, a man in the countryside actually made such an astonishing move to the mysterious plants in the vegetable field..."

"Come out, shocking monster!!!"

"Everyone, don't panic, that big brother is a patient who escaped from our shock department, we have organized a team to go out and catch him!!!"

Qin Ming also knew that everyone must be very curious about these plants, because even in the countryside, not everyone knows all the crops or plants clearly.

For example, this kind of fake lou, he remembered that it was difficult to find in several villages next door.

The reason why he can pick it here is because his uncle planted it specially before.

Qin Ming spread out the leaves in his hands and showed them to everyone, and at the same time explained: "This kind of plant is called False Betel, also known as False Betel."

"This is a kind of spice that can be used to stir-fry escargots, mushrooms, etc. The taste is very delicious."

"When frying snails, we cut the leaves of the betel into fine shreds and add them to the snails. The aroma will become very unique and strong!"

"False betel also has medicinal value. False betel can be used medicinally. It can cure rheumatic bone pain, bruises, cold cough, pregnancy and postpartum edema; fruit sequence can treat toothache, stomach pain, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, etc."

Qin Ming picked the freshest leaves while talking.

Because the old leaves will become very hard and taste very bad, even if you pick them, you can't eat them.

Only the fresh and tender leaves are the most valuable! ! !
After listening to Qin Ming's explanation, the fans felt that their eyes were wide open, and they learned some knowledge that they would not normally have access to.

There are no fake betel leaves to buy in the city.

Generally speaking, the most common fresh plants used for spices are mint and basil.

Fans were also very surprised by Qin Ming's erudition.

It always feels like he knows everything.

If you know what you can eat and what you can't eat, that's fine.

After all, he grew up in the countryside since he was a child, and many inconspicuous plants in the countryside are indeed edible.

This is a habit developed from childhood.

However, it doesn't mean that he can understand the medicinal value of these edible plants, right?

I believe that even many older farmers can't make it clear, right? ? ?

However, Qin Ming, a young man, was able to blurt it out, as if he knew all plants very thoroughly.

For example, there are many people from the rural areas in the live broadcast room, such as the plant called Cinnamon. After hearing what Qin Ming said, they immediately remembered that they had eaten it when they were young.

But they don't know what the specific value of the fake betel is.

So, that's the gap.

He can always understand a lot of things that others don't, and what he said is well-founded and very detailed.

This is one of the reasons why everyone likes to be in his live broadcast room.

As long as he popularizes science to everyone, everyone can always learn some inexplicable knowledge that seems useful but seems useless.

Just like now.

That's all I heard from him, although I may not understand it, but at least it's very pretentious...

Watching other anchors, how can Qin Ming's live broadcast have the pleasure of pretending? !
"Learn, learn!"

"When I was young, there were quite a few of them in our village. They grew under trees in shady places. When I was young, I often picked them and fried them with mushrooms. Unfortunately, they are all gone now."

"That's right. When we were young, we also used fake betel to fry snails. Later, when we couldn't find the fake betel, we used perilla and mint instead."

"Mint is also good, and the taste is very unique!"

"I like to add mint to snail soup. The taste is so rich and refreshing!"

"As soon as you talk about food, I won't be sleepy!!!"


Qin Ming picked a thick pile of fake betel leaves, all of which were fresh and tender leaves.

The taste of fake konjac is not as strong and strong as mint, but it is very unique.

After returning home, Qin Ming washed the snails again to ensure that the shells were clean before starting to cook.

Then cut the fake betel into strips with a width of one centimeter, and put the fake betel down after the snail soup is almost cooked.

After a while, a strong and unique fragrance came to the nostrils.

Smelling this unique fragrance, Qin Ming was very satisfied. Unfortunately, the time for the snails to spit out sand is still a little short, but there is no way to ensure that the sand inside the snails is completely removed.

Therefore, the taste of snail meat may have a little influence.

But the impact will not be too great.

Because the focus of snail soup is the delicious soup, the firm snail meat can only be ranked second.

Put the snail soup in a soup bowl and serve it on the round table.

Today's dishes are ready.

Three dishes and one soup.

Escargot soup.

Boiled chicken.

Stir-fried rapeseed with garlic and rice.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

These are very common home cooking.

Xiu'er didn't eat any rice, so she couldn't help filling a big bowl of snail soup, and drank it deliciously.

This big bowl of snail soup also contained the results of her work, so it tasted extraordinarily delicious and filled my heart with a sense of accomplishment.

"Today's dishes are all very good, especially this snail soup, it's absolutely amazing!!!"

The uncle kept praising the deliciousness of the snail soup, which made him give it a thumbs up.

My aunt also put a spoonful in a small bowl, and after taking a sip, she found that besides the delicious taste, the soup actually made her whole body warm.

At first, she thought it was because the soup was hotter that it had this effect.

But she later found something was wrong, because the more she drank, the more energetic she became. She was quite tired at first, but now she is fully awake!

"Isn't it? It's just a snail soup, but it can also have this effect? ​​How is it possible?"

My aunt was very puzzled and couldn't figure out why.

Of course she didn't understand, because when the soup was boiling, Qin Ming secretly put three health-enhancing pills into it!

(End of this chapter)

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