Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 248 Strange Power

Chapter 248 Strange Power

The aura of the dozen or so paladins was so powerful. They were all in the secret realm of the sky, and they shot together at this moment. The aura of majesty shocked the congregation, and some of them couldn't help shouting out excitedly.

"Be careful, they are all powerful!" The Bazar was tall, like an orangutan, a head taller than Tianfan. He knew that the Son of the Demon Palace was Tianfan's friend, and kindly reminded him.

"Your grandma is a bitch, she has been bullying this uncle for a month, first collect some interest from you, if there is a chance, brother, I will kill that old bastard!"

He said viciously, and under everyone's shocked eyes, he punched forward with a punch, directly knocking away a holy cavalry soldier in the front, and snatched the golden holy sword from his hand, sending out a wave of black sword forward , spread forward like water ripples, and the battle armors of the dozen or so people in front were directly cracked.

Bazar was startled, he didn't expect the man in front of him to be so powerful, and a dozen paladins were so vulnerable in front of him, Tian Fan smiled slightly, it's only natural that the Son of the Demon Palace has such strength, no It is said that he has entered the Hunyuan secret realm now, even when he is in the same realm, these people are not his opponents.

"Your uncle, let a group of old lamas chant scriptures in my ears, I miss you, my ears are callused!"

While shouting angrily, the Holy Son of the Demon Palace beat more than a dozen paladins in the arena with the golden holy sword in his hand. He destroyed the battle armor on these people. At this moment, they were completely naked from the upper body. The lives of these people were killed, and they were forced to dodge continuously, in a panic, and the eyes of all the congregants outside the venue were widened.

"God, what did I see?"

"Master Paladin is being chased and beaten by that sinner..."

"This world is crazy..."

Many congregants muttered to themselves, unable to believe what they saw before them, and then roared loudly. Someone treated the clergy in their hearts like this. They were very angry and wanted to rush forward. After a while, dozens of them The paladin rushed up, but there was no surprise, it just added a lot of live targets to the Holy Son of the Demon Palace.


The old man wearing the crown on the top shouted coldly, the scepter in his hand was full of holy brilliance, and he struck forward. He was in the middle stage of Hunyuan, and he could be regarded as a senior member of the Holy Cult. He knew that this person in front of him was difficult to deal with. In Yuan Secret Realm, it was the Holy Master who subdued him at the beginning.

"You old mallet, didn't you just grow a few white hairs, you really take it as capital, I will cut it off for you!"

The Son of the Demon Palace said, the nose of this old man of the Holy Church is almost crooked. He is a high-ranking senior member of the clergy, but now he is called an old stick by a sinner. Chanting a mantra in his mouth, he waved a piece of starry sky forward, with divine light shining, and there was a holy pagoda in the sky suppressing the Son of the Demon Palace.

"A miracle, a miracle!"

"The gods have manifested holy soldiers, and they want to wipe out the evil heretics!"

Many congregants outside the venue watched this scene, all trembling with excitement, they are all ordinary people who don't know how to practice, seeing the scene in front of them, they thought that the gods were showing their power, and at the same time knelt down on the ground, facing The void keeps worshiping.

"What kind of holy soldier, isn't it just a broken tower of glory, let's see the great god of death break it for you..."

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace screamed loudly, the golden holy sword in his hand burst into black light, and he threw it out with a shake of his hands, shaking the pagoda in the air to pieces, and falling down a large amount of light rain.

"The devil, he is the devil!"

"Almighty god, please come down and punish this evil heretic!"

All the congregants below were very excited, and they kept worshiping towards the void, with a very pious look on their faces, their hands spread out, and their foreheads touching the cold and hard ground.

"You people have problems. You have land but don't cultivate it, your parents don't take care of it, your wife doesn't love you, and you don't care about your children. You talk about holy religions at home every day, what gods, is the holy religion your father or your mother? ?”

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace said disdainfully, although he has been tied to Xingtai these days, he has also seen many scenes. What makes him unforgettable is that one day ago, an old man over eighty years old tremblingly came here to take his son home. His grandson was sick and had a high fever, so he was asked to accompany him to see a doctor, but he was thrown Push it away, scold the old man angrily, and say that he has broken his god-respecting heart, which will make the god unhappy.

The old man walked towards the house helplessly, his back looked so hunched, he was tearful, and he died suddenly on the ground before walking a few steps, attracting many people to watch, but this man acted as if nothing had happened, just took a look at him. He started talking about the newly built holy elephant again. At that time, the Holy Son of the Demon Palace was full of anger. If he could move at that time, he would definitely kill that beast without hesitation.

After hearing what he said, Tianfan was extremely surprised and couldn't believe that such a thing existed in this world, while Bazar next to him was a little sad and angry, obviously what the Son of the Demon Palace said was not false.

"How can you devil understand the great holy religion!"

"The gods have been blessing us all the time. Those people didn't die, but ascended to heaven and became the true people of God!"

The congregation below yelled, while bowing to the thick sky, while pointing at the three people in the field with one hand, they shouted loudly, asking the clergy to purify these heresies as soon as possible.

"The most loyal people of the gods, release your pious hearts now, open your hearts, and join the great gods to destroy this heresy and destroy this devil!"

The old man with the white beard chanted loudly, with a golden light blooming on his body, and the scepter in his hand carved strange symbols in the void. At this moment, all the congregants below had white lights emerging from their bodies, which were extremely pure.


The void vibrates, and there is a strange force emerging in this area, covering the sky and covering the earth, vast like a vast ocean, rumbling in the sky, like a big wave pressing down from the sky, the space is crushed and collapsed, it is a piece of pure The white ocean is as holy as moonlight, and the white brilliance of the sky is entangled together, forming a huge net of light, pressing down on the three of them at the same time.

"what is that?"

The Prince of the Demon Palace changed his color a little. He felt the strong pressure, and Zabar showed a look of fear. Even Tianfan opened his mouth slightly at this moment, a little surprised. The scene in front of him was terrifying, and the breath above the sky Sacred and vast, it is a kind of fluctuation that does not belong to divine power, it is a very pure power, as if it can purify everything.

(End of this chapter)

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