I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 52 Practice Helix Pill

Chapter 52 Practice Helix Pill

"Ninja Law: Toad Mouth Restraint Technique!"

Zilai, who was in the distance, slapped his hands on the ground, and saw that the entire corridor had turned into flesh and blood, as if they were in a large intestine of flesh and blood.

Sasuke, who was pressed against the wall by Itachi, was quickly swallowed by flesh and blood, and the feet of Kisame and Itachi were also sinking into flesh and blood.

This scene looked a little scary, and it also made Itachi and Kisame startled.

"This is the intestines of the Miaomushan Yansu giant toad, and you are already in its intestines!"

Jiraiya smiled and said to Itachi and Kisame:

"Anyway, you are all rebels, so let's just become the food of the big toad in Yansu!"

Naruto looked at this scene with his eyes shining. The toads on Mt. Myogi have many auxiliary functions and are very useful. Next, he must learn from Jiraiya.

Sure enough, it was correct to choose to follow the original plot and worship Zilai as a teacher!

Seeing this, Itachi hurriedly said to Kisame, "Come with me."

Kisame obediently picked up the shark muscles and ran forward with Itachi, which was where the other end of the original corridor was.

"Hmph, it's useless, so far no one has been able to escape from this place!"

Jiraiya looked at the figures of the two and said confidently. At the same time, he began to urge the surrounding intestines to contract suddenly, and turned into pillars of flesh to attack the two, intending to bury them here.

But Jiraiya didn't understand the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan at all, Uchiha Itachi directly burned a big hole in one end of the intestine with Amaterasu, and walked away with Kisame.

After Jiraiya was slapped in the face, his face was a bit ugly, so he could only seal up the remaining Amaterasu's fire resentfully.

Naruto looked at the flames of Amaterasu, and the kaleidoscope of his own eyes couldn't help but want to open automatically.

There was a momentary impulse in his heart, wanting to compete with Itachi Uchiha in the power of the kaleidoscope.

But this desire was suppressed by him.

The power of Uchiha Itachi lies not only in the kaleidoscope, but also in other geniuses. He has almost achieved the ultimate in physical skills, illusion, escape and ninja throwing.

The current Naruto still has a long way to go from the opponent, wait a little longer, and he can kill Uchiha Itachi like a dog after a while!

At that time, whether it is Itachi's own kaleidoscope, Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope that he may hide, and Uchiha Shisui's Bietenjin kaleidoscope, they will all become Naruto's trophies!

Jiraiya sealed the fire of Amaterasu and restored the corridor to its original state, but was kicked away by Maitkai who suddenly appeared but misidentified him...

Maitekai, as expected, is a rare Konoha beast!

After this battle, Erzhuzi was not only physically and mentally injured, but his faith was about to collapse, and he began to doubt life.

Therefore, when Orochimaru hooked him, he defected without hesitation. For revenge and power, he could sell his soul and body to the devil.


Next, Maitekai took Sasuke back to Konoha Village for treatment, and happened to be lying on the bed with his good master Kakashi, spending the recuperation recovery after monthly reading.

Be a pair of "difficult teacher and difficult apprentice"!
But Naruto continued to carry the burden, and Jiraiya also embarked on the road of searching for Tsunade while practicing.

Along the way, Naruto maintained a silent practice of physical fitness, Jilai also saw that he was afraid of Naruto's psychological burden, so he asked:
"Naruto, don't you wonder why those two people want to arrest you?"

Naruto stopped in his tracks, rolled his eyes, and quickly thought of the words to respond in his mind:
"I want to become stronger quickly, and the next time they come to catch me, I'll just defeat them and just ask myself!"

Jilai also raised his brows when he heard this, he didn't expect Naruto to think so, and he couldn't help a little appreciative in his heart.

"Naruto, next, I will teach you a very powerful ninjutsu!"

As Jiraiya said, he stretched out his right hand, and soon a light blue ball of chakra spinning at high speed formed in the palm of his hand.

"Helix Wan! It's finally your turn!" Naruto said inwardly as his eyes lit up.

"Climbing a tree is for you to concentrate and maintain Chakra in a specific place. Treading water is for you to learn to maintain a certain amount of Chakra."

"And this ninjutsu requires you to learn to create the flow of chakra, that is, to spin!"

"Concentrate the chakra in the palm, maintain a certain amount, and then rotate and flow the chakra, and that's it!"

No matter what he said, Naruto stretched out his right hand and began to experiment, but it was a pity that he couldn't practice for a long time.

