Chapter 37 I Still Love You ([-])
You ask me, you say you like me, do I believe it?

I answer, I don't believe it

I'm sorry, it's not that I don't believe you

just can't believe you love me
I was hurt too deeply, how dare I love again

"Jiujiu." The girl Xiao Xi couldn't let go of Jiuyue like this, she pushed open the door, sat on the bed, looked at the sad Jiuyue, and wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of her eyes.

"Nine nine, you."

"Xixi, it would be great if he and I could be half like you and Xiao Kai."

"Jiujiu." He hugged her and let her head rest on his shoulder, "Jiujiu, the most painful liking in the world is when I like you and you don't like me. Jiujiu, forget it!"

"Xixi, I have experienced the most painful love in the world, isn't it very sad." Lying on her shoulders, her tears fell down her cheeks and fell into her mouth, eroding the corners of her mouth.

Tears are said to be salty, why is she bitter?
"Jiujiu, we don't cry." Wiping away tears for this girl, Xiao Xi bit her lips lightly to prevent her tears from falling.

"Jiujiu, sometimes it's better to find someone who loves you than to find someone you love."

"Jiujiu, sometimes your liking is really too humble."

"Jiujiu, do you know how humble your love is?"

"Jiujiu, you were not like this before, you can say goodbye to everything gracefully."

Feeling Jiujiu's temperature, even if she bit her lips lightly, she couldn't control her tears anymore.

Jiujiu noticed her tears, stood up, and wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiao Xi's eyes with the corner of her clothes.

"Xixi, let's not cry, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"En." Xiao Xi nodded, how much she wanted to tell Jiuyue.

Jiujiu, you tell me with tears in the corner of your eyes, you are fine, when you are fine

How much I love you, how much your so-called strength makes people feel distressed.

"Xixi, let's not cry, I have already forgotten about Yi Yang Qianxi, I will not get hurt in the future."

"Jiujiu, have you really forgotten? There are memories of him everywhere, have you really forgotten?" He also wiped away tears for Jiujiu with the corner of his clothes.

"I" turned around, turned my back to Xiao Xi, and glanced at the Thousand Paper Crane that I hung in the very center.

"I will choose to work hard to forget."

"Yeah." Walked up and patted Lin Jiuyue on the shoulder before leaving, before parting, he turned around and said, "Jiujiu, learning to forget is the only antidote."

Jiujiu didn't answer, nor did he look back.

Xixi, sometimes people who can't forget don't force yourself to forget!

Xixi, I really can't forget him
My Lin Jiuyue has his memories everywhere in my life, many, many

so many, i can't forget

really can't forget

I remember every word he said to me
Even though I forgot what he looked like, I never forgot to love him

"Even if I forget the whole world, I never forget to love you"

 【Lack of inspiration recently】

(End of this chapter)

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