Chapter 151

"Oops! Could it be that some monster rushed out???"

Qin Yang turned pale with shock, it had already started to panic.

From just now until now, he has been walking inside, but he has not encountered any weird places.

Now, the weirdness finally emerges.

Could it be that there are real monsters appearing? ? ?
As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow flew out, and the sound of "crash la la" was very loud.

"Quickly squat down!!!" Qin Ming quickly grabbed Qin Yang's shoulders, and then lowered his body.

The two of them squatted on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, not daring to look up at all.

I only felt a gust of wind whizzing past my head, and there was still an unspeakable foul smell in the air.

Fortunately, the black wind passed quickly.

And it didn't do them any harm.

"It's a bat, don't be afraid." Qin Ming stood up.

It should be the sound of their talking that alarmed the bats inside.

That's what made the bats fly out.

"I was scared to death, I thought there was some kind of monster!!!" Qin Yang was terrified.

After knowing it was a bat, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of bats is indeed a bit hideous.

And in many legends, bats are vampires, who can suck human blood and the like, but in fact, as long as you don't provoke him, bats won't take you seriously.

Their courage is still relatively small.

But the audience in the live broadcast room were also taken aback.

"It's so real, is this real cave exploration???"

"It's a bit ruthless, Brother Ming, you should take it easy, now that the bat has appeared, who knows what's behind it???"

"I hope there will be a beautiful snake. If I can seduce the host again, that would be even better!!!"

"Ask your five-fingered girl first if she agrees!!!"

"I hope there will be a fox fairy. All the fox fairies on TV are so beautiful!!!"

"Is there a cat girl? I want to order a cat girl."

The fans in the live broadcast room felt very excited.

The scene of such a large group of bats flying out is too similar to a film and television drama, right? ? ?

Real person cave exploration like Qin Ming is still very rare in the live broadcast.

Compared with the live broadcast content of those performances, everyone hopes to see this kind of real thing.

This is one of the reasons why everyone likes to watch Qin Ming's live broadcast.

Of course, there is no lack of part of the audience who came for his super good looks.

Because the director of operations has been promoting Qin Ming's enthusiasm, the number of new viewers entering his live broadcast room has gradually increased.

Seeing that the inside of Qin Ming's live broadcast room was pitch black, it was almost impossible to see the environment clearly, and these new viewers were all confused.

"If you don't understand, just ask, what is this doing???"

"Isn't it early in the morning? Why is it so dark in this studio? Isn't the time zone different???"

"New here, can't you see that the anchor is now a cave explorer???"

"I'm going, is this anchor so wild? Playing so big???"

"It's interesting, let's pay attention to it first!!!"

Before he knew it, the popularity of Qin Ming's live broadcast room rose rapidly.

At this time, the popularity has exceeded 350 million, and it is still rising.

The director of operations, who had been monitoring the data in the background, was also a little excited, but couldn't help but get nervous.

"If this kind of data is placed in other live broadcast rooms, the number of gifts will at least double! Now, apart from the occasional big gifts, most of them are small gifts!!!"

The Director of Operations is really helpless.

During the ranking event, there are a lot of gifts in this kind of live broadcast room with millions of hits.

Like Qin Ming, although there is a lot of enthusiasm, the gift is very routine.

This phenomenon is simply not normal.

But now Qin Ming didn't look at his phone during the live broadcast, so it was hard for him to call him and contact him directly.

At this time, Qin Ming and Qin Yang had walked a certain distance, and the rope on their bodies was not long enough.

They walked several hundred meters inside, and the ropes they carried were already the longest.

As a result, the cave still has not come to an end.

Not even anyone was found.

If you want to continue walking in, you have to untie the rope, otherwise you can only stop here.

"What should I do? Do you want to continue???" Qin Yang asked.

After walking in it for a while, he gradually got used to it and was not so afraid.

Although there are many legends about Yanwang Cave, but now it seems that they are just legends, not reality.

There is nothing special here except that the cave is very deep.

Qin Ming untied the rope and threw it aside: "I must continue to walk in, that kid doesn't know where he went."

He knelt down to observe the ground. There were indeed traces of people walking here, and the footprints were very fresh.

After walking in for a short distance, several caves appeared in front of them.

It seems that there is a fork in the road from here.

These openings also looked similar, but it was impossible to tell where the man was going.

But Qin Ming squatted down and observed for a while, then pointed to the cave on the left and said, "He went in from here."

"How do you know???" Qin Yang was full of surprise.

Just now Qin Ming just squatted down and glanced at the ground, and he came to this conclusion with certainty.

But this is too amazing, right? ? ?
Qin Ming seemed to see his curiosity and confusion, and then explained: "It's very simple, look at this footprint, it is very clear, it must have been left recently."

"There are also some traces of fabric on the stone next to it. It is obviously made of polyester. The jackets they wear are made of this material."

"There's another rock that shows signs of a climbing pick being worn, who else could it be but that team member???"

Qin Ming pointed out three clues in a row to prove his conclusion.

However, Qin Yang also followed his example, first looked at the footprints on the ground, and then looked at the two stones. Except for a little trace of fabric, he saw nothing.

There are gravels all over the ground, where are the footprints? ? ?

Also, he said that where the mountaineering pick had been worn, he could not see any traces at all.

Not to mention knowing that it must have been worn by a climbing pick.

Moreover, this little bit of fabric is indeed fabric, but it is actually just a thread or two.

He actually saw it at a glance, isn't that amazing? ? ?
Qin Yang was stunned, why didn't he know that Qin Ming still had this ability? ? ?
With only a pair of naked eyes, you can detect so many detailed clues, I am afraid that the so-called detectives in TV dramas are no more than that? ? ?

Although surprised, he also had doubts in his heart.

