Chapter 138
"Guess, what will happen next?"

Xia Zhai asked.

Ye Mo closed his eyes, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The three villains in the Sea of ​​Consciousness pointed out, the runes were bright and shining.

At this moment, Ye Mo's thoughts speeded up, and his thoughts became more and more clear.

If you want to enter the game, then you have to think of their two superpowers. A random move by both the Shenzhou Dynasty and the Yuhua Dynasty will have a huge impact.

Obviously, if you want to know their trends, you can only start with the demand.

What do the two superpowers desire most?
The Force of Peace: Emperor Soldiers

Now there is a device that is rumored to be able to grant wishes, so they will definitely want it.

After all, this kind of weapon may make your own emperor soldiers to a higher level.

So it is obvious that no matter whether Yuhua Shenchao and Shenzhou Dynasty want it or not, they will definitely not let the other party get it.

Now that Gu Yin is under the hands of the Queen of Shenzhou, then whoever assassinated Xiran in the past few days knows who it will be.

Combined with the newly emerging monsters in the Western Desert, then the next step for the two superpowers
"The misfortune is diverted from the east."

If the disaster is brought to other places, the war there will not have much impact on Zhongzhou's own basic situation.

Ye Mo concluded.

Xia Zhai nodded, agreeing with Ye Mo's thoughts.

He continued.

"Since the chance of Yuhua Shenchao getting it is very small, because the ancient seal is in the hands of the imperial daughter of Shenzhou, then it should be destroyed. Correspondingly, Shenzhou Dynasty will definitely try its best to send people to pick up the imperial daughter of Shenzhou at this time."

"If my predictions are correct, those monsters in the Western Desert should also be able to think of this. Their purpose is nothing more than to spread, not limited to the Central Province, so the messier the water, the better. During this time, they will definitely invade the Eastern Desolation, and they are massive invasion."

A gust of cold wind blew in, blowing the skirts of the two of them flying.

Ye Mo is handsome, his eyes are like ancient wells, calm and calm.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to settle, but he hesitated. There are many places in the Eastern Wasteland to choose from, such as no-man's land, sparsely populated places in the Southern Region, and Luoshufang.

Xia Zhai said softly, "Didn't you guess it?"

He replaced Ye Moluozi, who was in the Qilian Mountains where Luoshufang was located.

"What could be more suitable than here?"

Xia Zhai asked back.

"Regardless of the timing, location, and harmony of people, if everything is in place, no one will doubt it, because Luoshufang, as the overlord of the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory for many years, naturally has a reputation."

"But we can all think of it, so the group of Holy Masters from Central Province can naturally guess whether they will disrupt the situation."

Ye Mo said lightly.

"So what, can they do anything?"

Xia Zhai smiled contemptuously.

"You need to understand what superpowers are. It is impossible for the Shenzhou Dynasty and the Yuhua Dynasty to show their cards directly now. The price they paid would be too high, but they can do something secretly to make other holy places have no time to deal with it."

"This kind of thing is very simple, and you can give many examples, such as provoking the two holy places in Zhongzhou, instructing the forces under your command to find trouble with various holy places, etc."

"With the Emperor Armament in hand, everything is not a problem."

"Even if there is a holy land dog jumping over the wall in a hurry, directly turning against one side and joining the other side, it is not a big problem, the reason is mentioned above."

Xia Zhai lowered his head and chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, he dismantled the chessboard, leaving only one place.

East Wilderness!

Ye Mo also understood what he meant, and placed a few chess pieces as a holy place.

"Now, the way of thinking has to change. It is no longer thinking about starting from the superpowers, but starting from the evil spirits of the West Desert."

His pale golden eyes were shining, and the three villains in the sea of ​​consciousness kept singing.

"They seem to be expanding step by step and are very stable, but everything is imaginary. Once the two superpowers change their minds, they will be destroyed in an instant."

"The leader of the evil spirits is betting, betting on luck!"

"What they have to do now is to occupy the Eastern Wasteland before everything stabilizes."

Xia Zhai said, and then he replaced several holy places with the evil ghost's sunspots as dark spots.

"Of course, they're not stupid, and they're sure to pick the weak ones. So, if you walk all the way, you can see countless eroded forces, and those evil spirits have already planted their seeds."

"Here we need to consider supplies. War is actually an extension of politics, and supplies are the most important point."

"It's the same in the Holy Land."

Ye Mo said, and then he clicked on the chessboard again, and the black and white chessboard turned into a vast mountain and river, and the places Ye Mo clicked were all tricky paths.

Immortal wars also require supplies. Of course, this supply refers to monks at the level of dragon transformation and above, and they are also a kind of resource.

What Ye Mo meant was that these monks hid in these places, waiting for the war to come and the thunder to strike.

Of course, it is not only useful for this point, so I won’t mention it much.

Xia Zhai shook his head with a smile, and said, "All of this may be too contradictory. Those evil spirits in the Western Desert want to make trouble in the Eastern Wilderness as soon as possible, but also plan ahead and invade slowly."

"But it also corresponds to our initial conclusion. The evil spirits in West Desert are betting, betting on a time difference."

"Everything about them is unknown, which is an advantage, but at the same time, if they are not careful, they will be attacked by the emperor's army and perish directly."

Ye Mo rubbed his temples, and said softly, "Then it's easy to guess what's next. All the holy places know that they are going to attack Donghuang, but they don't know when to do it, so now they are all holding back and making arrangements in secret. Fight an uncertain battle."

"Opportunities are fleeting. Whether the evil spirits from the Western Desert come to the Eastern Wilderness or not, it makes no difference to the superpowers. It is nothing more than shuffling the power and maintaining the original situation."

Xia Zhai smiled, and finally placed pieces on the chessboard again. This time, everything was restored, back to the way it was at the beginning.

All he did was review Ye Mo.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Xia Zhai left these words, turned and left, leaving only Ye Mo meditating on the wooden chair.

Guessing may not be accurate, but this is the most reasonable explanation. It is not ruled out that the evil spirits in the West Desert will take risks and change their minds, but other places should be arranged to death. this way.

This road has gone through countless games, and Ye Mo doesn't think those old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years can't count this step.

The benefits and needs of this have all been explained very clearly by Xia Zhai.

Those holy places knew exactly what each other wanted and what they would do next.

Now, it's up to who counts further.

Everything is put on the bright side, everyone abides by the rules of the game, and the rules can be disobeyed, but they don't have the strength.

Ye Mo's previous guesses were all wrong, but it doesn't matter, he still has the right to choose.

To enter, or to stay away?
Ye Mo looked at the black and white chessboard in front of him, he was a little uncertain for a while, what he was holding was a chess piece representing himself.

The world is chess, and all living beings are sons.

Compose the eternal situation.

This catastrophe, which has not surfaced for the time being, will reshuffle all forces.

(End of this chapter)

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