I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 122 Tailed Beast and Immortal Chakra Bottleneck

Chapter 122 Tailed Beast and Immortal Chakra Bottleneck
The matter in the ancient city of Loulan is finally over, and Naruto's goal has been initially achieved. Next, he will go to Mount Miaomu to absorb natural energy.

First explained to Xianglin and the other six, and after sending them back to Xueren Village with the Flying Thunder God technique, he channeled the old toad Fusaku, and with the other party's reluctance, he reversed the channeling to Mount Miaomu.

Although the [Star Meteorite] worn by Naruto can speed up the speed at which he absorbs natural energy in the ninja world, the concentration of natural energy in the ninja world is too low, far inferior to Mt. Miaomu.

He now has a huge ordinary chakra in his body that needs to be combined with natural energy. If it takes a long time in the Ninja World, it will be very fast in Mt. Miaomu.

Only an hour later, Naruto left Mt. Myogi with satisfaction, leaving only the old Toad Fukasaku and Shima behind with dull faces.

He now feels that his body is full of power, and he seems to have endless magic chakra that can be used all over his body, and he seems to have the ability to destroy heaven and earth with every move.

Of course, this may be an illusion after suddenly gaining such a powerful force.

But his strength has indeed increased by more than ten times. Although no comparison has been made, he must have surpassed Senju Hashirama, the god of ninja world.

As for how it compares to Liu Dao Mada, he doesn't know, because he has never seen Liu Dao Mada in reality.

But after reaching the current state, he felt that the amount of celestial chakra in his body had reached the extreme, and his body was already "stuffed". If he continued to absorb chakra, he might be overwhelmed.

Moreover, he felt that he might not be able to flexibly control these energies!

He tried to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan to control it, but the effect was not obvious.

"Maybe my life essence is not high enough to bear such a huge force!"

Naruto thought in his heart, since he possessed the body of immortality, his physical quality has been sublimated, but he is still a human body after all.

As for the tailed beasts that also possess huge energy, their size is also incomparably huge, enough to bear the energy.

Especially for tailed beasts with a lot of energy in their bodies, their tails also increase accordingly, probably related to the energy value in their bodies.

However, these are Naruto's speculations, and he needs further verification.

So, he found Nine Tails.

pat pat pat.

In a dark and damp place similar to a sewer, Naruto walked steadily, and went straight to the huge gate, looking at Kyuubi who was locked behind.

Seeing Naruto's arrival, Kyuubi immediately stood up vigilantly, his eyes were red, staring at Naruto firmly, the hair on his body exploded, and the nine tails shook restlessly.

It looks like an enemy!

"You have become stronger, are you going to kill me now?" Nine Tails asked in a tense voice, but he couldn't hide his tension.

It is very clear about Naruto's actions and experiences in the outside world.

It can be said that, apart from the existence of the system and the matter of soul travel, Kyuubi knows everything about Naruto.

"Haha, Kyuubi, you have also changed, you have become even more timid!" Naruto said with a smile, looking at the giant beast in front of him.

"Hmph!" Kyuubi twisted his body unnaturally.

"Now I'm here to ask you a few things, and you must answer me truthfully." Naruto continued:
"You have so much more Chakra in your body than Izuku, is it related to the tail?"

"Huh?" Kyuubi was taken aback, it didn't expect Naruto to ask this question.

It glanced at Naruto secretly, thought for a while before saying:

"It is indeed related. The Chakra in the body has increased significantly. Our tailed beasts will either continue to increase in size, or increase the tail and use the tail to store part of the Chakra."

"Sure enough!" Naruto thought to himself, continued to look at Kyuubi and asked, "You have lived for thousands of years, do you know which human has the most chakra?"

"Human? If the Sage of the Six Paths is also considered a human being, then he would be him!" Kyuubi frowned and thought for a while.

"Sage of the Six Paths?" Naruto said softly, "How does the Chakra in his body compare to mine?"

Hearing what Naruto said, Nine Tails looked at Naruto like a monster and said, "You are about the same as the Sage of the Six Paths."

"Oh? I have actually reached the level of the Sage of the Six Paths?" Naruto asked with a little surprise.

"No, your strength is not as good as Sage of the Six Paths. He not only possesses the sage chakra, but also has other abilities beyond your reach." Kyuubi glanced at Naruto and replied.

It and other tailed beasts are all beings created by the Sages of the Six Paths, and they have seen the terrifying strength of the Sages of the Six Paths with their own eyes.

As far as creating a tailed beast, can Naruto do it?

Naruto knew it in his heart, he knew what Nine Tails meant, the Sage of the Six Paths had the eyes of reincarnation, and also possessed powerful abilities such as yin and yang escape.

He originally thought that relying on shark muscles, he had acquired so much magic chakra on a whim, that he could already surpass the Sage of the Six Paths in terms of energy value in his body, but he didn't expect...

The Immortal of Six Paths, worthy of being an immortal, was definitely underestimated in the original book.

And thinking about it this way, how powerful is Otsutsuki Kaguya who can't be killed by the Sages of the Six Paths?

"Oh, I still have a long way to go!"

Naruto thought so, and then thought of another question: "Kyuubi, do I have as much energy in my body as you do now?"

Kyuubi said without hesitation:
"In terms of quantity, you are similar to Nanao, but in terms of quality, the chakra in your body is stronger than ours."

Naruto knew that Nine Tails was talking about Senju Chakra.

He absorbed less than half of the One-tailed Crane Chakra, and more than half of the [Dragon Vein] Chakra, plus the original ones in his body, so that he was about the same in number as Nanao.

From this we can see the horror of the Chakra volume of the Tailed Beast, and further imagine the vastness of the Chakra with Ten Tails.

"But how can I solve the problem that the current celestial chakra cannot be increased?" Naruto continued to think:
"I'm not a tailed beast, neither can I increase my tail, nor can I increase my body size!"

Thinking of this, Naruto felt a little depressed.

At the beginning, he chose to synthesize [The Body of Immortal Transformation] instead of [Wood Escape Blood Succession Boundary] in order to embark on an unusual path to get rid of Datongmu's bloodline.

Who knows, unexpectedly encountered difficulties and bottlenecks here.

"Bigger? Bigger?" Naruto muttered.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: There are indeed two kinds of "giants" in the Quannin world.

One is the technique of multiplying by Qiu Taoism, and the other is Susano.

The technique of doubling is to increase fat through food, increase the amount of chakra, and store it in the fat. When chakra is exploded when used, the body will become larger. It belongs to [Yangdun] ninjutsu.

Susanoo almost releases the pupil power of the kaleidoscope at the same time, forming a huge chakra giant with its own unique weapon.

"Then can I use these two methods to break through the bottleneck that Immortal Chakra cannot increase?"

Naruto frowned.

(Author's note:
The second update yesterday afternoon was not released until evening, sorry everyone, so I decided to release the second update this afternoon earlier.

In the future, if there are no accidents, there will be one update at [-]:[-] am and one at [-]:[-] pm, and the second update will occasionally be later, but it will definitely guarantee two updates a day! )

(End of this chapter)

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