I, Naruto, will never be the Virgin

Chapter 88 Rescue Hinata easily, learn 8 Dunjia

Chapter 88 Rescue Hinata easily and learn Bamen Dunjia

This old monk is actually the leader of a group of wandering ninjas.

A few years ago, he turned into an eminent monk, used illusion to deceive the boss, and then became a senior official of the Bird Kingdom.

Later, the old daimyo and his son were poisoned to death, and now, he wants to kill the new daimyo, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest.

In Naruto's memory, this is probably the situation in the country of birds. I don't remember the details, and there is no need to delve into it.

He only knew that now that his daughter-in-law was in danger, he wanted to kill the enemy.

It's that simple.

Seeing the old monk's ruthless attack, spitting out a fire dragon to kill Hinata, Naruto shouted angrily, "You're looking for death!"

Then, with a wave of his hand forward, he saw a blue wind wall surrounding him, blocking himself and Hinata.

Although the fire defeated the wind, in front of the absolutely powerful wind wall, the fire dragon quickly dissipated after hitting the wind wall.

When the old monk saw Naruto suddenly appearing, his heart skipped a beat, and when he saw the fire dragon being blocked, he hurriedly retreated.

Then he grabbed the bird country daimyo, hid in the room, and disappeared through the secret passage.

But at the same time, dozens of masked ninjas suddenly appeared around, all wandering ninjas under the old monk's command, besieging the four Naruto from all directions.

There is also a white-haired, captain-level dragon suit, standing on the roof, looking proudly at the surrounded Naruto, and said with a wild smile:

"Why is there another brat who sent him to die?"

Naruto squinted at the other party, and the next second, the wind wall rapidly expanded around.

All the wandering ninjas around who came into contact with the wind wall were all slammed into the air and fell to the ground. The light ones had fractured bones, and the severe ones fell into a coma.

The white-haired dragon standing on the roof saw his expression in shock, and was about to get up and jump back, but found that his shoulder was suddenly held down.

A calm voice sounded from behind:
"Please, don't call me a kid in the future, okay? Playing poker? Or call me a king!"

This voice is very familiar, isn't it the brat he despised just now?
He subconsciously looked into the wind wall, and saw that the little ghost was still inside, waving at him and showing a sneer.

"Why two brats?" The white-haired dragon was puzzled, and blurted out, "Shadow Clone? So fast!"


Tianlei sword easily cut off the opponent's head.

Naruto avoided the splashed blood, looked at the wandering ninjas who were climbing up and fleeing around him, and the blazing thunder light burst out from the Tianlei Sword,

He grabbed the Tianlei Sword and waved it around, and the crackling thunder and lightning killed all the wandering ninjas who fled and were seriously injured and unconscious.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for killing a middle ninja and 40 lower ninjas, for a total of [-] points."

"Naruto-kun, thank you." The wind wall dissipated, Hinata walked to Naruto's side, grabbed Naruto's clothes, and said with a blushing face.

Not far away, Shino put his hands in his pockets, and nodded to Naruto coolly to express his gratitude.

Inuzuka Ya gritted his teeth and snorted unwillingly, admitting defeat in his heart, but unwilling to admit it with his mouth.

"Let's go, let's catch the culprit, and this mission can be completed."

Naruto held Hinata's little hand and said to Shino and Inuzuka.

The old monk captured Daimyo, and was about to escape proudly by boat, but unexpectedly, a hurricane suddenly fell from the sky and hit him directly!

Seeing this, the old monk immediately grabbed the daimyo beside him to hide. Just as he landed on the water, he found that his head was flying, but his body was still standing there.

"How is this going?"

The old monk finally thought before his consciousness completely dissipated.

The headless corpse of the old monk fell on the water surface and disappeared after sinking into the water. Two seconds later, his head fell into the water again, splashing a wave of spray.

Next, it was the happy reunion moment, Naruto was not interested, took Hinata into the air, and then took the opportunity to go back to Konoha Village.

