Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 245 Arrived in the Realm of No Desire

Chapter 245 Arrived in the Realm of No Desire

After staying in that boundless desert for so long, even the little dragons withered, and I don’t know how many times they complained along the way. At this moment, they saw an oasis in front of them. Cheerful and in a good mood.

A group of cattle and sheep in front of them were quietly eating the green grass on the ground. They were very leisurely under the scorching sun. Not far away, a big yellow dog lay lazily on the ground. At this moment, when Tian Fan appeared, the dog started barking. The herdsman The dressed old man looked horrified, staring at the man in white who suddenly appeared, he couldn't help taking a step back.

"Master, what is this place?"

Tianfan asked, the clothes of these people are very strange, different from the people he has seen before, he has never seen anyone wearing such strange clothes, but he has not asked about these, now he wants to know where he is , After coming out of the space channel, he fell into a strange desert and walked for nearly a month before coming out.


The old man seemed to be a little afraid of him, with a terrified expression on his face, and took a step back. The young shepherds around noticed the strange movement here, and all rushed over, pointing at him with the wolf-killing stick in their hands and yelling loudly.

Tian Fan: "..."

The words of these people were so strange that he couldn't understand them at all. He didn't know what they meant. The little guy on the top of his head blinked his big watery eyes and touched his head suspiciously with his small golden claws. People, look at Tianfan for a while.

"Chuma Ajax ordered..."

A few young men pointed at Tianfan with the wolf sticks in their hands, and they kept saying something in their mouths, their expressions were very angry, and they wanted to rush up, but they were stopped by the old man next to him, who kept talking to him What, they seemed to have suddenly realized something, their attitude became better, and they babbled at Tian Fan again.

This made Tian Fan very speechless. He really couldn't understand the words of these people, how they sounded like the words of savages in the ancient forest. He greeted them slightly, and walked towards the distance.

After coming out from there, he and Xiaolong walked towards the crowded place, but at this moment he was frowning slightly. What he saw just now was a bit strange. There was only one sun above the sky here, but there was a sun in the desert. Two, even his mighty strength as a mid-stage Guixian is hard to understand.

In just a few days, he has traveled to many places, but he didn't find any people. Some of them were all huge vegetation, much bigger than what he had seen before, and full of primitive ancient aura, which surprised him a little. .

"Brother, I'm hungry!"

The little guy hung his head in front of his face, blinked his big watery eyes and said aggrievedly, this made him a little helpless, but he really didn't know where to get food for the little guy.


Suddenly, he felt a powerful energy fluctuation in front of him, and he was overjoyed. Finally, he sensed the breath of a monk. He immediately accelerated his speed and disappeared on the horizon in an instant. In front of him, a tall man was fighting. He was wearing a very simple single Hanging clothes, many places are exposed, and his vigorous body is like pouring molten iron. At a glance, he can tell that it contains explosive power. At this moment, his hands are constantly waving forward, and all kinds of brilliant magical powers emerge one after another. The sky is full of colors. Sky Secret Realm.

His opponent is a sword-stabbing tiger with snow-white and shiny fur. It has three heads, and its huge fangs hang fiercely on its mouth. It keeps roaring, and the three tiger heads spit out various rays of light and make a powerful sound of killing. This is obviously an adult beast king, whose strength should not be underestimated.

During this process, the man in the battle seemed to have discovered something, and looked towards him. When he saw Tianfan, he was obviously taken aback, but he had no time to say anything, because the Beastmaster on the opposite side had already attacked and killed him. Come over, the powerful tiger claws made him have to raise his spirits to fight.

Tian Fan stood aside and watched quietly. With his current cultivation base, he already knew the outcome of the battle. In the end, the mighty Beast King would definitely lose to this man. A punch pierced through the tiger's body, blood was dripping, and the entire tiger's body was stained red, and the three huge tiger heads glowed unwillingly. After struggling for a while, there was no movement.

"Hi brother, can I go over there?"

Seeing the end of the battle, Tianfan said to the man in front, with a faint smile on his face, meeting a human cultivator in this strange area made him feel very cordial.

"Encourage and Galar..."

The man on the opposite side was a little dazed, scratched the back of his head with his right hand, and smiled at him honestly, his face was dark and dark, he pointed at the Beast King under his feet, and then waved to Tianfan, obviously inviting him to come over.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" With a smile on his face, Tianfan cupped his hands at the man. This was a question he wanted to know urgently.

What disappointed him was that the man didn't seem to understand his words, but this man was very bold. He skinned the beast king at night and set up a fire on the spot. The scent of tiger meat wafted out, and the little guy immediately The saliva flowed out, and the big eyes of Shui Lingling blinked and stared at the front.

The two laughed at the same time when they saw this, causing the little guy to wave his little paw in dissatisfaction, then took the food handed over by the man, began to chew, and immediately cried out, his eyes were full of enjoyment, and he kept rushing Seeing the man whine, it obviously tastes good.

"And Gabiagu..."

The next day, the man said this to Tianfan, while gesticulating, Tianfan understood that the man was inviting him to his home as a guest, so he nodded. He didn't understand the language, so he had no choice but to follow this simple and honest man towards the mountains, cross several big rivers, and finally saw signs of human habitation.

In front is a small village, which exists in the mountains, and is very dilapidated. There are only seven or eight families here, and the houses are very dilapidated. It is worse than the small village where Tian Fan stayed. These people are obviously living in poverty.

"Gah Ya..."

As soon as the man came back, he yelled loudly at the inside, and after a while, several little boys and girls rushed out, all wearing strange clothes, very worn out, patched, and their faces were all colorful. Seeing the man coming back, they seemed to be Very happy, constantly turning around him.


The man lifted the tiger meat in his hand, which immediately made the children even happier. They kept clapping their little hands and groaning, as if they were praising the man, while the man opened his mouth and laughed loudly. He scratched the back of his head with his hands.

After that, a few more people came out, and when they saw Tianfan, they immediately shouted, Tianfan was also stunned, it turned out to be the young people he met when he walked out of the desert, who did not expect to be here. I met again. Fortunately, these people are very enthusiastic. Although life is very poor, they are very hospitable, very polite and enthusiastic towards him. The little guy lying on top of his head is the most popular, like a miniature baby. Several little girls rushed to hold each other in their arms.

Time flies, and another month has passed. While learning the language of these people, he secretly recuperated his injuries. When he entered the space passage, he was injured by the terrifying gods and terrifying soldiers of the king of the heavenly clan.

Over the past few days, his injuries have healed, and he can gradually communicate with these people. However, from the words of these people, he got an extremely shocking news. This is not the human world, but the realm of no desire. From the world into another world.

(End of this chapter)

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