Chapter 230

"Bold, I am the great-grandson of the lord Goya of the Celestial Clan. If you dare to seal me, you will definitely suffer the most severe punishment!"

This person yelled sternly, he was really scared, if he was really sealed and used as a sacrifice, the inhuman pain would be needless to say, this universe would never have this person again, Even though he is a super expert in the burial realm, immortal and eternal, it is still useless.

"I don't care who you are, I will also seal you as the parent and son of the first ancestor saint king. Is the suzerain amazing? It's not like I haven't killed it before!" Tens of thousands of runes instantly made this person lose his fighting power.

"Let go of the grandson!"

There are still dozens of Celestial Clan left, all of whom are frightened, roaring loudly and rushing over. The Celestial Clan has a strong sense of hierarchy. This person has an extraordinary status and has a high status in the Celestial Clan. If something happens to him, these followers It is bound to be too much to eat and walk around.

A flash of brilliance flashed, and a Qiankun bag appeared in the white fox's hand. It was about the size of a palm, and it was a little broken. At this moment, a faint white light was emitted. It was like a bottomless pit, and all the powerful people of the heavenly clan who rushed up were taken in and sealed. Their divine power is ready to be used as a sacrifice someday in the future.

The dozen or so people who survived the Taifu Sect, including Sun Yueying's grandfather, all looked horrified. The woman in white in front of them was too powerful and terrifying. She raised her hand and sealed off a group of people. A little sloppy.


She waved towards the distance, and took back the broken spear that had fallen to the ground. She looked a little strange, and finally stretched out her hand, and wiped the broken spear forcefully, a roar of resentment and unwillingness came out, and then everything returned to calm.

"Good weight!"

Tian Fan took the spear from Baihu's hand, and immediately exclaimed, this weapon is full of small potholes, as if bitten by insects, as if it would be broken at any time, but it is very heavy, at least some Tens of thousands of catties, it was dim and dull, Tianfan held it and pierced into the distance, shaking a mountain peak into powder from a long distance, and the faces of the Taifumen and others were shocked.

In addition, the white fox handed the Qiankun bag to him, saying that it could be used as a sacrifice when leading to a certain road in the future, but she didn't say it clearly, because even she didn't know it very well, but she just heard about it by chance. What she said to Xuannv, she was still very young at that time, and the time was too long, she couldn't remember it.

Li Yunyang and the others were both excited and sad, and didn't know what to say for a while. The survivors of the Taifu Sect all surrounded them. Sun Yueying was still the same as before, nothing changed. Li Yunhua and Defoe died in battle. , several people are very sad.

At this moment, a gust of wind rose, and a huge monster came from a distance riding a cloud. The sky was sprinkled with Zijin Shenhua, and it was Zijin Xiaolong. A moving figure on his head was so charming.

"Ziying!" Sun Yueying yelled at that time, because they were all very sad when they heard the news of Ziying's death through Tianfan before, and of course they were very excited to see her standing in front of her alive.

"Sister Ying..." Ziying smiled sweetly, and flew over from the dragon's head like a fairy, and her purple clothes fluttered gently, making her look like a little angel.

It should be a festive scene, but at this moment, no one can be happy. The Taifumen is completely destroyed, and there are only a dozen people present, looking at the piece by piece. Looking at the rubble and debris, looking at the blood and broken corpses all over the ground, Tian Fan clenched his fists fiercely.

Although he has only lived here for three months, he really likes this place, this kind and warm little sect, Li Yunhua, who is refined and refined, and Defu, a martial idiot. When they met for the first time at the King of Fighters Gate, both of them were in the Yuntian realm, one of the few masters, but they didn't look down on Tianfan who only had the concentration realm at all, and took care of him like a brother.

Although Defoe doesn't like to talk, he always has a straight face, but he is very bold. He was drunk by them for the first time, and finally got drunk on the ground. Laughing is not a man who can't drink, but that was also the happiest time in the past 20 years since he left Longteng Dynasty. For the first time, he found a feeling of home in Taifumen here, and he has deep feelings for this place.

There are also those brothers who are not so outstanding. Although their cultivation base is not high, they can all live in harmony. I still remember that they used tomato juice as blood in order to avoid cultivation. What a happy time it was, but now, Everything ceased to exist.

"I must make them pay the price!"

He almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, and everyone present was very sad. Right here, on the original ruins of Taifumen, graves were erected for those who died, and every penny and every penny The words are so vigorous, containing everyone's brotherhood, filled with indescribable sadness.

"Where are we going now?"

Someone asked, if the human race descends today, it is difficult to find a pure land in the whole world, and the flames of war are everywhere. Many cities have already been captured and become the territory of the heavenly human race. Now it is really difficult for them to find any safe place .