The main reason is that what Qin Ming said was too casual.

It made him a little unbelievable.

The audience in the studio was also skeptical.

Although they were used to Qin Ming's power, could they really observe so many detailed clues in such a dark environment with just a pair of naked eyes and searchlights? ? ?
"Is it real or fake? It can't be fooled, right? I always feel like I'm acting!!!"

"I think so too. It must be arranged by the script to find someone in a cave!!!"

"To be honest, it's really a bit fake. Next time, I suggest you think more about the script and don't come out to fool people!!!"

"Wait for the anchor to be slapped in the face!!!"

Many ordinary viewers and newcomers dismissed Qin Ming's words.

Under such limited conditions, how can normal people observe so many details? ? ?
Besides, even if it is placed outside, people with good observation skills can't do it so meticulously.

If nothing else, this should be acting according to the script, right? ? ?

Many new viewers are doubting Qin Ming's live broadcast content, while old viewers are defending Qin Ming.

"You guys know Jier, didn't you watch yesterday's live broadcast? Don't you know Yamadong Cave???"

"So many villagers gathered here early this morning, do you think the anchor alone can let them come and act with him???"

"Look down and you will know, these newcomers will definitely be slapped in the face!!!"

Both new viewers and old viewers were discussing non-stop, which also caused Qin Ming to far exceed other anchors in the number of bullet screens.

At this time, Qin Ming didn't look at the barrage, but chose one of the passages and continued to walk in.


Some villagers outside also used tools to climb up the Yanwang Cave.

They only saw the rope outside the hole.

One of them pulled the rope, thinking that he could communicate with Qin Ming, but he didn't expect to find that the rope was very loose.

Obviously, there is no one tied to the other end of the rope! ! !
The complexions of several villagers changed, and they felt very bad.

"It's bad, Qin Ming and Qin Yang seem to be missing too!!!"

"There is no one on the other side of the rope, either they untied it by themselves, or they didn't know what they encountered and broke the rope!!!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I think they should have untied it by themselves, maybe the depth of this hole is far beyond our imagination!!!"

The faces of the few people standing in front of the cave were not very good-looking.

Because they themselves didn't know whether it was Qin Ming and the others who took the initiative to untie the rope, or for some reason, the rope lost its function.

But no matter what the reason is, it must not be a good thing.

Because they lost the guidance of the rope, the two young people inside were likely to lose their direction.

People outside the cave are very nervous, and people inside the cave are not relaxed.

The main reason was that Qin Yang's emotions were tense and he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

It was also fortunate that there was an unusually calm and calm Qin Ming next to him. If it were him, he would definitely not dare to come in.

"Damn it, that team member is really brave. In this environment, he dares to go in alone? Is this for the sake of adventure???"

Qin Yang couldn't help complaining.

He doubted whether these team members were normal people. If ordinary people came here, they would not dare to go any further as long as they walked five or six meters into the entrance of the cave.

That team member really tried to die, not only walked straight in, but also entered a fork.

After they entered the fork, they found that there were several fork in it.

That is to say, once you enter it, you only need to turn around a little, and it is really difficult to recognize the original entrance of the cave.

If you turn a few more times into the side road, you will really lose your way! ! !
It's even scarier than a maze.

"No wonder people who come in can't get out. It's hard to find the right way even if there are lights, let alone those without lights."

Qin Ming remembered what his uncle told him.

Those who got lost in the cave must have no lights.

It is normal for them not to go out.

After following Qin Ming around, Qin Yang was stunned.

He couldn't remember how many labyrinth caves he had turned, anyway, if he was asked to go back the same way, it would definitely not be able to do it.

However, Qin Ming looked confident, as if this maze was not a problem to him at all.


As he was walking, Qin Yang heard Qin Ming who was walking in front say stop, before he could react, he bumped into Qin Ming's back.

"What's wrong???" Qin Yang heard Qin Ming speak so solemnly for the first time, and immediately realized that something might have happened.

Qin Ming adjusted the position of the searchlight, then lay down on the ground to observe.

There are several very shallow footprints on the ground, but these footprints are about as wide as two fingers of an adult.

The length is about 10 cm.

Judging from this footprint, it should be a small creature that passed by here.

"What kind of footprints are these? It can't be a wolf???" Qin Yang became a little nervous.

It is really a terrifying thing to find unknown footprints in the final cave.

No one knows what strange creatures exist here.

If there are wolves, then they are dangerous.

Wolves live in packs, and once you encounter one, you may encounter a small pack.

If it's a wolf, it's okay.

But if you encounter a pack of wolves, it will be more ominous! ! !
Qin Ming shook his head: "This kind of environment is not what wolves like to live in. There won't be any wolves here."

Hearing what Qin Ming said, Qin Yang was a little relieved.

If it wasn't for wolves, it might be okay.

But the next sentence made him feel even more nervous and even disgusted.

Qin Ming said: "According to the shape and characteristics of this footprint, there is a 9% chance that it is a mouse!"

Qin Yang shuddered: "Damn, are the footprints of mice so big? At least ten times the footprints of normal mice, right????"

Qin Ming nodded, he couldn't believe it, but the only thing that fit the shape and characteristics of the footprints was the mouse.

However, the area of ​​this footprint is more than ten times larger than that of a normal mouse footprint.

That is to say, according to this ratio, if the owner of this footprint is really a mouse, then it must be an oversized mouse! ! !

Qin Yang couldn't help shivering, his skin got goosebumps.

Compared to such a big monster mouse, he felt that he would rather meet a lone wolf...

But we have already come to this place, if we want to retreat, wouldn't it be a waste of energy? ? ?

Therefore, Qin Ming and Qin Yang bit the bullet and continued walking in.

At least they will not choose to retreat for the time being until they encounter real danger to their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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