I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 73 Snow Ninja Village, Bird in a Cage

Chapter 73 Snow Ninja Village, Bird in a Cage

"You, looking for death!" Feng Hua Nu Tao stretched out his hand to pinch Xue Hui's neck in annoyance.

But in the next second, he was dumbfounded again, Xue E could actually know ninjutsu, quickly dodged and stood ten meters away.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

At this moment, several surprise voices suddenly came from a distance.

Looking around, I saw another Yukie, Neji, Hinata, and the film crew coming from a distance.

Feng Hua Nu Tao turned back to look at Xue E in front of him, only to hear a bang, and the other party turned into Naruto.

Naruto has been playing with him!

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Naruto looked at the sluggish Fenghua Futao with a grin, and asked again.

"Ice Escape Black Dragon Tempest Kill!"

The wind, flowers and waves were furious, and quickly formed seals with both hands, only to see a long black dragon roaring and rushing towards Naruto!

"Hey, this ninjutsu is good, it looks cool!"

Naruto's eyes lit up, and then he also made a seal with his hands, and saw a long blue dragon appearing out of thin air, facing the black dragon.

He who owns the [Fengshen Body] has completely mastered the shape and nature of Fengdun.

It's just that the previous opponent was not strong, and could be killed in a few hurricanes, so he hadn't fully developed the power of this physique.

Right now, it is not difficult for him to condense Feng Dun into the form of a growing dragon.

The black dragon's body is mixed with ice escape, and it will soon have a tendency to break through the green dragon.

But Naruto's chakra was enough to make the blue dragon suddenly grow bigger, quickly break through the black dragon, and then take advantage of the situation to swallow the unresponsive Feng Hua Raging Wave.

Countless wind blades cut his body into pieces, making him so dead that he couldn't die anymore!
Once the big boss dies, the world will be peaceful.

At this time, two huge projections were projected from the surrounding stone walls of the geothermal generator, which were Yuki and his father when he was a child.

Yukie looked at her with nostalgia, crying uncontrollably.

Naruto looked at Yuki's father in the projection, wearing glasses and looking like a refined scientist, and he knew that the Snow Country has so many black technologies, it must be related to this person.

"Naruto-kun, why didn't Yukie's father just let him see these so-called treasures when the wind and flowers and raging waves launched the rebellion?"

Hinata walked up to Naruto and asked Naruto weakly.

"Heh, maybe Xuehui's father is worried that the wind, flowers and raging waves will destroy these geothermal generators?"

Naruto held up Hinata's little hand and explained, then chuckled again: "Whatever, who knows?"


With the successive deaths of Feng Hua Nu Tao and his three Chunin subordinates, there is no one who can fight in the entire Snow Country.

Yukie was moved by the projection left by his father.Finally, she made up her mind to take on the responsibility of being the Queen of the Snow Country and make the Snow Country grow stronger.

So, Xue Hui followed her loyal minister Asama San Taifu, and a group of loyal old, weak, sick and disabled, and successfully recovered the Snow Country and regained the right.

During this period, some sporadic counterattacks were easily resolved by Naruto and the others.

Then Naruto came to the most precious scientific research room in the Snow Country, and saw the scientific research facilities covering the entire warehouse and hundreds of scientific research personnel.

These are priceless treasures!
"Queen Yukie, San Taifu must have told you about our deal?" Naruto asked Yukie next to him with a smile.

At this time, Xue Hui was dressed in luxurious palace attire, which looked unusually graceful and luxurious, and was breathtaking.

Naruto's eyes flickered, and he could not help but squeeze Hinata's little hand tightly.

"Well, I will promise you." Xue Hui's voice was still so pleasant:

"My father studied chakra armor and geothermal generators back then. His original intention was to strengthen the Snow Country. He also supported Fenghua Nutao and planned to establish Xueren Village. Unfortunately..."

Speaking of this, Xue Hui's beautiful eyes dimmed.

"Ha, don't worry, I'm a ninja, and I have no interest in ordinary power!"

Naruto explained meaningfully:

"Besides, if I really want to get the Land of Snow, you won't be standing by my side alive now!"

When Yukie heard this, she gave Naruto a charming look. She was very curious about this Konoha ninja who was three or four years younger than herself.

Naruto has ambition and strength, and he is very courageous.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, my companion will be here soon, let her communicate with you then."

After Naruto finished speaking, he hurriedly dragged Hinata away, he was really afraid that Xue'e would eat him, no, to be precise, he was afraid that he couldn't help it.

"Hinata, will you tell others about these things?" Naruto asked softly as he walked in the garden outside the Snow Country Queen's castle.

"I, I believe that Naruto-kun will not harm his companions and the village, right?"

Hinata opened her big white Kaziran eyes, and looked at Naruto charmingly, her eyes full of trust.

Looking at Hinata like this, Naruto's heart felt a little soft, and he completely deleted the figure of Yuki in his mind.

Xuehui wanted to seduce him, probably for another purpose, but Hinata really loved him and trusted him immensely.

This point has been fully proved in the original work for more than ten years.

"Aren't you afraid that I will expose you?"

At this time, Ning Ci's voice suddenly came from behind.

Naruto turned his head when he heard the words, looked at the expressionless Neji, and only said one sentence, which made him turn pale with shock:

"I can break the [caged bird] seal!"

"You," Neji gritted his teeth, stared at Naruto with big white eyes and said, "How do I know if what you said is true or not?"

"Why don't you take a gamble and let me have a try?" Naruto looked at Ningji playfully, and continued:
"Or, do you just want to be a caged bird in Hinata's family for the rest of your life?"

Hinata next to her heard the words, and lowered her head with a lonely expression. She was kind-hearted and sympathized with the separation.

But she can't do anything, because her father no longer values ​​her, but gravity trains her younger sister Hanabi.

When Huahuo became the next main family, she could not escape the experience of becoming a branch family.

Of course, what she didn't know was that in the original book, she escaped this tragic fate because she married Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto gently put his arms around Hinata's shoulders, and said to him:
"Don't worry, I can really unlock the [Caged Bird Curse Seal], and I won't make you a branch!"

"Well, thank you Naruto-kun." Hinata nodded softly.

After hearing what Naruto said just now, Ning Ci kept frowning and thinking.

He thought of his father's tragic death, and thought that he had such a talent, but he still wanted to become a dog of the Hyuga clan!

"I'm willing to try!"

Ning Ci clenched his fists and looked at Naruto, then turned around and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Be loyal to me for three years, and you will be free after three years!" Naruto said, looking at Neji seriously.

Three years later, this world will be trampled underfoot by Naruto.

"Okay!" Neji nodded without hesitation.

He is only 13 years old, and if he spends three years in exchange for decades of freedom, is this a bad deal?
"Haha, don't worry, you will definitely be proud of this decision in the future!" Naruto said bluntly.

"System, exchange for [Caged Bird Curse Seal]."

"Ding dong! [Caged Bird Curse Seal] has been redeemed, and this time consumes 100 points."

In the system mall, A-level ninjutsu is worth 100 points.

[Caged Bird Curse Seal] and [Bagua Seal], which can seal the Tailed Beast well, are both worth 100 points.

Only [Ghoul Seal] is an S-level sealing technique, worth 1000 points.

With his superb [Sealing Technique Talent], Naruto quickly figured out this sealing technique and obtained the method to unlock it.

(End of this chapter)

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