"Let's go to Longteng Dynasty to have a look, then let's go to the central region, to Shangguan's house..."

Tianfan said in a low voice, because he saw the worried look on Long Yuyun's face, before they left, Tianfan pierced the sky with a broken spear in his hand, shattered the void, and shattered the black warship , turned into countless fragments and fell.

Shenlong was very fast, the little guy pierced through the clouds and fog, and soon arrived outside the capital of Longteng Dynasty, where a group of people were confronting each other, on the side of Longteng Dynasty, the leaders were a few old people, even Long Aotian could only stand behind them.

Among the few people, Tian Fan only knew one person, that was the old national teacher. At this moment, this old man was standing side by side with the other five people, resisting the opposite Celestial Human Race. On the opposite side, there are quite a few strong people from the Celestial Clan standing at the moment. They are all wearing black armor, and the leader is a giant man. At this moment, he is looking at the six people opposite him with some seriousness. This makes Tian Fan a little surprised. In general, the background is so deep that it is unimaginable that it can resist the attacks of these people from the Celestial Clan.


Long Yuyun shouted, flying down from the little dragon, in fact, the people here have already discovered them, they came riding on a dragon, and they didn't want to attract people's attention, Long Yueying stood beside Long Aotian, a little strange He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar person in front of him.

"Young man, thank you."

The old national teacher was stained with a little blood, even some on his white hair. At this moment, he smiled and greeted Tianfan, not only because he saved Long Yuyun, but also because he was willing to come here in this troubled world. The old man was a little surprised, he didn't expect his old comrade-in-arms to face a young man with such an attitude.

When they have reached their level of cultivation, they naturally don't have too much awe of Shenlong, because they are already strong enough. Although they are a little surprised that these people come by Shenlong, they are not shocked.

"The national teacher is serious. These are what I should do." Tian Fan returned the salute. Since he knew his own background, he had no resentment towards the Longteng Dynasty, Long Aotian and others.

Presumably, there are not many super masters who can really descend from the Celestial Race, because there is no existence beyond the Guixian Secret Realm here. One of the superpowers in the world at the moment, naturally there are many masters, who can barely block the attack of the Celestial Clan and be destroyed without being hit.

The few people around the old master are all the elders who have retired from the Dragon Dynasty, and they are all at the peak of returning to immortality. The five of them stopped the people of the Celestial Race here, but that was also because these people did not go together, otherwise The consequences are unpredictable.

"Who are you?" Looking at the person coming, the person at the front of the Celestial Race said coldly, keenly feeling that this person is very unusual.

Now that he has arrived, Tian Fan didn't want to leave immediately, at least he had to get rid of the group of people outside the city. He nodded to the old master, and without saying anything, he rushed directly into the crowd of the Celestial Clan among.

"How brave!"

Someone in the Celestial Clan shouted loudly, a little angry, this is contempt, naked contempt, their Celestial Clan thinks very highly of themselves, they are all very proud, it is unbearable for such a thing, immediately one person rushed forward, and the wheel moved a huge Fist, crushing the void rumbling.


Tian Fan didn't have anything to say, he just pointed forward with a finger, which easily shattered the man's big fist. As expected, the finger touched his brow, sending out a wave of white and red blood. The body fell from the sky.

"Bold!" The leader of the Celestial Clan shouted loudly, and he did it himself, with a murderous aura, and with a huge ax in his hand, he split the space.

There is nothing to say at this moment, Tianfan only has endless killing intent towards the Celestials and Humans, and wants to slaughter everyone in the clan, the broken spear appeared in his hand, pierced forward, chopped down between the electric light and flint, and killed them all. The ax in his hand was smashed into powder.


The Broken Spear didn't stop him at all. It pierced through this person's body, destroying even the primordial spirit. This scene made Tianfan himself a little surprised. It is definitely not easy for this person to be the leader of the Celestial Clan, at least he is also in Guixian. The peak, and it is very likely that he is about to enter the realm of the king, but he was so easily obliterated by this broken spear.

He suddenly felt that he was holding a big hot potato at this moment. This broken spear is definitely a big killer. Soldiers, and thinking of that powerful purple robe, he felt like throwing it away.

However, he changed his mind and thought that he would definitely fight to the end with this family in the future. Either they would die or the world would die. The murderous aura spread out again, and the broken spear in his hand was mottled with rust, shooting out a ray of black light and piercing forward.

"It's it! How could it be in your hands!"

Seeing this remnant soldier, everyone in the Celestial Clan was shocked, some were even trembling, their faces full of shock, even Tian Fan was a little surprised, it seemed that the broken spear in his hand was far more terrifying than he had imagined, it shocked All the people of the Celestial Clan lived there.

(End of this chapter)

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