Through the seventy warm marriage

Chapter 581 He admits defeat

Chapter 581 He admits defeat
Lu Yiyi always thought that Shen Rui didn't have that kind of interest in her. It had been several years, and if she was interested, she would have expressed it long ago. Until today, she found that it was not the case.

When he stood up for himself, lied for himself, and fought for her, she realized that he should also like her.

But why didn't he say it?Is there something hidden?Or was it because she was overthinking all this, and he helped her only because she was Lu Qinghuai's sister?

Lu Yiyi's heart was very confused, and now she has made up her mind, anyway, she has escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and her life is not bad, she will not marry again just for the sake of marriage, she doesn't want to make do with it.

If she can't be with the person she likes, she will live alone all the time, and there is nothing wrong with it now.

If... Shen Rui finds another woman to be his wife in the future, she's fine.That means, he doesn't like her, so it doesn't matter who he marries?
Unknowingly, in the middle of the night, Lu Yi leaned against the bed and dozed off.

When Shen Rui opened his eyes, it was already dim outside the window.He waited for a while before he remembered what happened last night. Looking sideways, Lu Yiyi propped his head on his arms, leaning against the edge of the bed and fell asleep.

Shen Rui sighed inwardly, sleeping like this would make him very tired when he wakes up.He stretched his limbs, felt much better, and got up lightly, only to realize that he was only wearing a pair of trousers.

After looking at it, he was quite clean, he should have been taken care of by Lu Yiyi, he was moved and felt uncomfortable, as if a heart is more fragile than the body.

Shen Rui got off the ground, tried not to disturb Lu Yiyi, and moved her to the bed to lie down.Looking at the wardrobe, there was one left here by Lu Qinghuai from work, so he put it on.

The restaurant was not open yet, and it was too early to go, so he rummaged through the cupboards, made porridge, boiled two eggs, and boiled some water.

In this situation, it seems that we should leave to avoid suspicion. After all, the two of them are alone in the same room. If they are seen by the neighbors, there may be some gossip.

But looking at her sleeping face, Shen Rui couldn't move his legs. Lu Yiyi liked him, he knew it.Leaving like this will undoubtedly break her heart.

For a moment, he really wanted to express his feelings desperately, but quickly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

After thinking about it, Shen Rui still didn't leave, but gently pushed Lu Yiyi, even if he wanted to leave as soon as possible, he would know that he would.

Lu Yiyi stayed there for half the night, she was really sleepy, she didn't wake up when she was moved just now, but now she was pushed a few times before she opened her blurred eyes, "'re up?"

She sat up all of a sudden, looked at her position: "Why did I get on the bed?"

Old Shen Rui blushed: "I see that you are too tired, so I just want you to have a good rest. I made some porridge and it will be cooked in a while. You can keep it for eating. I... I will go first."

After speaking, he raised his leg and was about to leave.

Lu Yiyi hurriedly called to stop him: "Stop!"

Shen Rui turned around: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Yiyi grabbed the quilt tightly with her hands, feeling that she couldn't go on like this, "Shen Rui, let's make things clear today, and I'll give up after I finish, and I won't think about it anymore."

Shen Rui hesitated for a moment, but still didn't leave, and stood facing her: "Okay, tell me."

Lu Yiyi looked up at him and summoned up her courage: "Do you like me? I want to hear the truth."

"I..." Unable to say the three words of dislike, Shen Rui found that he could not deceive himself.His hands trembled a few times, and finally clenched into fists, in a low voice: "I like it."

He admits defeat and loses to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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