Chapter 77

He grew up in the city. Although he had never seen a big buffalo, he knew it was terrifying just by looking at its size!
Where did the person in the video have the courage to rush forward to try to persuade him to fight?

Maintaining this curiosity and doubt, Liu Jie continued to watch nervously.

When he saw Qin Ming jump up to a height of more than two meters and then sit on the back of the buffalo, he was so startled that he almost slipped off the chair.

"Nimma, is this Superman?"

The operation shown by Qin Ming in the video is beyond what he could have imagined, even beyond the range of a normal person.

When he saw Qin Ming put his hands against the bull's head, his shock had reached its peak!

"Wori! Is this still a normal person? You say this is the reincarnation of Long Aotian, I believe it!"

Liu Jie completely doubted whether his eyes were hallucinating, or these videos were fake videos, which were deliberately used to gain attention.

No matter what, he won't believe it so easily!

In order to prove it, Liu Jie searched several more videos and found some clues in the comment area.

"What? This is actually an outdoor anchor of the shark live broadcast? He actually does the live broadcast?"

Seeing this, Liu Jie couldn't help feeling a little happy.

If you just watch the short video, it is really exciting.

But if it becomes a form of webcast, then how to choose the presentation of the live content is very important.

No matter how wonderful the short video is, it is only a few minutes or ten minutes.

The live broadcast, however, takes several hours.

One or two clips alone cannot fill such a long period of time.

But the person in this video is an outdoor anchor, so it's much easier.

Anyway, they are all live broadcasts, where is it different?The content can be done as before, but the platform is just changed.

Liu Jie quickly logged into the Shark live broadcast software, and then searched for Qin Ming's live broadcast room.

When he entered the live broadcast room, it happened to be the time when Qin Ming came out to check the red scale fish.

Seeing this golden fish, Liu Jie also thought it was very beautiful.

It can be seen from the bullet screen that the value of this fish seems to be very high.

Liu Jie didn't know much about fish, so he quickly searched online, and the result surprised him.

"This is a red scale fish? It seems very expensive! This one is worth tens of thousands, right?" Liu Jie was amazed. How could an ordinary outdoor anchor keep a priceless fish in his home? ?
Could this person be a rich second generation just to experience life?
But no matter what, judging from the popularity of the live broadcast room, the number of bullet screens, and the amount of gifts, this anchor has great potential.

Liu Jie with very sharp eyes immediately realized, isn't this the person he is looking for?

As if lost in thought, he murmured excitedly: "That's it! I finally found it!"

His intuition told him that if this anchor develops smoothly in the future, there is even a glimmer of hope that he can become the head anchor of that kind of scenery.

It can even reach the level of a big anchor like Zhang Bingxin!
Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and quickly ordered his subordinates to check what contract this anchor currently has with Shark Live.

Soon, his subordinates told him the results of the investigation. Qin Ming signed the most common contract with Shark Live, and there was nothing special about it.

After hearing the news, Liu Jie was ecstatic.

"Steady! There is absolutely no problem this time!" Liu Jie commanded his fist excitedly, scaring the subordinates beside him too scared to speak.

They haven't seen their manager in such a gaffe yet.

Even the last time he went to find technician No. [-] and was almost caught by his wife, he didn't lose his composure!
A younger brother asked cautiously: "Manager, what happened? Is there something wrong with the little anchor?"

Liu Jie glared at him, and smiled triumphantly: "You know what, I've found a treasure this time!"

Several subordinates looked at each other in blank dismay, and they also realized that this anchor was probably his favorite.

"Manager, how do we get here?" The younger brothers were also eager to try.

Poaching people from the shark platform is their favorite thing to do!

Liu Jie stroked his chin and quickly calmed down.

If you want to lure the other party over, you must give them enough benefits, otherwise they may not be tempted.

Fortunately, the other party only signed an ordinary contract, so they can give more bargaining chips!

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Jie said seriously: "I want to apply for an A-level contract for him!"

Hearing what he said, several subordinates expressed a little unbelievable.

Generally, ordinary anchors only have a C-level contract, which is the normal treatment for small anchors and new anchors.

A-level signing, it means that the anchor has a certain popularity and attention, and the gift turnover must meet a certain standard.

Now it's just digging a small anchor, and you actually signed a contract with A-level?
Seeing how excited his manager was, these subordinates all wondered if he lost his mind because he was too excited.

So, they quickly persuaded Liu Jie not to be so impulsive.

"Manager, if you want to talk about B-level signings, then that's understandable. Is it appropriate to directly sign A-level signings?"

"I just checked, this little anchor is just a newcomer, and it hasn't been on the air for long!"

"If you find a new streamer, you will be given an A-signature directly. This is unprecedented on our platform!"

They are all urging Liu Jie to think twice before acting, and not to be too high-handed.

However, Liu Jie is now more sober than anyone else. The more they persuaded him, the more determined Liu Jie was to win Qin Ming over!

There seemed to be a certain kind of confidence in Liu Jie's eyes, and he said lightly: "As a newcomer anchor who has no chance of exposure, he can have such a high popularity and attention, and the daily turnover is also very high. Does it mean that he has great potential?"

"A supernova with great potential like this is just the fresh blood we need, and he deserves an A-level signing!"

Liu Jie's tone was extremely firm, and no one could shake his decision.

Thinking of this, he didn't waste any more time, and after recharging the account of Shark Live, he gave Qin Ming a super rocket.

On the shark live broadcast platform, the price of a super rocket is 1000 shark fins, which is equivalent to 1000 yuan in Huaxia coins.

That's not a small sum!

His subordinates were a little stunned to see that he gave the anchor money and gifts without hesitation.

"Manager, how do you charge the enemy money?"

"Every penny spent on the enemy will be every bullet hit on us!"

"Manager, charging money will only make the enemy stronger!"

Everyone expressed their incomprehension. You can only watch the live broadcast when you watch the live broadcast. Why do you pay for it?

If you want to recharge, you can recharge the anchor of your own platform, can't you?
Looking at his subordinates, Liu Jie really hated iron but steel.

"What do you know? Charging money won't make the enemy stronger, but it will make my actions go smoothly! Just wait and see!"

Liu Jie said confidently.

I gave myself a super rocket. This gift is not a small gift that can be ignored in any live broadcast room.

Even in Qin Ming's live broadcast room, there will not be too many super rockets sent out.

Most of them are small gifts that add up.

Therefore, he believed that his actions would definitely attract Qin Ming's attention!

However, what he didn't expect was that Qin Ming was counting the fish eggs at the bottom of the fish pond at this time, and didn't notice this super rocket at all.

"Hey? What's going on?" Liu Jie was a little dumbfounded. Why didn't the anchor respond when the audience boss gave a gift?
How can a broadcaster do this?

I can't believe it!
He gritted his teeth and recharged another 2000 yuan. He originally wanted to send two more super rockets, but after a second thought, he decided to send the plane instead.

The price of the plane is lower than that of the rocket, and he can send several of them all the time.

In this way, you won't be afraid that the anchor will not notice!

Just do it, the plane takes off!
(End of this chapter)

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