I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 113 Cracking the Monthly Reading, Itachi Runs Away

Chapter 113 Cracking the Monthly Reading, Itachi Runs Away

"It's now!"

Xianglin yelled, pulled out Itachi's right hand and the kunai in its hand, and controlled the chain to lock his hands tightly.

Then he took the kunai from his hand and was about to stab Itachi in the neck.

Looking at the masked ninja (Xiang Rin) in front of him, Itachi didn't immediately understand whether the other party was really under the illusion, but at least he was sure that the other party was a ninja from the Uzumaki clan.

He also understands that he is being controlled by [King Kong Blockade] which is specially used to control tailed beasts.

If he wanted to break free in time, the only way to kill or control the caster was Xianglin in front of him.

Just when the kunai in Xianglin's right hand was about to pierce Itachi's neck, suddenly, a vine popped out from under Xianglin's feet, wrapped around Xianglin's right hand with a snap, and strangled her neck !
Apparently, this is absolutely coming to the rescue.

Seeing this, Kuruma Yakumo in the distance, not only did not have a trace of worry, but showed a trace of complacency on the corner of his mouth:
"Sure enough, it seems that what the boss Naruto said before is correct. There is a guy hiding around who is amazing, and will save Uchiha Itachi at a critical moment. But you will still lose, Uchiha Itachi!"

Seeing this, Shui Wu Yue Bai urged several ice dragons to rush towards Itachi aggressively.

If you want to stop the powerful ice dragon, it will take some effort!What's more, there is another Neji who can do soft fists who will suddenly appear at some point.

Itachi was thinking about this, and when he was anxious, he felt that the golden chains on his body had loosened a little!
Although his movements and fingers are still imprisoned, Chakra can be used!

He looked at Xianglin in front of him again, his face was already flushed, and he was extremely uncomfortable. It is estimated that the effect of King Kong's blockade was greatly reduced because of this.

Wait a little longer, and once Xianglin dies, the King Kong blockade will completely dissipate.

But Uchiha Itachi couldn't wait any longer, because he was about to be unable to stop the ice dragon, and Neji was also rushing towards him!
Facing the critical moment of being about to be killed, Uchiha Itachi, whose fingers are bound and who is currently using the kaleidoscope Sharingan, subconsciously used a powerful attack on Xiang Rin——Tsuyomi!
It only takes an instant to kill the enemy, and at least it can make the enemy mentally collapse. The powerful illusion [Yuedu] just works on Xiang Rin!
Illusion is to attack the five senses of the opponent and put the chakra flowing in the nervous system of the brain under one's own control.

Whether it's Yuedu, or the Immortal Art · Toad's Singing, or other powerful illusions, the essential principle is the same.

(Izanaki and Izanami are not discussed here)
If you want to break the illusion, you need to do the reverse, find a way to completely disrupt the flow of chakra in your body, and then you can get rid of the enemy's control over the flow of chakra in your brain.

If you want to crack the illusion by yourself, you need to stop the flow of chakra in your body first, and then explode chakra in an instant.

If it is to help others break the illusion, you need to enter your own chakra into the opponent's body, which can disrupt the flow of chakra in the opponent's body and help the opponent get rid of the illusion.

Just now, in the tactics discussed by Yakumo and Xianglin, Yakumo has used his god-level five-sense illusion ability to control the flow of chakra in Xianglin's brain.

It’s just that itachi is still an enemy in the illusion created by Yakumo for Kaoru, and her position has not changed, so Kaoru can still attack Itachi and use King Kong to block and control Itachi. In her illusion, Yakumo is controlling her actions !

Yakumo's illusion of the five senses is so strong that even if Karin was strangled by the neck, she still couldn't get rid of it.

And now, Itachi also used a powerful illusion on Xiang Rin [Monthly Reading].

If Kaoru herself hadn't been in the illusion, and the flow of chakra in her brain hadn't been controlled by Yakumo, then at this moment, the flow of chakra in her brain would be controlled by Itachi!
But in fact, Xianglin was hit by the illusion of the five senses, and the flow of chakra in the brain has been controlled by Yakumo, so at this moment, Itachi's illusion attack disrupted the current flow of chakra in Xianglin's brain, that is, disrupted Yakumo control!
[Monthly reading] Compared with the god-level [five-sense illusion], the power will not exceed it. As for being the same or not comparable, that's another story.

Anyway, Itachi's illusion attack [Yuedu] is only to help Xianglin [fight poison with poison] and unlock the illusion of the five senses in her body!
Then, there is no then!
Xianglin is sober, and she doesn't have [Monthly Reading] illusions!

But this tactic has successfully made Uchiha Itachi waste a time of Kaleidoscope Sharingan pupil power for nothing.

This is the first time [Monthly Reading] has been cracked!

Only Kurama Yakumo, who is also proficient in illusion, can think of it and do it!

"You're finished!"

After Xianglin woke up, she immediately recalled everything, and saw Itachi's left eye began to shed blood and tears!
Although Itachi was holding on, it was clearly at the end of his strength, and he could hardly keep his eyes open!

Itachi was already shocked in his heart, today's battle hit him too hard!
This is the third time he has felt this way!
The first time was from Obito, the second time from Penn.

At the same time, he suddenly woke up, why did Xianglin fall into the illusion of his teammate in advance, I am afraid that the other party has already planned everything!
Including the absolute rescue, and the proper lifting of King Kong's blockade of his chakra seal, all were calculated by the other party!
Time has not allowed Uchiha Itachi to continue to be shocked, the ice dragon has broken through the absolute barrier, and it is about to bite his head with its huge mouth!

Although Xianglin came to her senses, she was still about to be strangled to death by the Jue vines. The King Kong blockade was really unmaintainable, and it dissipated with a bang.

This is the biggest loophole in the whole plan!

It also gave Uchiha Itachi a chance to fight back!

Suddenly, just as Itachi was about to be killed by the ice dragon, a crimson skeleton suddenly appeared outside his body, blocking the next attack from the ice cone, and knocking Xianglin away in an instant.

This is [Susano], the unique ninjutsu of Kaleidoscope Sharingan that can be called a magic skill!
Itachi controlled the right hand of the giant skeleton and clenched it tightly. When he was about to fight back, a voice suddenly sounded from the side:

"Itachi, stop and retreat! Kisame has been defeated!"

Uchiha Itachi froze in place for a moment, and subconsciously looked to the side, only to see Jue popping up from the ground with an anxious expression.

Although I don't understand what happened, Itachi's combat quality is extremely high, so he immediately removed Susano, turned around and ran away!
On Yakumo's side, he also didn't understand what happened, but saw Itachi was about to run away, so he prepared to arrest him again.

On the canvas in front of her, she fiercely drew more than a dozen lightning bolts from top to bottom.

Immediately, in reality, there were also more than a dozen thunderbolts falling from the sky and striking Uchiha Itachi.

But Uchiha Itachi jumped up and down, avoided the lightning attack while running away, and then jumped to the ground in front of him, and disappeared.

At the same time, Naruto also rushed over, and when he saw Itachi, he wanted to chase after him, but he was rescued by Jue!

"Damn absolutely!"

Naruto thought bitterly, if given the chance, he would be the first to kill Jue!

(End of this chapter)

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