However, after returning to Muye Village this time, Maitekai found Naruto, and he planned to teach Naruto the Bamen Dunjia.

Since Naruto graduated, he began to learn gymnastics and physical training with Maitekai, and now his physical fitness has improved a lot.

This is the result of his unremitting and hard training, and there is also the reason why he has both the [Whirlpool Clan Immortal Body] and the [Thousand-Handed Clan Immortal Body] at the same time.

These two immortal bodies allowed Naruto's physical fitness to improve by leaps and bounds after a series of exercises!

Now in Maitekai's view, he can practice [Eight Gate Dunjia] and open the second gate!

Everyone's body has "eight gates" that suppress their own chakra, but there are very few people who know how to use the eight gates.

Why is the [door] that everyone has, but not used by others?

The key reason is that the premise of using Bamen Dunjia is unconventional, overloaded, and long-term training beyond the limit.

Only in this way can the various parts and organs of the body be trained to adapt to the load after opening, and the damage to the body caused by the huge energy after opening can be minimized. Forcible opening is not acceptable.

For example, after a series of hard training, Kakashi can also use the Eight Door Dunjia!

And the characteristics of launching the Eight Doors Dunjia are faster and stronger.

First, hurry up!

The importance of speed in battle is self-evident, and being ahead of the enemy is especially important for Taijutsu ninjas.

And Bamen Dunjia is to overload and release the energy in the body without restraint, and its speed will also be greatly increased.

For example, in the Chunin exam, when Xiao Li opened the fourth injury gate, his speed was too fast to catch his movements with the naked eye, and he directly beat Gaara immobile.

Second, be strong!

Strength directly occupies the main position in physical combat.

When using Bamen Dunjia, the energy in the body will be released without restraint, and at the same time, the strength will also increase greatly.

For example, in the battle between Kai and Kisame Kisame, in the case of opening the seventh shock gate, the body art "Day Tiger" used, using super high-speed positive punches to hit the air, forming extremely high air pressure, compressed into a tiger Generates a wide range of shock waves after attacking the enemy

And directly beat the dried persimmon ghost, known as the "Tailed Beast without Tail", to serious injury!

Therefore, [Bamen Dunjia] is something Naruto must learn!

In particular, his kaleidoscope Sharingan ability can allow him to return to his normal state after opening the eighth door.

In this way, he avoids the biggest side effect of opening the eighth door!

This is an important reason why Naruto worked tirelessly and insisted on following Maitekai and Xiao Li for physical exercise!
"Naruto, before I teach you how to learn Bamen Dunjia, I have to tell you two things. This is what my father told me at the time."

Maitekai looked at Naruto in front of him, showing a rare serious expression.

His father is Maite Dai, a great hero!

"First, the [self-discipline] I've told you about!"

Naruto nodded, his expression serious.

The so-called [self-discipline] refers to deliberately putting a shackle on yourself when challenging certain difficulties, pushing yourself to a dead end, and making rules that belong only to you in advance.

It is precisely because of the shackles that you will face the challenge seriously, and once you fail, you will be able to exercise yourself strictly by practicing the rules, so that you can make continuous progress.

This is [self-discipline]!
It is also the reason why Mai Tedai and Mai Tekai can become peerless powerhouses!

This is what Naruto has always insisted on practicing!

"Second point, Bamen Dunjia must not be used on companions!"

Seeing Maitkai's serious look, Naruto also solemnly nodded in agreement.

But he was thinking in his heart: "My companion? Hehe."



Explain it here:
In this mission, the daimyo is the daughter of the dead elder daimyo. After the death of her father and twin brother, she pretends to be her brother and succeeds her daimyo.

Some friends may not be familiar with or have forgotten this plot, so this chapter will not introduce it in detail, after all, it has little impact on the development of the plot of this book.

In addition, the three-year training period will begin soon, and Naruto is preparing for it, and may transition a few chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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