Chapter 265
Under the Holy City of Wuyu Realm, the two of them struggled to pass through two terrifying barriers set up by the Celestial Clan. Using the origin of the Celestial Clan as the key, they finally reached the third stone gate. The murderous aura on their bodies was as turbulent as the Yellow River, their eyes stood up, and they were merciless at this moment, killing everything they saw before them, and they kept waving the butcher knives forward.


The shrill screams came out. Most of these ghosts did not have advanced cultivation bases. Many of them were just ordinary cultivators, and even more were ordinary people who could not practice and had no combat power. They are covered with cyan scales all over their bodies, making their bodies seem to be covered with cyan armor, and the pitch-black ghost claws and sharp fangs are all highly poisonous, and touching them will definitely end in tragedy.

When they were above the holy city, the guardian of the wind spirit beads sent a spiritual brand to the two and one dragon at the same time, and they clearly saw that a real person was scratched by these zombie-like existences, and it took less than half a moment Zhong suddenly changed and became another ghost, which made them a little horrified, because they could feel that the person who was scratched was already in the Yuntian realm, which could be regarded as advanced, but it was difficult to resist such a ghost. of toxins.

Looking at the tragedy and the tens of thousands of ghosts in the arena, they seriously felt that this was a conspiracy. If the Celestials threw these experimental subjects into the human world, it would definitely cause the loss of life. There are many cultivators in the human world. But most of them are just ordinary people. Even the people in Yuntian Secret Realm can't resist these ghosts. It will turn the world into a hell.

Now that the Celestial Human Race has arrived, although the core strength is far from being manifested, it has already made the world precarious, and can no longer bear the blow. All the Celestial Immortals who survived from ancient times are all in seclusion, not because they don't care about the Human World An Wei, but at their level, they can already see through many things. They need to preserve their strength to deal with the real power of the Celestial Clan. They still have a lot of important things to do.

For example, like the devil in the ancient tomb, he suppressed the capital of the undead with his own body, hoping to become a second hand to deal with the Celestial Clan one day in the future. Who can easily do these things?The devil was able to be one of the top ten generals of the Immortal Emperor back then, how could his cultivation base be weak?However, it was only at the expense of another celestial being that they barely suppressed the capital of the undead. They were exchanging their lives for a sliver of victory in the future.

The guardian of the Wind Lingzhu has been guarding the world under the small lake. It has not been born for tens of thousands of years. It only appeared when the Celestial Clan came and suppressed the world portal. Under that small lake, there is even a legend In the statue of Nuwa, Tian Fan didn't know how heavy the word "Nuwa" was, but he had a real feeling that these two characters were enough to crush the ancient, modern and future.

This person definitely has an extraordinary and holy status in the history of the human race. The cultivator can only know the existence of this name after reaching the realm of returning to immortality. At the beginning, he only learned about it through the inheritance imprint. This in itself is enough to show how important this existence is. It's awe-inspiring. After he learned about his life experience, the blood of the fairy gods was completely awakened. He clearly knew how big the origin of this saint was. It was terrifying and frightening, and seemed to be far older than his parents.

The other person, Little Phoenix's aunt, is guarding the Huoling Cave, as if guarding something, and the mysterious old man who once appeared in the Dragon's Underground Palace seems to be still making preparations to intimidate the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan in the future. , They all have a long-term vision, and everything they think, feel, and do is based on the interests of the human race, and they are the real guardians of the human race.

Thinking of this, Tianfan saw the golden holy sword in his hand shining brightly, and his whole body seemed to be on fire, the golden blood energy soared into the sky, and the golden light all over his body shone through the world, turning into a divine fire that filled the sky and swept out, almost comparable to the legendary The three flavors are really hot, and if ghosts and people get it, they will all be turned into ashes.

On the other side, the Holy Son of the Demon Palace once again merged into the void. He arranged small defensive barriers outside his body, let go of the holy dagger in his hand, and leaped among the crowd of ghosts under the control of his thoughts, as if he had possessed Like a soul, piercing through the brows of ghosts one after another, making them disappear.

Xiaolong still didn't make a move, just hovered quietly, covering his eyes with his little golden claws from time to time, because the scene in the arena was too tragic, but even so, there was still no ghost approaching, little guy The area where it is located is very wide, and these ghosts seem to have turned into wild beasts. Although they don't know what kind of existence Xiaolong is, they have an instinctive fear and dare not set foot in that area.


These ghosts roared and screamed, their faces were ferocious, and corpses fell from them. The smell of blood and rotten stench came out at the same time, which made people sick. They broke free from the iron cage and rushed out together. Their fingers were like chopsticks Even longer, the fangs are extremely sharp, and scarlet saliva is constantly flowing from the mouth.

The two have compassion in their hearts. These are human beings. Even though they have been transformed into this appearance by the people of the Celestial Clan, they still can't change their human nature. It's just that the two of them can't show mercy after all. The poison has already attacked their hearts. For the sake of killing tools, immortality cannot return, and they will not exist in the six realms. Once you become a ghost, your soul imprint will be completely erased, which is even more miserable than zombies.


The two roared with sadness in their hearts, but they had no choice. For the sake of the human world and for the future against the Celestials, they had no choice but to make up their minds and start killing. The two of them had black hair like a waterfall, covering half of their faces. At this moment, they turned into devils and rushed into the crowd of ghosts , They were all surrounded by divine fire, and the weapons in their hands pierced the eyebrows of one ghost after another.

This is where their souls are. If they are destroyed here, they will dissipate, similar to zombies. Otherwise, even if their limbs are cut off, they will not die, and their vitality is far stronger than that of ordinary people.


There was a sound of iron chains shaking. The eyes of the two were cold and indifferent. Black hair covered half of their faces. Looking into the deepest part of this space, an extremely tall figure could be faintly seen there. When it came out from that direction, tens of thousands of ghosts stopped at the same time, and then became even more crazy, and the tragic breath filled the entire space.

"For the safety of the world, for the entire sky, we can only say sorry!"

Tianfan roared and made seals with his hands. A silver lotus flower bloomed from under his feet. The silver flower was shining, and the lotus leaves were flying. He rushed towards the crowd of ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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