He looked at the system's personal panel, his [Super Chakra Control] is only at the [entry level] level, which can ensure that he can quickly master tree climbing and treading water.

But this level is not enough for fast cultivation of spiral pills.

He really wants to use system points to improve the proficiency of [Super Chakra Control], or directly improve the proficiency of [Spiral Pill], but unfortunately his points have been used up.

Now I can only rely on myself to practice honestly.

Fortunately, he knows the secret of cultivating Helix Pill.

Soon, Naruto and Jilai also came to a small town, and Jilai also bought several water polo, leather balls and balloons.

The direction of chakra rotation in each person is different. Some people turn to the left and some people turn to the right. Generally, ninjas can perceive it by themselves.

However, there is another way to know, that is to look at the spinner on the top of the head, if the spinner on the top of the head turns to the right, then the chakra in the body also turns to the right!
vice versa.

When Naruto first found out about this, he really felt a little nonsense.

Anyway, the direction of the chakra rotation in Naruto's body was to the right, and he could feel it by himself, but he still let the shadow clone look at the rotation above his head, and after it was accurate, he was relieved.

The practice of spiral pills is related to the direction of chakra rotation in one's body.

He has to control the flow direction of the chakra in his palm and also flow and rotate to the right, so that he can better grasp the spiral pill.

The first stage of practicing Helix Wan is to put the water polo in the palm of your hand, and use the chakra rotation to break the water polo.

Naruto put the water polo in the palm of his left hand, controlled Chakra to flow and rotate into the water polo, and then urged Chakra to scratch the water polo continuously with his right hand.

5 minute later.

The water polo broke!

Ji Lai was also taken aback when he saw this, and praised: "It seems that your Chakra control is not that weak!"

Then, he put a ball in Naruto's hand and said: "Then proceed to the second stage of training, and increase the power on the basis of rotation!"

So, the second stage is breaking the ball.

The key is the word "power"!
Naruto smiled, and split out fifty shadow clones, each holding the ball in their right hand, gathering the chakra, and making the chakra spin in the ball.

The left hand is like a cat rolling a ball with its two paws, increasing the power of chakra rotation.

The main body and fifty shadow clones are practicing at the same time, and the shadow clones dissipate once an hour, passing back some experience to the main body.

In this way, his cultivation speed is equivalent to 51 times that of ordinary people!
Relying on the shadow clone plug-in, Naruto successfully completed the training in just one morning. Jilai, who had just gone to collect information and came back from lunch, was also surprised when he saw this.

He began to realize that maybe he had really taken in a great disciple!
As expected of [Son of Prophecy]!

The third stage of practicing Helix Pill is "Maintenance"!
Jiraiya held a normal balloon in his right hand and used the spiral pill with his left hand, but the balloon in his right hand was unharmed, not even fluctuating.

The third stage is to develop 100% of what you have learned before, and then maintain it!

That is to increase the "rotation" and "power" of Chakra, and then further create a layer of membrane inside the balloon. Imagine compressing Chakra inside to form a small "typhoon"!
"I see!"

Naruto nodded, and used the method just now, holding the balloon in his right hand and scratching it with his left hand.

The ball burst!

"Sure enough?" Naruto sighed.

Helix Wan is an A-level ninjutsu, which not only means that it is amazingly powerful, but also extremely difficult to practice.

He has now learned the second stage in a few hours, which is already a very remarkable existence. This is the reason why he is familiar with the plot and opened up.

There is no way, in order to quickly learn this ninjutsu, he can only continue to hang around.

With a thought, Naruto separated out 51 shadow clones, two by two.

One person's right hand condenses chakra and rotates at high speed, while the other shadow clone scratches with both hands to maintain the stability of the spiral pill.

When Jiraiya came back again in the afternoon, his expression could no longer be described as shocked.

Because Naruto has completed the third stage of training and successfully mastered [Spiral Pill]!


While Naruto was practicing Heliwan, Orochimaru had already found Tsunade, and then used the "resurrected" Tsunade lover Kato Duan and his younger brother Nawaki to confuse Tsunade and heal his hands.

"If I heal your hands, what will you do next?"

"Naturally, continue to destroy Konoha!"

 Chinese New Year is coming soon, wish everyone an early New Year!In the next few days, I will set up a red envelope at the end of a certain chapter, just to represent my heart, don't forget to collect it.

  In addition, in the reader qq group 610199468, there will be another red envelope, everyone is welcome to join and receive it.

(End of this chapter)

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