I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 144 Changes in all parties

Chapter 144 Changes in all parties (2)

Since Naruto's defection, Jilai also immediately thought of the thing that Immortal Toad asked him to find Naruto three years ago and accepted him as an apprentice.

At that time, Toad Immortal once said that Naruto, as the [son of prophecy], would either go to the light or fall into the darkness.

Unexpectedly, Naruto fell into darkness, which made him a teacher and a dreamer who had been looking for and cultivating the son of prophecy all his life, and he was in great pain.

However, someone more painful than him was standing in front of Tsunade, enduring Tsunade's anger.

"Hatake Kakashi! Why didn't you bring them back by force?!"

Tsunade scolded Kakashi loudly.

No wonder Tsunade was angry. After all, Konoha had defected so many potential geniuses, and the loss was too great, and the source was Sasuke and Naruto.

These two guys abducted Sakura, Hinata and Neji directly or indirectly!

Oh, by the way, there is also Asma, who can't be seen alive or dead, and I don't know where Naruto took her.

Now, Shikamaru's three-member team and Kurenai Yuhi are going crazy!
Naruto and Sasuke were both members of Kakashi's seventh class. Can you say that Kakashi has no responsibility at all?

"I think Naruto and the others have their own goals, just like Sasuke." Kakashi sighed and continued:
"Not to mention whether I can beat Naruto now, even if I bring them back, they will still defect."

Tsunade fell silent when he heard Kakashi say that.

"But Naruto is still Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

At this time, the door of Hokage's office was suddenly opened, and Shikamaru walked in with a heavy face, and continued to say to everyone:

"Not only because Nine-Tails belongs to Muye Village, but also because the current Akatsuki organization is hunting tail beasts everywhere. Although we don't know their real purpose, we must not let them succeed!"

"So, we have to bring Naruto back!"

"Of course, out of selfishness, I still want to know the whereabouts of Asma."

Hearing Shikamaru's analysis, Tsunade looked at Kakashi angrily again: "Didn't you think of this at the time? Kakashi!"

"Oh." Kakashi sighed again.

During this period of time, he was under a lot of pressure, and he no longer had the energy he used to, and he went to the memorial monument more and more often.

Not just looking at Obito, but also his teacher, Minakame Minato.

Now, he really wants to give up being a ninja.

"Enough, Tsunade!" Jiraiya outside the window also interrupted Tsunade's angry shout, and said, "I just got the information, Orochimaru, dead."

"What? Orochimaru will be killed too?" Tsunade was distracted, and continued to ask Jiraiya: "Who killed it?"

"Uchiha, Sasuke." Jiraiya looked up at the sky and said softly, his tone full of inexplicable meaning.

The relationship between him and Orochimaru back then was like Naruto and Sasuke, both rivals and friends.

Even after Orochimaru defected back then, he also pursued it alone, but like Sasuke, he failed to recover.

Then, he also left the village and wandered around the ninja world, while continuing to search for news about Orochimaru.

Unexpectedly, now, Orochimaru is dead, at the hands of a junior who is very similar to him.

And when Jilai also told the news, several people in the office were shocked!
"Unexpectedly, Sasuke has really become stronger, and to such an extent!" Kakashi murmured whether he was relieved or lonely.

Three years ago, Sasuke left Konoha, left Kakashi, and went to Orochimaru in order to pursue a stronger power. Now, he has done it.

As for the teacher Kakashi, he didn't know whether he should congratulate his students or blame himself for his lack of strength.

Tsunade's expression is also very complicated:
"Sasuke killed Orochimaru, doesn't it mean that he has the power of a movie at the age of 15?"

Muye Village has lost another Kage-level powerhouse!

Why can't Muye Village keep the perverted genius?

Before there was Konoha White Fang, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi, and now there are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto!
You can also add Haruno Sakura, a powerful medical ninja whose future achievements are not under her control.

In the office, only Shikamaru sighed genuinely:
"My former classmate has become a kage-level powerhouse, and I am still a rookie chunin, so inferior, so troublesome!"

At this time, Jilai also put away his memories, lowered his head and continued:
"I think that maybe I can get Naruto's whereabouts from Sakura and Sasuke. Next, I'm going to find Sasuke and the others."

Tsunade also withdrew his emotions, calmed down and said, "I will organize a group of ninjas from Konoha to go with you."

"Yes!" Zilai also nodded.

"Kakashi, Shikamaru," Tsunade immediately ordered to the two:
"Immediately find Ino, Choji, and Maitekai and Xiaoli and Tiantian in his team. Immediately form a pursuit force and go to Sasuke's place!"

"This time, we must find Naruto and bring him back! Of course, there are several other guys who defected!"


Things are changing all around, and Naruto is not idle.

He has already guessed that Sasuke will kill Orochimaru, and then he will form a snake team, and then go to Uchiha Itachi for revenge.

At the same time, he can also deduce that the Akatsuki organization will find Sakura and capture a small part of Mio in her body, but he doesn't know if Sakura can hold on at that time.

In addition, the female incarnation also sent him a secret message, and Payne asked her to find and capture the four-tailed jinzhuriki old purple.

The specific location of the other party is being searched, and when she has definite information, she will report it to Naruto in time.

Naruto is going to take advantage of this gap to strengthen Xiang Rin's strength.

"Here, here is Konoha Tsunade's medical ninjutsu learning scroll, as well as the notes and experience made by her apprentice Haruno Sakura. It is very precious. You should study hard."

Naruto called Xianglin, and handed over the scroll that Sakura gave him to Xianglin.

Xianglin's position is the medical ninja and sealer in the organization.

"However, you can study this when you have time. Now, I will take you to the kingdom of ghosts." Naruto continued.

"It's finally the day, you promised me in advance, just the two of us will go!"

Xiang Rin hugged Naruto's arm, blushed and said to Naruto.

"Is there? When did I promise you?" Naruto pretended to frown and think, and then suddenly realized:
"You mean that the shadow clone promised you that time, right? Well, then I'll spare a shadow clone to accompany you."

"Naruto!" Xianglin looked at Naruto angrily, "You're lying!"

"Haha, I don't. I always keep my word! Whoever promises you will accompany you!"

Naruto spoke nonsense with a serious expression.

At this time, Hinata next to him suddenly lowered his head and whispered to Naruto:

"Well, Naruto-kun, why don't you go with Xianglin yourself, I, I still have to practice, so I won't go with you."

Both Naruto and Karin looked at Hinata in surprise.

Seeing Hinata's well-behaved and wronged look, Naruto said to Xiang Rin without hesitation:
"Choose one, or I will take Hinata to go with you, or I will let the shadow clone accompany you!"

"The two shadow clones are fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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