I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 60 New Mission, Country of Tea

Chapter 60 New Mission, Country of Tea

After Tsunade successfully returned to Konoha, he began the work of succeeding the Fifth Hokage, and took time to heal Kakashi and Sasuke who were in Tsukiyomi.

Fortunately, this time, Xiao Li's body is still in good condition, and he is doing youthful exercise with Mai Tekai alive and kicking.

Naruto stood aside, watching Tsunade put the green light-emitting right hand on Sasuke's forehead, recovering his mental trauma, learning silently in his heart.

In the past few days, he has initially mastered the palm fairy technique commonly used in medical ninjutsu and the ninjutsu of extracting toxins. With his own [Physical Healing], the healing effect is absolutely leveraged.

But the treatment of mental trauma is a high-end medical ninjutsu, even his [Physical Healing] is impossible, so he needs to take the opportunity to learn it seriously.

He wanted to directly and secretly open Sharingan to copy, but he was worried that Tsunade would notice the abnormality of his eyes, so the loss outweighed the gain.

Tsunade's medical skills were really good. After only 2 minutes, Sasuke, who had been in a coma for nearly a month, opened his eyes and sat up.

Seeing this, Xiao Sakura, who was waiting patiently beside her, had tears in her eyes, and hugged Sasuke as soon as she stepped forward.

Naruto rolled his eyes while watching, and couldn't help but grasp Hinata's tender hand tightly.

That's right, the first thing he did when he returned to Konoha was to find Hinata.

Next, after Tsunade healed Kakashi, Maitekai next to him also wanted to cry and hug Kakashi, but Kakashi kicked him away...

"Hey, let's go, Hinata, may I invite you to eat Ichiraku ramen?" Naruto smiled and grabbed the shy Hinata, and continued:
"Let's call Mr. Iruka again. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I miss him a little bit."

"Oh, by the way, Teacher Kai, Xiao Li, you guys should go too, I'm treating you!"

Naruto turned around and said to Matt Kai and Xiao Li.

Mitekai looked at Kakashi with some hesitation, and finally greeted Kakashi, and led Xiao Li to follow Naruto's footsteps.

"Kakashi, about Naruto, I've heard it from myself, he's actually a very talented kid,"

Tsunade looked at the expressionless Kakashi, and continued:
"On the way back, Naruto defeated and killed that spy named Yao Shidou, his strength is probably almost the same as yours."

When Kakashi heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Tsunade, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"In the past 12 years, what happened to Naruto really made me feel very sad. I can't say much about the three generations of teachers, but you, including Jiraiya, did something wrong."

After Tsunade finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave: "Hurry up and cheer up, the village still needs you people."

Tsunade opened the door, saw Sasuke and Sakura standing at the door with shocked faces, and left without saying anything.

Sasuke had already heard Tsunade's evaluation of Naruto, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness:
"Naruto killed Yakushido? That guy who is comparable to Kakashi?! Is he already this powerful?"

Sakura next to him held Sasuke's arm tightly, looked at Sasuke, her face was full of worry, and at the same time, she was also happy for Naruto's growth in her heart.

This complicated emotion made her feel a little anxious.


Since Konoha Village has just been hit hard, in order not to show a weakened image before other ninja villages, the number of missions received has not decreased, but has increased a lot.

This forces every ninja, including the next ninja, to suddenly double the amount of tasks.

Naruto's seventh class was quickly assigned a B-level protection task.

However, since Kakashi and the ninja are busy with other high-level tasks, this task can only be completed by Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

"This is a B-level protection task. Of course, it may be upgraded to an A-level task due to emergencies."

Tsunade handed the task scroll to Naruto, and she felt that even if it was promoted to A-level task, it should be able to complete according to Naruto's strength.

The approximate content of the task is:
In the neighboring country of tea, there is a [Boom Taisha] worship ceremony held every four years. During the running event held at the same time, they need to protect the safety of the participants...

Half an hour later, the three of Naruto left Muye Village and embarked on the journey to the country of tea.

Traveling all the way, three hours later, they arrived in the country of tea, found the client Wasabi Jirocho, and learned the detailed task content.

[Hong Taisha] The race of the worship ceremony is essentially a battle between the two major clubs in the local town, "Wasabi" and "He Yi", for the dominance of the town.

In order to win the final victory, both sides secretly hired ninjas to protect their own contestants and took the opportunity to assassinate the opponent's contestants.

Next, Naruto and the others met the contestant who needed to be protected - Morinoi Yatian, a self-righteous and arrogant boy.

At the same time, the other party is still the younger brother of Konoha Morino Ibiki, but he left Konoha Village because of something, and has been inexplicably hostile to Konoha Ninja ever since.

Of course, Naruto doesn't care about these trivial things, as long as the task is completed, don't care about the process.

By the way, by killing people, you can also accumulate a wave of system points.

The next day, the race officially started.

The three Naruto stood beside Morinoi Tuaten, protecting this guy at all times.

"I think Boss Jiro is really unreasonable to worry about. It's useless to hire you ninjas." Morinoi Tuten said with an unhappy face.

Naruto glanced at him, but said nothing.

"You just need to watch from the sidelines, don't hinder me." Seeing that the three Narutos were silent, Morinoi Tuatian continued to speak rudely.

Naruto slapped the opponent's face, stared at him disdainfully and said:
"We are here to complete the task, not to listen to you, a bastard, let alone you are not our client."

Sasuke and Sakura next to him were taken aback when they saw this, and were a little surprised by Naruto's personality change, but considering what he said was right, they didn't stop them.

Morinoi Tuatian is just the person they need to protect, and the client is Wasabi Jiro.

This fellow Morinoi Tuatian was slapped and wanted to continue shouting, but when he saw Naruto's murderous gaze, he swallowed his anger.

Sure enough, this guy is just a coward who bullies the weak and fears the hard.

The game officially begins.

The contestant of the He Yi Club was a guy named "Fusuke", who immediately ran towards the boat ahead.

According to the normal competition route, they need to take a small boat to reach one end of the opposite island, then run to the other end with their legs, and then come back by boat.

It is said that it is a race, but it is actually a bit of a misnomer, but there is no way, the country of tea is an archipelago country, and the town is also a port.

However, Morinoi Tuatian didn't play his cards according to the routine and ran in other directions.

Sakura let out a surprise, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Naruto.

Morinoi Tuaten has his own ideas and tricks, they just need to protect him and kill the sneak attacking ninja.

Sure enough, Morino Itaten found a shortcut according to the weather changes.

When they were about to move on, Naruto's expression changed, and he quietly separated a shadow clone, and by virtue of the Flying Thunder God technique, he arrived at the mark of the Flying Thunder God left on the way just now.

Five minutes later, three Chunin from Yuyin Village fell to the ground.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for killing three Chunin and getting 30 points."

Chunin, for the current Naruto, is really like chopping melons and vegetables.

"There is also a jonin, who is with another contestant, 100 points, not bad."

 This task is part of the original plot, so I have to write it.However, I'll skip ahead to half a chapter tomorrow.

  Here again, I wish you all a Happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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