The big guy behind the curtain

Chapter 126 Calculation

Chapter 126 Calculation
Daoxu's expression remained calm, he spoke slowly.

"The path is different, but the end result is the same."

Daoxu was very confident, he confirmed that the woman in front of him would not kill him now, at least he would wait until she got the ancient seal.

Behind Daoxu, the plain hand rests on his back little by little, and it only takes a little force to make him meet the monks in these temples. The woman in red is as proud as a queen, standing quietly behind Daoxu.

The icy breath that penetrated into the soul was like maggots attached to the bones, a little bit of the soul with empty esophagus, for a while, he didn't dare to breathe.

Gentle words came from the mouth of the woman in red.

"You seem to be right."

She had a charming smile and a dazzling red dress. She tapped the void and returned to the highest point in an instant.

The cold sweat behind Daoxu had already soaked his clothes, and there was a little panic in his eyes, but it was well suppressed.

"As I said just now, if you want to attract the Holy Master of Zhongzhou, you must be in Donghuang."

He cleared his throat and said.

"Because the ancient seal is on the daughter of the emperor of Shenzhou. Now, there are thousands of people staring at her in Donghuang. They must check and balance each other at this time. All they need is any opportunity to detonate them."

"And that opportunity is very simple."

Daoxu's wine-red eyes became brighter, and he looked straight at the woman in red at the top.

"Use your body as bait?"

She laughed and understood what Daoxu meant.

"But how are you sure, who is the prey?"

Daoxu said solemnly.

"Since the venerable can let the West Desert fall, then the strength is naturally not lacking."

"We throw away all calculations. It is not realistic to play with those old monsters who have lived for so many years. Only simple and crude methods are the best."

"This is Yangmou, they have to come, after all...if a fetish that can rival the emperor's soldiers is obtained by others, the situation in Zhongzhou will usher in a big change."

The woman in red pondered for a moment, then said quietly.

"You have great confidence in my strength."

"It's a pity you were wrong."

Daoxu frowned, he didn't understand what he said.

"The one who broke the pattern of the Western Desert was never me, but these mortals."

She proudly looked down on the many evil spirits of His Highness.

Daoxu was in a daze.


A bleak picture appeared in the hands of the woman in red.

Countless people worked day and night to add bricks and tiles to the temple. Some died of starvation on the streets, some died of illness in the alleys, and more people could not afford to kneel in front of the Buddhist gate.

The Buddhist gate is resplendent and magnificent, and the monks bow down devoutly. They do not work, but chant scriptures day and night, hoping to overcome the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

"It's a contradiction... a contradiction that exists inherently."

"Buddhism is everywhere in the Western Desert. It advocates that people let go of everything, follow the way, and explore the unattainable realm."

As the scene changed, a poor man walked up to the Buddha statue full of hope and endured all kinds of sufferings, only hoping to be rich and powerful in the next life.

"Are there many people like this?"

she asked softly.

Without waiting for Daoxu to speak, she said on her own.

"Many, very many, so no one is engaged in production, so where are the resources for people to enjoy?"

Daoxu bowed his head, he understood what he meant.

On the surface, Buddhism transports people to bliss, but in fact it treats people as animals, leaving behind a vague wish, and then makes people do things with all their heart.

Just like capital.

"These Buddhas use various methods to whitewash their identities."

The woman in red sneered.

"They can be beggars on the side of the road, old people, or flower monks who travel around the world."

"What is the purpose?"

"Integrate into ordinary people, let more people believe that the Buddha is with them, and then."

Daoxu was silent for a while, and then said the words of the woman in red.

"Then calm down the people at the bottom, so that they don't have the idea of ​​resistance. This is a foolish strategy."

"However, if someone is more careful and observes what those monks did in the past, they will find these loopholes."

"Because what they do every day is to meditate, practice Zen, and then pray 'devoutly'."

The woman in red is aloof, her words are like a master.

"It is precisely because they deprive others of their worth that Buddhist followers are able to pursue the ethereal realm."

"After all, the Buddha does not cross the poor."

She tilted her head and continued.

"So, what did they do?"

Daoxu pondered for a long time, and he spoke cautiously.

"Spread faith and help people embark on the path of practice?"

He shook his head, wondering about the second half of what he said.

It cannot be said that all of those scriptures on spiritual practice are demagogic, but most of them are admonishing people to respect and believe in Buddha.

"So, the answer is already out, isn't it?"

The woman in red sneered.

"This is the anger of the heavens and the people. The long-standing hostility needs to be vented after all. The vast momentum is unstoppable. Even if I don't do anything, they will organize themselves to change everything."

"But I'm not afraid of anything."

After all, she stood up with a domineering voice.

"Go to Donghuang, I want to push the whole Beidou horizontally."

Following an order, countless blood-red monsters burst out of the hall instantly.

In the distance, the countless shimmering golden temples were dimmed for an instant, and then, endless blood rushed out, and countless evil spirits ran out, wandering the world.

The Western Desert looks like a hell on earth.

Under the blood moon, the mighty evil ghost map reappeared in the world.

Heavy snow blocked the mountains, and the cold wind was shrill.

This is the Daoyan Mountain Range, which is ordinary and inconspicuous.

There is a Taoist temple on the mountain, which is quite dilapidated. The red paint on the gate has fallen off. The courtyard is spotless and has been cleaned carefully.

Occasionally, sporadic figures walked by, entered the Taoist temple to worship, and lit incense, just for peace of mind.

A pale, rather thin Taoist boy looked at the eaves through the window screen.

"It's so strange these days, why are there so many people here?"

He turned his head and said to the Taoist priest beside him.

Taoist priest looks like a middle-aged man, wearing a black robe, with a calm face, and he exudes a bit of indifference when he gestures.

"Everyone who comes here is treated well, don't be negligent."

He carefully read a volume of scriptures, with a ruddy complexion and a slender figure.

"Why, they didn't contribute much incense money, we can't afford to eat anymore"

Daotong curled his lips, but he was still obedient, took the windbreaker, and walked out the door.

'Kang Dang.'

The Taoist temple came again, and the cold wind howled past, and two vague figures were vaguely seen.

The middle-aged Taoist glanced at the door slightly.

"A person with great karma."



He lightly touched the wooden table with his fingertips and kept tapping.

There is a black and white chessboard in front of you, with black and white pieces criss-crossing, killing intent everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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