I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 125 Naruto's Defection

Chapter 125 Naruto's Defection

The coquettish Bufeng soon turned into a stone statue.

Naruto licked his lips with a sneer, looked at the direction Hinata was escaping from, and became irritable again.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to ask Hinata to understand, even if I use illusion."

After Naruto thought about it, he galloped towards where Hinata was.

This so-called labyrinth of earth can't stop him at all, as long as there is earth and stone in front of him, he can turn it into powder with a wave of his hand, and then pass through it without any hindrance.

Soon, Hinata was found again.

At this time, Hinata has reunited with Yuhihong, Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino, and the young monk Sora, and is fighting against Kazuma.

Kazuma's strength is stronger than Sarutobi Asma's, and he will not lose the wind in the face of Yuhihong four.

When Naruto arrived, he saw Kazuma preparing to kill Hinata with a cane.

Naruto immediately dodged in front of Hinata, and the Tianlei sword in his hand pierced Kazuma's abdomen in the blink of an eye, and the lightning on it directly paralyzed the opponent's entire body.

Kazuma looked at the strong and tall boy in front of him in disbelief, feeling the numbness all over his body, and was shocked in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he was kicked by Naruto and hit a boulder heavily, the strength in his whole body began to dissipate rapidly, his eyes began to blur, and it seemed that he was about to die.

His two subordinates, Fudo and Buyuan, rushed to his side, turned around and took him away. Seeing this, Xi Hihong immediately chased him away.

After Naruto kicked Feifei and the horse, he ignored him, but stopped Hinata who was about to follow Yuhihong, looked at her seriously and asked:
"Hinata, can you really not tell me the reason?"

Hinata still lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Yuhihong and the others looked back at Naruto and Hinata, and continued to chase forward.

"Then don't blame me, Hinata."

After Naruto finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned into Sangouyu Sharingan, and he suddenly lifted Hinata's chin so that she could see his own eyes.

Hinata's eyes immediately became blank.

"Hinata, what's going on?" Naruto asked softly.

"My lord father said that the village is going to restrict your movements and list you as a key surveillance target."

"Father is worried that I will cause trouble to the Hinata clan if I am with you, so I am not allowed to associate with you again."

"Otherwise, he will propose to the village that you be placed under house arrest and some punishment!"

Hinata's eyes were blank, tears could not stop streaming down her face as she spoke, even though she was possessed of illusion, the grief on her face was still clearly visible.

"Damn old tortoise, Hinata Hinata, you really have a lot of guts!"

After Naruto knew the reason of the incident, his heart was full of hatred for Hinata Hinata. This old turtle who knows how to shrink its head when encountering troubles really deserves to die.

At the same time, Naruto began to feel sorry for Hinata.

On the one hand, it is the order of his father, on the other hand, he is worried that Naruto will really be punished after continuing to communicate.

It is estimated that Hinata must have been sad and wandering for a long time after bearing all these alone during this period of time.

"Thank you, Hinata." Naruto embraced Hinata in his arms, and at the same time, automatically released the illusion on Hinata, "I will go to your father to solve this matter."

Hinata woke up from the illusion, heard what Naruto said, and thought about her state just now, knowing that she had just been hit by Naruto's illusion, and said everything.

She knew Naruto's temper very well, and she was worried that Naruto would be unfavorable to her father, so she begged:
"Naruto, don't kill my father! He is only for the Hyuga clan!"

Naruto thought for a while, then agreed to Hinata:
"I don't need to kill him, but I will always find trouble for him, including Muye Village."

Although Naruto felt that the reason why Konoha Village planned to monitor him should be because he was worried that Kyuubi would be captured by the Akatsuki organization, but he had no feelings for Konoha at all, and it is even less likely that he would be monitored by him now.

"Then defect!"

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly spoke.

[Defecting] was always part of his plan.

He didn't want to stay in Muye Village any longer, accepting endless and boring tasks.

The shadow clone cannot stay in Konoha for him for a long time and complete the task.

And he will go to catch the tailed beast next to improve his own strength. Konoha can't provide him with anything, and instead becomes his prison.

Hinata was taken aback by the [defection] in Naruto's mouth, and asked awkwardly: "Ming, Naruto-kun, are you going to defect to Konoha Village?"

"Hinata, do you still like me?" Naruto put his arms around Hinata, and asked seriously without answering directly.

Hinata felt the fiery feeling coming from Naruto, and nodded with a blushing face.

"Then leave Konoha with me, we will be together forever, no one can stop us!" Naruto continued suddenly.

Hinata's body was startled suddenly, her eyes were full of surprise and surprise.

"Are you defecting? Be with Naruto-kun forever?" Hinata murmured.

After a long time, she finally made up her mind and nodded slowly.

She is a girl with a simple mind, she has no feelings for the common people in the world, and she has not been brainwashed by the will of fire.

She just wants to protect the people she cares about!
This is very similar to Sakura.

However, the difference between Hinata and Sakura is that she is cowardly and will not be a bitch.

Moreover, the person she likes also likes her very much!
"Thank you, Hinata!" Naruto said, turning his head to look in the direction Hema was fleeing from, "Before we leave, there is one more thing to do."

After finishing speaking, Naruto and Hinata soared into the sky, and came to Kazuma who was being chased by Yuhihong and others like a lost dog.

Fudo and Buyuan saw that it was Naruto and immediately attacked him.

Naruto held Hinata with his left hand, and with a wave of his right hand, they flew into the distance, and then went straight to Kazuma who was lying on the ground panting.

He Ma gasped weakly, his face was pale, the piercing of his abdomen caused a large amount of blood to flow out, and his vitality gradually drained away.

His eyes were full of resignation, he thought that he would be able to destroy Konoha successfully this time after spending so many years in anonymity.

Unexpectedly, he fell under the hands of the young ninja in front of him.

He is not reconciled!
But at this moment, his whole body had no strength at all, and his eyes began to darken and haze.

He Ma knew that he was going to die soon!
At this time, Naruto's hands emitted a milky white light, and gently placed them on the wound on Kazuma's abdomen.

Immediately, the wound and the damage to the internal organs were immediately repaired and healed.

Twenty seconds later, Kazuma was completely healed. He looked in shock at Naruto who had healed himself from serious injuries, and asked impatiently:

"You, why did you save me?"

Naruto stood up, looked at him and said lightly: "Because I need you to do what you should do now!"

Naruto knew that Kazuma's goal was to destroy the entire Konoha!
Kazuma couldn't help being taken aback when he heard what Naruto said, he took a deep look at Naruto, then stood up and hurried away with two of his men.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Yuhihong who was not far away asked after seeing this.

Seeing that they were about to catch the tomb robber, unexpectedly, Naruto let him go in front of his eyes!
Naruto ignored her, grabbed Hinata and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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