Chapter 269 Come on 5
Gu Beichen sat in the private room on the second floor of the auditorium, completely ignoring the sighs of the fans, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Lu Feiyan, I love you."

The woman whose name was called blushed slightly.

The host also found a step along the way, "Then we warmly welcome Ms. Lu to participate in the first recording of "Idol's Refrigerator."

Lu Feiyan sat across from a few gourmets wearing Qin-colored chef hats.


The host began to warm up the atmosphere of the scene, "Look, it's almost summer now, and many people can't eat. Miss Lu is so thin, doesn't that prove the truth?"

Lu Feiyan smiled sweetly, and said politely, "I believe that many girls don't eat because they want to stay in shape, but because they really can't eat because of the arrival of summer."

"Due to a temporary change in the program crew, we only moved Mr. Ji Ciyuan's refrigerator over here. Now everyone, take a look, what's inside?"

The staff carried Qin Se's gloves, and the process was quite formal. When they opened the refrigerator, it was not as dazzling as expected. The host joked, "It seems that Mr. Ji's schedule is quite full, and we probably eat out."

This sentence can make the media hype. If they dig deeper, maybe Ji Ciyuan's persona as a good man who can cook may collapse.

Lu Feiyan was just helping out because of the artistes of the same company, "Senior, it's probably because of gluttony that the ingredients are not enough, right?"

There are three groups of guests in total.

Except for Ji Ciyuan, one of them is Wang Jie, a female Internet celebrity who just got up recently, and the other is Wang Nana, whom she met on the crew of "Nine Zero".

Wang Jie's refrigerator is full of facial masks and other skin care products, while Wang Nana's is full of health-preserving fruits and vegetables.

After the host introduced them one by one, "Hey. Now invite three guests to prepare their own special dishes. The time limit is 15 minutes."

Although there are only eggs and cold rice in Ji Ciyuan's refrigerator, at least he can make a bowl of delicious fried rice with eggs.

However, there was nothing on Wang Jie's side, she said coquettishly, "Host, can I ask for help on the stage?"

"I don't know which lucky male fan Wang Jie wants to ask for help?"

Following the direction Wang Jie pointed, the host saw the man in the private room in the auditorium. The light shone on Gu Beichen, and the man stroked his face with his hand, pretending he didn't know anything.

"Sir, our beautiful Wang Jie invites you, you can--"

Before he finished speaking, there was a shout from outside the venue, "Let me in."

Lu Feiyan looked back, it was Director Ye whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Last time, he was detained by the police because of the female star, and after "Nine Zero" was suspended, Lu Feiyan never saw him again.

This is--

"My girlfriend is recording a show." Writer Ye raised the vegetables he just bought in his hand, "Xiao Jie, here."

The scene was very embarrassing.

Gu Beichen on the big screen realized that the seat arranged by the director just now was actually directed by the screenwriter Ye, and he took advantage of the screenwriter Ye's going out to buy groceries, so he sat in a seat that shouldn't be.

Holding her skirt, Wang Jie turned to Director Ye.

"Then, this—"

The host coughed a few times, "There will be an advertisement below. After ten seconds, Xigua TV will continue to follow the game for you."

Gu Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time he saw his woman cooking.

The technique of beating eggs is not a novice at first glance. Lu Feiyan asked Wang Nana to borrow chopped green onions. The knife skills are not superb. After a while, when all the prepared ingredients were turned on and the gas was turned on to heat the oil pan, Wang Nana screamed.

There was a loud bang.

"Ah Yan." Gu Beichen didn't care about the chaotic crowd in the studio, a raging fire burned the scene, just now the gas on Wang Nana's side suddenly exploded, and the inertia threw Lu Feiyan a few meters.

In the thick smoke, she clutched her aching stomach.

The heat gushing from his legs made Lu Feiyan subconsciously want to take out the phone from his pocket.

"It's on fire!"

"It's on fire!"

People were screaming, shouting, running in all directions.

The fire is getting more and more fierce.

Gu Beichen coughed and shouted, "Ah Yan."

How could it suddenly explode?
Why didn't you take safety precautions beforehand?

These questions lingered in Gu Beichen's mind, but he didn't have time to delve into them.

When he found Lu Feiyan, her throat was so smoky that she couldn't speak, she struggled for a few seconds, she pointed to her lower abdomen, and Gu Beichen felt a puddle of blood.



Gu Beichen quickly picked up Lu Feiyan, and the cable camera directly hit Gu Beichen's shoulder. He didn't make a sound, but rushed out of the fire holding the little woman in his arms tightly.

The sudden fire of Xigua TV station caused a lot of trouble.

The good thing is - no one died.

However, Wang Nana, who was being carried on a stretcher, was burnt beyond recognition, and her future star career was considered complete.

Lu Feiyan had signs of premature labor due to the impact just now.

However, because the child is less than seven months old, the operation is quite risky.

When being pushed into the operating room, the doctor asked Gu Beichen whether he wanted to be big or small, and he chose the former without hesitation, "I want her to live."

The operation is going on intensely.

Nurses came out one after another. When they saw Gu Beichen's blood-soaked shoulder, they couldn't help exclaiming, "Mr. Do you want to bandage it first?"

He shook his head, stubbornly waiting for Lu Feiyan's operation to end.

I don't know if God heard the call from the bottom of his heart. A few hours later, the nurses pushed Lu Feiyan out, and the doctor took off his mask, "Your Excellency is not in danger for the time being."

"However, although the baby came out ahead of time without any risk, it was not easy to survive because of the premature birth and insufficient months. The baby's lungs have not yet fully developed, and the brain tissue has not yet been perfected."

The doctor's tone became more and more serious, "So, for the time being, it can only be treated in the neonatal intensive care unit."

Naturally, Lu Feiyan is more important than her children.

Gu Beichen slid slowly along the wall, "Then please, don't let her know about the child."

Probably due to excessive blood loss, Gu Beichen passed out after saying these words.

The nurses hurriedly put Gu Beichen on a stretcher for treatment.

When Lu Feiyan woke up, it was already noon the next day.

The man was sitting by the bed, quietly peeling fruit, and she subconsciously touched her belly, which was empty.

Lu Feiyan spoke, his voice was extremely astringent, ".children"

"The child is fine."

He didn't say, because the situation was extremely bad, the child had already been sent to country F for treatment, the treatment level in Beijing was limited, and there were cases in country F where a six-month-old fetus survived, so he could only gamble.

".Where is the child.?"

Gu Beichen handed the peeled apple to Lu Feiyan's side, "Take a bite first to moisten your throat."

She stretched out her arm, and with a wave, the apple was thrown to the ground.

Gu Beichen couldn't pick up the apples on the ground with his injured arm, and smiled, "If you don't like eating, then drink water first."

As he spoke, he stood up and went to fetch water.

"Gu Beichen." Lu Feiyan felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, "Is the child dead?"

"How can a mother say such stupid things." Gu Beichen turned his face and smiled with an almost invisible flaw, "Don't all newborns have to stay in the greenhouse, and when you get better in a few days, you will be You can meet our little princess."


Lu Feiyan asked awkwardly.

"Really." Gu Beichen took her hand, "So, stop thinking about it. Take care of your body, you know?"

When a fire suddenly appeared in front of him, it seemed that the camera on the steel cable hit the man's body. Lu Feiyan looked at Gu Beichen, "Your arm."


Gu Beichen didn't act this time, it really hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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