I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 20 Heart of Slaughter and First Kill

Chapter 20 Slaughtering Heart and First Kill (see author's words)
The next morning, Naruto packed up all his belongings and came to Konoha gate to gather.

His combat equipment, kunai, shuriken and Bingliang pills, etc., were all prepared for him by Iruka.

To be honest, he didn't know exactly what to prepare, so Iruka did it for him.

It was rare for Kakashi to be late for this gathering. When he arrived at the gate of Konoha Village, Kakashi, Sasuke Sakura, and the drunkard old man had just arrived.

Naruto looked a little excited, because from now on, what he had planned for two months was finally going to be executed.

This time the task will make him out of trouble, because with the Flying Thunder God technique, he will leave a lot of Flying Thunder God marks on the road.

In this way, he can no longer be confined to Konoha Village, he can find a way to escape at any time, make waves in the ninja world, make himself stronger quickly, completely control his own destiny, and no longer need to act according to other people's faces.

For the life of acting every day, he has had enough.

This will be a key step for him to become stronger, he needs to find other subordinates or companions.

This made him couldn't help but think that he would meet Minazuki Shiro in the country of Nami next. As one of the few ice escape ninjas that exists in the world, Shiro's ability is very precious.

But judging from Bai's character, he is really not suitable to be a ninja.

This made Naruto hesitate a bit, whether he should save Bai's death and take Bai under his command.

"Ding dong! The task is released: deal with the life and death of Minazukibai."

"One, the Holy Mother's choice: Bai is too pitiful, let Bai survive. Reward: There is a certain probability of taking Bai as his subordinate."

"Second, the devil's choice: Bai is too kind, not suitable for being a ninja and income under his command, life and death have nothing to do with me. Reward: special title [Killing Heart]."

"[Slaughtering Heart], kill people to get system points, which can be exchanged for various bloodlines, skills, and items in the system mall, including those that already exist in this world and those that have been released by the system."

Naruto looked at the tasks issued by the system and the rewards given by the two different options, and after only three seconds of contemplation, he made a choice.

Compared with the current Naruto, [Killing Heart] and the system mall will accelerate his growth and change the current predicament as soon as possible.

As for Bai's life and death, it can only be resigned to fate and depends on his own good fortune.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for making the choice, rewarding the special title [Heart of Slaughter], and opening the system mall."

"Kill an enemy at the ninja level, reward 1 point; kill an enemy at the ninja level, reward 10 points; kill an enemy at the ninja level, reward 100 points; kill a shadow Ninja-level enemies will be rewarded with 1000 points."

Naruto was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to look at the system mall.

Yin-Yang escape, Datongmu bloodline, reincarnation eyes...

Reincarnation of filthy soil, reincarnation of undead, human puppets...

Bloodline upgrade scroll, skill upgrade scroll...


Naruto's eyes were dazzled, his heart was surging, and he couldn't help but bleed out.

"Hey, is it really okay to ask this brat to go with you?" The drunkard old man pointed at Naruto and said dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Naruto withdrew his mind from the system mall, turned around, glanced at the drunkard old man, and then at Kakashi. If Kakashi wasn't present, he would definitely teach him a hard lesson and make him Know what it means to respect people.

You said that you are a person who intends to cheat and ask us, what qualifications do you have to pick and choose and judge people by their appearance?

"Hmph!" Naruto gave the old drunkard a hard look, turned his head away, and ignored him.At the same time, he thought in his heart that if there was another time, he would definitely find a chance to teach the other party a profound lesson.

The Land of Waves is to the east of the Land of Fire, and the coast is a small and weak country composed of many archipelagos.

It is characterized by barrenness, isolation, and sparse population. Therefore, it is unbelievable that a single businessman in Cardo can control the lifeline of the entire country.

Everyone in the seventh class walked slowly towards the land of waves. They thought it would be too late, because there were still three low-strength jenin including Naruto.

Sakura seemed a little nervous along the way, asking Kakashi all kinds of things, learning about the world and the tasks they were about to carry out.

"Don't worry, Sakura, this is just a simple C-level escort mission, there will be no encounters with ninjas from other countries, and there will be no battles." Kakashi comforted Sakura.

