Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 261 The Blood Demon Extinct

Chapter 261 The Blood Demon Extinct

The Gorefiend in front of him was as tall as ten feet, made of a mixture of blood and bones, with a boundless and tragic aura lingering around his body. The strong smell of blood made people want to vomit. Looking at this tall monster, the little guy started to retch again. He vomited out all the spiritual fruits that he ate soon.

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

The Son of the Demon Palace said, the blood demon in front of him was obviously not born naturally. The terrain here cannot give birth to such a powerful Yin spirit. This is a more terrifying existence than ghosts. It is very likely that the strong one moved here is some kind of experimental body they created.


As if sensing their aura, the Gorefiend roared and rushed forward across the sea of ​​blood. Every step made the ground here tremble violently, blood splashed, and the surroundings were filled with disgusting smells. As the little guy retreated, Tianfan's body was shining with golden light, and he stepped on the divine cloud step, turning into a bolt of lightning and appearing above the Gorefiend's head. The golden fist smashed down, shaking the whole space and rumbling.


Blood splattered everywhere, half of the Gorefiend's body was pierced by a golden fist, but Tianfan's face changed, Yinhua flashed, and disappeared in place in an instant, looking at the demon spirit in front of him in surprise, his physical body was extremely powerful, The strong ones in the burial realm will scream when they encounter it, but it is useless against this monster. Those bloody bodies can't bear his strength at all, and that punch seems to hit a sponge.


Suddenly, there were several loud roars from the other direction, and several identical tall gorefiends appeared, striding towards here. The bloody aura was earth-shattering, really like a sea of ​​blood in hell. Looking at this A few blood demons, Tian Fan frowned slightly, his eyes gleamed with golden lights, watching this space of blood sea.

The entire sea of ​​blood is thousands of feet in diameter. With their current strength, such a field naturally cannot block their vision. Standing here, they can clearly see the location of the third stone gate, but at this moment they encountered a problem. A few Gorefiends in front stood there, their bones and blood fused together, and they possessed the combat power of returning to the immortal realm. In this special area, their almost indestructible bodies stopped them here.


The golden holy sword drew a hundred-foot-long sword light, bright and bright, with a touch of blood light, and smashed the chest of the first blood demon in one fell swoop, bursts of cyan smoke came out, and screams came out. But it didn't let it die. It can be seen that the parts injured by the sword light are slowly healing, and the blood in the large sea of ​​blood is surging, supplying them with strength like a source of life.

"Boy, let out more blood!" Demon Palace Shengzi yelled loudly behind him, a few black lines appeared on Tian Fan's forehead, and he wanted to kick him hard.


Faint silver blossoms spread out from his body, he quickly raised his hands, and began to form seals at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and the sacred aura came out mightily. Powerful, as his handprints continued to be printed, small silver characters emerged one by one, and finally turned into an armor and a silver sword.

At this moment, he took the initiative. The sacred energy possessed by the silver light holy sword made the blood demons in front very impatient. They roared again and again, and were forced to back away. Several gorefiends criss-crossed each other, and the silver light holy sword in his hand didn't have much brilliance, but every time he slashed, these gorefiends would definitely let out the most miserable screams.

This place has completely turned into a world of blood and silver. The silver sword energy is criss-crossed, covering several blood demons completely. This place has turned into a sea of ​​swords, just like Shangguan's sword 23. The sacred air permeates the whole world. For a while, I could see the Holy Son of the Demon Palace outside the field speechless. This is simply too brave. Those are not ordinary Guixian existences. Powerful, but at this moment, he was forced to dodge continuously without screaming.


Several blood demons in the field kept roaring, and they were forced to retreat continuously. Tianfan's eyes were shining with golden light, and he planted tens of thousands of powerful spiritual forces outside his body, turning them into a barrier of spiritual consciousness. Knocked him away for the first time, swung his sharp claws, and cut through pieces of space, but every time he touched his body, he was immediately attacked by the powerful spiritual force of Xinyu Wuhen to the soul, hissing scream.

But even so, he was still greatly shaken. These blood demons are terrifying, and this is him, who has the supreme physique of Guixian. will be torn.

"Damn it, he's so ferocious, no matter how hard you beat him, he won't die!" Tian Fan cursed, then he was stunned, and secretly broke his mouth, when did he speak so roguely.

"It seems that I stayed with that ruffian for a long time! I was influenced without knowing it! Hmm, it must be like this!" He whispered, pushing all the faults on the devil's son.

"Someone said bad things about me!"

The Son of the Demon Palace outside the court sneezed, rubbed his nose and said viciously, which made the little guy above him scratch his head in doubt, not knowing why he said that.


In the middle of the arena, Tian Fan stopped attacking slowly, his speed became extremely fast, his body's golden glow skyrocketed, and a golden energy sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed forward with all his strength, swaying across the air, killing the blood demons. One by one, blood and bones were splashing. At this moment, he was fighting with the five blood demons. During this period, he was thrown out several times, making his face a little pale, but he was still completely killed after all. one of them.

"You guys are going to die too!"

With a loud roar, the monstrous demonic energy surged out and turned into a ghostly demonic flame. He looked like a venerable who had returned from the demonic realm, raising his hands and feet to radiate demonic light. His eyes were extremely black, as deep as a black hole. The magic light flickered there, and eventually two pitch-black magic knives shot out from it, tearing apart the space, reversing the sky, and instantly piercing the eyebrows of the two blood demons in front of them.


The sound of screams resounded throughout the blood sea space, and the two blood demons who were not pierced between the eyebrows screamed horribly, fell down with a bang, struggled and twitched continuously, and finally the whole body completely melted, turning into blood and collecting on the ground. In the sea of ​​blood.

"Killing the soul!"

The Demon Art of Punishing Heaven started to run crazily, his whole body turned into a ball of magic fire, only his eyes were exposed, so that the Son of the Demon Palace couldn't help but tremble a bit, and felt a chill breath.

"Chi...", "Chi..."

Two black dragons shot out from his eyes with extreme speed, instantly hitting the last two Gorefiends in front of them, causing them to dissipate into the air without even screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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