I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 103 Sand Hidden Village Destroyed, C4 Formed

Chapter 103 Sand Hidden Village Destroyed, C4 Formed

As long as there are white spores on the body of the female incarnation, Obito can grasp the traces and behaviors of the female incarnation, eavesdrop on the conversation of the female incarnation, and even deal a fatal blow to the female incarnation at critical moments!
The female incarnation clasped Ah Fei's right wrist in time, and looked at the masked man in front of him with a half-smile.

A mark of Flying Thunder God left on A Fei's right wrist.

A Fei's expression was suffocated, he withdrew his right hand, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

And Obito under the mask, with the corners of his mouth raised, thought to himself: I finally left white spores on your hands, let's see where you hide in the future!

It's just that what he doesn't know is that the female incarnation already possesses Mutun, so how could she not perceive the existence of plant spores!
But Obito couldn't perceive the mark of Flying Thunder God!
Ha ha.


High in the sky, the angry Gaara immediately started a fierce battle with Didara.

The two giant claws guarding the crane quickly and violently grabbed Didala, and there were more than a dozen balls of sand flying up and down towards him.

Seeing this, Deidara's face couldn't help but change, and he steered the flying bird under his feet to dodge continuously, just like a fly being attacked.

Soon, the sand from all directions surrounded Didara, forming a huge sand ball.

When Gaara was about to squeeze Deidara hard inside, there was a bang, and the other party blasted a hole in the sand ball, stepped on the flying bird, and rushed out panting.

But Shazi pursues him closely, and will not give up until he catches him!
Didara exerted all his strength, and then flew to a higher place, temporarily dodging the attack.

At this moment, he, who has always been arrogant, felt a little regretful in his heart. He didn't bring enough clay, and he underestimated Gaara's personality.

Seeing this, Gaara raised her hands up!
Immediately, a large amount of sand swarmed up from the ground of Shayin Village, almost covering the entire sky!
This is to cast a net against Didara.

Once, Naruto thought, why didn't Payne send Kisame here to deal with Gaara?Isn't water escape good for sand?

The female avatar who has the same thoughts as Naruto himself thought so too.

But now, when the female incarnation sees that Gaara has used the countless sands in Sand Hidden Village for her own use, she understands that no matter how strong Kisame Water Dungeon is, it will be greatly affected in the desert environment!
At this time, Didara saw Gaara bursting out, and knew that if he followed the style of play just now, he would definitely get no benefit, and maybe he would be killed.

So, he decided to find another way.

Similar to the original book, he directly took out a C3 puppet bomb and threw it at Gaara.

If Gaara dodges, half of Hidden Sand Village will be blown up!
If Gaara doesn't hide and catches the bomb abruptly, it will consume a lot of Gaara's chakra, and Deidara will attack him immediately!

Now, it's up to Gaara to hide or not!

The villagers and ninjas who were watching the battle in Hidden Sand Village already knew that Didara's special combat method was those white soil bombs.

Now, seeing this huge white puppet bomb appear, the fool also knows that its power is unparalleled!
Everyone in Shayin Village was in a panic.

Some people yelled to Gaara while running away: "Gara, hurry up and take this bomb!"

Even if some people don't say it, they still think so in their hearts. It's not easy to take this bomb with the sand all over the sky?

Gaara high in the sky seemed unaware of the shouts of some people on the ground.

He already knew Didara's tactics, and guessed that Didara might be exhausted!

Seeing the puppet bomb approaching gradually, Gaara collected all the spread sand, condensed into a ball, swished to the side to avoid the puppet bomb, and then quickly rushed to Deidara!

Didara's complexion changed, knowing that his calculation was wrong.

He doesn't seem to know much about Gaara's past experience and character.

With his right hand, he took out his waist pocket, and there was not much clay left in it. Then he looked at Gaara who was rushing madly, and Didara subconsciously looked at the red sand scorpion waiting at the entrance of the hidden sand village.

There are also Fengbo Mianma (female incarnation) and A Fei standing on the wall watching the battle.

"I wanted to show off, but I didn't expect to lose face in front of Brother Xie!"

Didara gritted his teeth and thought.

"Continue to use C4 Garuda? But that Garuda has absolute defense, I'm afraid it will block the tiny spiders in Garuda!"

Didara thought quickly, as proud as he was, he still couldn't do the embarrassing thing of asking the Red Sand Scorpion for help.

So, Didara stuffed all the remaining clay into his mouth and chewed it.

Gaara knew that Deidara was about to perform a trick, so naturally he wouldn't give him a chance, so his whole body turned into a half-tailed beast and turned into a small shrouded crane.

In this way, his ability to control the sand became stronger, his chakra became more abundant, and of course he became crazier!
The sand all over the sky rushed towards Didara like sea waves, making Didara exhausted, time and time again, narrowly dodging the sand attack.

At the same time, the C3 bomb finally fell on the ground of Shayin Village.


The entire Shayin Village seemed to have experienced a landslide and ground crack. In the blink of an eye, half of the village was blown into ruins!

I don't know how many villagers and ninjas died on the spot, and the rest who survived were also injured by the shock!

The elders of Hidden Sand Village, Ma Ji, Kankuro and others all looked at the hidden Hidden Sand Village in shock, their hearts were bleeding!

After this battle, Shayin Village, which is already ranked at the end of the Five Great Ninja Villages, may fall out of this category completely!

Moreover, I don't know which enemies will come to take advantage of the chaos and rob, and even invade the hidden sand village!

All the survivors looked up at the two figures in the sky with red eyes: Didara is the culprit, and Gaara is also responsible!

"There must be more than one enemy!" Mackey roared to the ninjas beside him:
"All the surviving ninjas, except the medical ninjas who went to rescue the villagers, all rushed to the entrance!"

For such a long time, there was no movement from the powerful defense they had arranged outside the village entrance.

Obviously, there has been an accident there, and there must be enemies there!

The remaining thousands of sand ninjas, regardless of their own injuries, rushed towards the entrance of the village like crazy.

Soon, they saw the red sand scorpion hidden in the night, and the female incarnation, A Fei!
"Sure enough, there are enemies!"

"Three people have been found so far!"

"Kill them! Avenge your dead companions!"


Sand ninja roared, and the speed of sprinting became faster and faster!

"Damn stupid Didara, you actually made things so big!"

The red sand scorpion roared in his heart, and he had to take out his many puppets to guard at the entrance of the village to meet the angry sand ninjas.

At the same time, many sand ninjas attacked the female avatar and A Fei who were standing on the wall.

(Author's note:
Some friends have reported that each chapter subscription is not 10 starting coins. For this reason, I will try my best to control the number of words in the next chapters.

thanks for your support! )

(End of this chapter)

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