I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 115 Effortlessly Abusing Scorpions and Didara

Chapter 115 Effortlessly Abusing Scorpions and Didara
"Report your name, you will have the honor to die under my most satisfying artwork."

The hoarse voice of the Red Sand Scorpion sounded, the tone was full of indifference and disdain.

In his opinion, Naruto just happened to have mastered Lei Dun and restrained Kisame, but these are scum in front of him!
"You can call me [Papa]." Naruto said, looking at Xie with a smile.

Hearing this, Xie's tone became cold:
"Originally, I thought about killing you and turning you into a puppet, but now I've changed my mind. I'll tear you to pieces!"

After speaking, he controlled the Three Generations of Kazekage Puppets and rushed towards Naruto.

Soon, a stream of sand and iron appeared like a sea wave, forming countless thin needles and launching them towards Naruto at high speed.

Seeing this, Naruto stomped his right foot, and a thick earth wall rose from the ground, blocking the sand and iron attack.

Seeing this, Xie in the distance snorted coldly with disdain: "As expected!"

Then he continued to control the wind shadow puppet, condensed the sand and iron into a huge cone, broke through the earth wall with a bang, and stabbed Naruto fiercely behind him.

The stabbed Naruto turned into a cloud of white smoke, obviously it was just a shadow clone.

At this moment, a ten-centimeter-thick thunderbolt condensed into a pillar, piercing out from under the scarlet sand scorpion's crimson glazed hu, splitting the crimson glazed hu into two.

To deal with the puppet master, the key is to deal with his body.

The scorpion couldn't react in time, so he could only let Fei Liuhu be cut into two, but the main body jumped out quickly from inside, his hands moved slightly, and the sand-iron cone pierced fiercely into the ground.


All the huge sand and iron cones were submerged into the ground.

If Naruto hiding in the ground cannot escape in time, he will definitely be stabbed to death directly.

"Hmph, it's too cheap for you to die just like that after destroying my Crimson Liuhu!"

Xie waited for a while, seeing that there was no movement from the ground, thinking that Naruto had been killed, he said disdainfully.

Just as he was about to help Didara, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Hey, what are you doing?"

The scorpion turned around sharply, and at the same time controlled the three generations of Fengying puppets, pulled out the sand-iron cone from the ground, and stabbed fiercely at the source of the sound behind.

"Immortal Art · Wind Escape · Tornado!"

"Xianfa · Fire escape · Huo Huo extinguished!"

Naruto clapped his hands together, and the two evasion techniques were activated at the same time, and the gust of wind swept the flames, forming a violent sea of ​​flames, heading towards the sand and iron cone.

The figure of the sand and iron cone shrunk rapidly in the sea of ​​fire, which surprised Xie: the temperature of the sea of ​​fire was so high that even the sand and iron could melt!

Seeing that the sea of ​​flames continued to sweep towards him, Scorpion immediately controlled the Wind Shadow Puppet to quickly condense a second sand-iron cone, which spun at high speed and dug a tunnel in the ground under his feet.

Then he took the three generations of wind and shadow puppets and drilled into the ground immediately behind the sand and iron cone.

At the same time, Didala and Yakumo, who were fighting one kilometer away, only felt a heat wave rushing towards their faces, sweating profusely all over their bodies, and even breathing had a burning sensation.

The power of such a sea of ​​fire has surpassed everyone's perception!
At this moment, a large number of sand and iron sharp spears suddenly stabbed out from under the feet of Naruto, and Naruto's body was directly pierced.

At the same time, two figures broke out of the ground one after another. The leader, Fengying Puppet, had burned deformed legs, and his clothes were torn, looking extremely miserable.

Scorpion's body as a puppet was not much better. The originally handsome and spirited boy was burnt all over his body, and his red hair was also curled up, like a disheveled mess.

However, Xie didn't care about these things. It was enough to escape from such a sea of ​​flames and kill Naruto.

As soon as he thought of this, Xie saw Naruto who had been pierced by a sand-iron spear in front of him, and suddenly turned into a cloud of white smoke.

Startled, Xie jumped back without hesitation, and blocked the wind shadow puppet in front of him, and a sand and iron wall appeared immediately, completely protecting the scorpion and the wind shadow puppet inside.

"Xianfa·Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken!"

Naruto's figure appeared above the scorpion's head, holding a super-large spiral shuriken that was spinning at high speed in his right hand, and threw it at the scorpion violently.

The spiral shuriken containing powerful energy easily penetrates the sand and iron wall, and when it meets the Kazekage puppet blocking in front of the scorpion, the energy in it bursts out instantly!
There seemed to be countless violent tiny wind blades raging around, directly obliterating the three generations of wind shadow puppets.

The scorpion next to him was not much better, he moved away quickly, and at the same time took out a scroll, instantly summoning a hundred red-clothed puppets.

However, these puppets in red did not step forward to resist the Wind Dun spiral shuriken, but fled in all directions.

When the spiral shuriken dissipated, there was only a large pit with a diameter of 200 meters left on the spot, and there was not even a scum of the three generations of kazekage puppets left.

And on the edge of the big pit, the head of the scorpion can be vaguely seen, falling there alone.

Looking around, nearly a hundred red-clothed puppets fell to the ground in disarray, as if they had been abandoned.

It seemed that the scorpion should have been killed.

But Naruto knew very well that the cunning scorpion had implanted his regenerative core into a certain puppet!
The red-clothed puppets scattered around can fight again under his control at any time!

Seeing this, Naruto sneered in his heart, but with a smug smile on his face, he walked casually among these puppets in red, looking at them curiously.

Sure enough, just as Naruto bent down to look at the structure of a puppet, the puppet suddenly moved, and the long knife in his hand was stabbed fiercely at Naruto!
Naruto, who had been prepared for a long time, got out of the way in time and stood beside him again.

But when he raised his head, he saw nearly a hundred puppets densely packed around him from the surroundings and the sky, and then attacked him without hesitation.

"Haha, I found you!" Seeing this, Naruto didn't feel nervous at all, but laughed out loud.

He has already sensed the hiding place of the scorpion!
The fingers of the other puppets in red basically didn't move, except for a puppet hidden at the back.

At this time, a breeze blew past the puppet, Naruto followed the wind, and waved the Sky Thunder Sword in his hand.


Hidden in the puppet's clothes, the regeneration nucleus on the chest was cut in half, and blood dripped down.

Just like that, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion didn't even have a last word, so he received the boxed lunch...

"Hey, I haven't tried my best yet, why can't you do it?"

Having killed the famous Red Sand Scorpion, Naruto felt a little sense of accomplishment in his heart, and couldn't help but pretend to say something.

Pulling out the Tianlei sword, he looked at Yakumo and Xianglin in the distance.

Coincidentally, the battle over there is also coming to an end.

Without the clay, Didara couldn't even fly. On land, he was easily abused by Kuruma Yakumo's five-sense illusion.

Seeing that Deidara was about to be killed, Naruto came to Yakumo in an instant with the Flying Raijin Technique, and then a thunderbolt passed by, and took Didara's head before he blew himself up.

The next step is to snatch Gaara away and devour a Shukaku Chakra with shark muscles!
Waited for a long time, and finally waited for this day!
(End of this chapter)

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