Chapter 97
After all, Hu Liena was a woman, and many of the people surrounding Beidi City were shivering from the cold.

Some were still children, and some were even mothers holding infants.

Perhaps touched, she distributed the remaining ice cone bee honey to them.

This is probably the only thing she can do now.

She poured ice cone honey into the hands of those who could not stand the cold.

The refugees had no doubts either. Facing the beautiful Hu Liena, their instinctive thinking followed their eyes.

Looking at the honey in his hand, he took it without hesitation.

When the effect of the ice cone bee honey took effect in their bodies, the refugees whose mouths were trembling from the cold all looked at Hu Liena with gratitude.

At this moment, Hu Liena was like a fairy descending to earth to them.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Some mothers couldn't help but kowtow to Hu Liena to thank their children when they saw their children's complexions turn rosy.

Hu Liena was a little embarrassed, "Don't do this, it's just to keep you warm for a while."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, a few drops of honey can be exchanged for such gratitude.

At this time, the city gate suddenly opened a gap, and a group of armored knights who were waiting in full battle rushed out from the gap in the city gate.

Their whole bodies, except for the eyes, are all covered by armor.

The leading captain began to point at the refugees around him.

"You, go in."

"You, go in."

This didn't seem to be the first time this kind of thing happened. The refugees in the innermost layer begged, just asking the captain to point his finger at him.

The refugees on the outside are trying their best to squeeze in.

Some smart people seemed to realize something, and kept proving their 'value' to the captain.

And this kind of person is often pointed out by the captain.

And at this moment, a howl of a wolf resounded throughout the sky of Beidi City.

The armored knights immediately drew out their long swords, pointed at the refugees, motioned for them to retreat, and then retreated into the gate one after another.

The thick and solid city gate was closed again.

Those who were put in were naturally overjoyed, while those who were not were heartbroken.

However, this has happened many times here.

The ground seemed to shake, and the wolves attacked again.

However, the target of the wolves was Ximen, and they rushed into Ximen's crowd like running bandits.

Lin Durui's calculation worked.

After the wolves had bitten some people, they had no intention of attacking the city, and retreated immediately with the people in their mouths.

They just seem to come to eat.

The attack of the defenders of Beidi City on the city wall also arrived, barely leaving a few broken giant wolves.

Although the attack of the wolves did not attack the North Gate, it brought enough psychological shadow to the people in the North Gate.

A messy woman held a three-year-old child in her hands and handed it to Wu Yi.

"Please, take my child away, even if he has your last name, as long as he lives."

The mother's eyes were full of pleading, and Hu Liena, who was watching from the side, was a little worried.

"Wu Yi, we"

Wu Yi waved his hand, signaling Hu Liena not to talk too much, the most taboo thing at this time is to act emotionally.

Unless you have that ability, these refugees will drag you to death.

However, Wu Yi is not a completely heartless person, he looked at the child's mother and said:

"I'll try to help you guys, but not in this way, and don't expect too much from me."

As he spoke, Wu Yi pulled Hu Liena and looked at the top of the city wall.

"I'll go in and see if the city really can't accommodate people like you.

If I can give you a shelter, I will try my best to help, but I cannot guarantee it.

If the city is indeed saturated, then you can also hope for good luck. After all, if Beidi City collapses, more people will die. "

As Wu Yi said, under the gaze of many refugees, he jumped up, as if flying, and jumped to the top of the city wall.

This action, in the eyes of the refugees, is like a miracle.

They suddenly had a glimmer of hope for Wu Yi's words just now.

To be honest, the refugees at this time really need someone who can communicate with the city.

"Mom, this brother can fly."

A dusty child, watching Wu Yi's jump, couldn't calm down for a long time.

Kids like him abound.

Soul master, this is the power of a soul master.

Immediately, I don't know how many people wished that they were also soul masters, and that their children who were not yet six years old could become soul masters in the future.

Wu Yi and Hu Liena undoubtedly became the hope and gods of the refugees outside the city, and they prayed in their hearts that Wu Yi would bring good news.

However, Wu Yi still said that.

try to help.

This is probably the difference between men and women. At this time, Hu Liena really wanted to help the refugees below.

Seeing the tragedy outside, the sensibility belonging to women is controlling her brain thinking.

But, for Wu Yi, there are people inside and outside the city.

Although there are some foul-smelling nobles in the city, there are a lot of ordinary people.

You can't force the people in the city to do something just because the people outside are miserable.

Unless there are really surplus resources in the city to help.

Otherwise, the resources and various problems caused by forcing refugees in would be enough to drag down a Beidi City to death.

As soon as Wu Yi jumped onto the city wall, he shocked the soldiers guarding the city.

"Who are you!"

They are not stupid, the people who can jump here are not refugees that they can easily scare away with their swords.

"Wu Yi, special envoy of the Wuhun Palace, and Hu Liena, the Pope's direct disciple, took me to meet the person in charge of the Wuhun Palace here."

Wu Yi's tone has a high-profile meaning, and at the same time he said it in a commanding tone.

Because, for these ordinary soldiers, if you put on a high profile, you can achieve better results.

As expected, seeing Wu Yi's aloof aura and powerful skills, coupled with Hu Liena's stunning face, the soldier didn't dare to have any doubts, and hurriedly asked his mountain peak for instructions.

Soon, the captain who had been counting people under the city and was covered in armor trotted up to Wu Yi and Hu Liena.

He looked at the two people who claimed to be special envoys of Wuhundian in front of him with some doubts.

This is too young, right?

However, the captain of the city defense did not dare to neglect at the first time, looked at Wu Yi, and asked tentatively:

"I don't know if the special envoy has a certificate. You have to know that at this time, the situation is special, and the chief priest of the Wuhun Temple is also very busy."

Wu Yi raised his head, glanced at the captain, and said coldly:
"What qualifications do you have to see the certificate? Let the chief priest of the Wuhun Temple come over!"

Not only was the captain of the city defense not annoyed when he heard the words, but he affirmed Wu Yi's identity in his heart.

At Wu Yi's age, it is normal for a person of this level to look down on him.

This further confirms the fact that Wu Yi is not an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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