Naruto sneered in his heart when he heard it, and in his perception, there were already two wandering ninjas ambushing ahead.

The alcoholic old man's face changed a little, and his eyes revealed guilt and cunning.

Soon, when they were walking through a path in the forest, a puddle that was completely inconsistent caught Kakashi's mind.

The two assassination ninjas in ambush are really stupid to leave such an obvious puddle on such a dry path, and it hasn't rained in the past few days, but anyone with a little experience can find it unusual place.


Sure enough, when everyone in Class [-] passed the puddle, two figures suddenly emerged from the puddle, quickly wrapped the two hinges around the leader Kakashi, and twisted it hard again!
Kakashi's body was cut into several sections.

"The first one!" The two assassin ninjas said coolly.

The attack of the two assassination ninjas caught the remaining Sasuke, Sakura, and the drunk old man off guard and terrified.

They turned their heads and saw that Kakashi was instantly killed by the enemy, and they automatically imagined the scene of flying flesh and blood.

"Ah!" Sakura couldn't help but yelled out.

"The second one!" The voices of two assassination ninjas came from behind Naruto, obviously they set the second target on Naruto.

"Huh!" Naruto snorted coldly, and when the hinge in the opponent's hand touched his body, he also used the substitute technique to avoid it.

Sakura thought that Naruto had also been killed, and screamed again, then stood tremblingly in front of the drunkard old man to prevent being "stealed" by the enemy.

Sasuke frowned, and was about to step forward to fight with the two assassin ninjas.

But in the next second, Naruto, who used a stand-in technique to dodge, appeared not far from the two assassins, and the position where he was standing just now has become a piece of wood broken into three pieces, making the two assassin ninjas uncontrollably Leng.

"Wind Dun Gale Palm!"

Naruto quickly made seals, clapped his hands together, and a small whirlwind rushed straight at the two assassin ninjas who were stunned for a moment, blowing them directly to the big tree in the distance.

The two slammed into the tree trunk hard, making two muffled bangs, and then limply leaned against the tree trunk, looking at Naruto in horror.

In their eyes, Naruto was nothing more than a harmless brat. Unexpectedly, this brat was not as simple as it seemed.

Seeing that the two were knocked down temporarily, Naruto took out two kunai and hit them directly in the throat, resolutely killing the two dragons.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for killing two ninjas, and reward 2 points."

"Naruto, you," Sakura looked at Naruto in surprise, she didn't expect Naruto to be so powerful (from her rookie perspective), and to kill someone so decisively!

"Hmph! You pushy guy!" Forcing Wang Sasuke to turn his head away, he couldn't help but think of the scene where he was defeated by Naruto for the fourth time yesterday.

Kakashi also came out of his hiding place, looking at Naruto thoughtfully.

There is also the drunkard old man, his eyes revealed fear, he did not expect that the kid whom he taunted many times along the way would actually kill without blinking an eye, just like the big businessman Kaduo who made their whole country fear.

"By the way, Mr. Dazna, I have something I want to ask you!" Kakashi looked at the old drunkard with an unfriendly expression.

The other party's face immediately turned pale, his eyes dodged around, and then he pretended to be distressed and complained.

Naruto didn't pay attention to how the drunkard old man explained how he deceived them, because he knew that Kakashi would still let them complete this task that had been upgraded to B rank out of the desire to train them.

He was looking at the system interface in his mind at this time, and he had just killed two assassin ninjas who were strong as ninjas, which gave him two points.

Enable him to exchange 20 detonators in the system store.

"Although it's not much, it's enough to use at critical times. The method of killing people to earn points brought about by Slaughter Heart is indeed very effective."

Soon, the seventh class was on the road again, heading towards the land of waves. Naruto found an opportunity to hide a mark of Fei Lei Shen under a big tree, and wrote a sentence in Chinese:

I'm here for a visit!
 Ladies and gentlemen, do you think the drunk old Dazner should be killed?Join the button group 610199468 ([-]) and vote for it.Before ten o'clock tonight, I will decide the life and death of the drunkard old man according to the results of everyone's votes!
(End of this chapter)

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