I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 180 Looking for Han Yunzhi

Chapter 180 Looking for Han Yunzhi

Seeing that Naruto was too sincere, Han Li immediately added:
"I wonder what we need to do after we join you?"

"Hehe, don't worry fellow Taoist, you don't need to do anything to join us, and you can even leave at any time."

Qingwen Taoist replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Han Li felt relieved.

Next, let's briefly introduce the names.

Naruto is not interested in this.

These accomplices were either associates of Taoist Qingwen, such as the thief Wu Jiuzhi, or lambs who were about to be slaughtered by Taoist Qingwen.

In Naruto's eyes, they are all floating clouds, except for the leader of Taoist priest Qingwen, the others don't even need to remember their names.

"Then, next, are you going to hang out with us? Or go alone?" Taoist Qingwen asked again.

Han Li glanced at Naruto, gave him an apologetic smile, then cupped his hands at Taoist Priest Qingwen and said:

"I still want to take a stroll here by myself first."

Naruto didn't care when he heard the words. He knew Han Li's character and purpose, so he also said to Taoist Qingwen:
"The two beauties and I also want to go shopping first before we talk."

Taoist Priest Qingwen nodded with a smile, as if he didn't care about it, he already knew about it.

Then, after introducing some taboo things and some common-sense practices to Naruto and Han Li, they gave Han Li and Naruto a talisman each, and then left.

This talisman can break the restrictions of the distant pavilions, allowing them to go in and rest after they are tired from shopping.

Naruto looked curiously at the talisman in his hand, then put it away, and started wandering with the two daughters.

At the same time, introduce to the second daughter what happened before.

The items on these stalls can be traded in two ways, one is to barter, and the other is to buy with spirit stones.

In Naruto's hands, only the Detonating Talisman has some value.

However, this is also a battle material. Although it is not very effective for the current strength of Naruto, Hinata, and Karin, it may save a life at any time.

So, can't sell more.

Besides, he only carried more than 20 detonating symbols with him.

"If I had known earlier, I should have brought all of Xiaonan's 6000 billion detonating symbols before I came!"

Naruto sighed regretfully:

"Once upon a time, there was an opportunity to get rich overnight. I didn't cherish it. I didn't regret it until I lost it. If God gave me another chance to do it again, I would say to Xiaonan: Hand it over, give it all I hand it over!"

The more Naruto thinks about it, the more heartbroken he is. 6000 billion detonation charms, each worth eight spirit stones, if they can be sold.
My God, that must be 240 billion spirit stones!

I don't know, did Han Laomo earn so many spirit stones before he became a fairy?
Naruto covered his heart and quickly suppressed this thought, he couldn't think about it anymore.

Otherwise, you will really die suddenly!

Seeing this, Xiang Rin next to him smiled, took Naruto's arm, looked up at him and said:

"Naruto-kun, why don't you ask me if I can make detonating symbols?"

Hearing this, Naruto suddenly looked down at Xiang Rin, and said in surprise, "You know how to make a detonator? When did you learn it?"

"Hmph, you must not care about me, how would you know that I got part of the Uzumaki family's heritage a long time ago, and there is a method for making detonating talismans in it."

Xianglin gave Naruto a white look, and said angrily:

"Actually, the detonating talisman originated from the Uzumaki Clan, and the Uzumaki Clan has always monopolized the production of the detonating talisman of the entire ninja world. Later, after the Uzumaki Clan was exterminated, the production method was also spread."

Naruto suddenly realized when he heard the words.

The detonating talisman looks similar to spells and sealing techniques, and it is very likely that it was developed by the Uzumaki family, the only one in the ninja world who is good at these.

And the Uzumaki family monopolized the detonating talisman business in the entire ninja world, and their strength was not strong enough, so it's no wonder they weren't exterminated.

Of course, there must be other reasons, but Naruto is not concerned about it.

"Then how long can you make a detonator now?"

This is what Naruto cares about, he looked at Xiang Rin and asked.

Xianglin smiled proudly, and asked Naruto for credit:

"One piece every 10 minutes. I actually made the detonating charms of our World Cleansing Organization."

"In addition, I still have a hundred detonating charms with me. If you want to sell them, it should be enough for the time being."

With that said, Xianglin opened the backpack behind her, revealing two stacks of detonating symbols.

Naruto's eyes lit up, he couldn't help kissing Xiang Rin, and burst out laughing.

Seeing this, Hinata next to her didn't show any depression. She was no longer the ignorant girl she was three years ago.

Now, she knows Naruto will love her unconditionally.

At this moment, she will also be happy for Naruto's happiness.

"Did you bring the tools for making the detonating talisman? However, let's take a look at the tools for making the Immortal Cultivation World? I think it should be better than yours."

As Naruto said, he pulled Xianglin and Hinata with great interest, and began to look around the stalls, looking for tools for making talismans.

Following Naruto's inquiry, they soon learned that the blank talisman paper needed to make the talisman also had elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.

For making elementary and middle-level talismans like detonating talismans, only primary talisman paper is needed.

A dozen of these blank talisman papers only need a low-level spirit stone.

However, there are many types of talisman pens used for talisman making.

It's just that Naruto took the two girls around, and they didn't intend to buy a talisman pen.

Until he came to a sweet and lovely young stall owner who was reading a book with her head down.

Did Naruto stop? He pointed to a book called "Changchun Kungfu" on the other side's booth, and asked with a smile:

"My fairy, how many spirit stones do I need to buy this book?"

The girl raised her head, looked at Naruto, and said in a crisp voice, "Two low-level spirit stones."

"Do you have talisman pens and other talisman-making tools here? If there are, I will buy them all. You can rest assured about the price."

Naruto looked at the other party and asked softly, he was confirming whether the other party was the person he wanted to find.

When the girl heard what Naruto said, she lowered her head and pondered for a moment, as if she had made up her mind, she suddenly raised her head and said to Naruto:
"I have a good talisman pen made from the hair of a monster's golden-eyed ape's neck, but its price is very high. I don't know if you have enough spirit stones."

"Oh? Does that talisman have a name?" Naruto continued to ask, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

"It's called Jinzhu Pen." The girl said, with some doubts in her voice, she didn't know why the other party asked for the name of the talisman pen.

"Ha! Good name, I'm going to choose this name, I'm going to order this talisman pen!"

Naruto's face brightened, and he said excitedly, because the other party was Han Yunzhi he was looking for!

Immediately, he saw the more puzzled expression on the other party's face. Knowing that he had gone too far, he immediately calmed down his face and said again:
"Fairy, I don't have a spirit stone on me, but I have enough detonating talisman. First let you see how powerful this detonating talisman is, and then confirm its value, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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