Chapter 269

The holy city completely collapsed, and the aura of the zombie ancestor disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, and they didn't know where they went, but they knew that the other party was definitely not dead, but they could never snipe and kill this zombie again. Unparalleled Demon Lord.

Up to now, the two of them can already imagine that the ancestor king of zombies might have been in a fairyland in the past, and they are deeply in awe. If this is the case, this old zombie is very likely to be the emperor of the zombie clan, a transcendent existence.

"Is it really a race other than the six realms?"

He muttered to himself, there are rumors in the world that the zombies belong to creatures other than the six realms, but on this zombie, he didn't feel that feeling at all, he felt that the other party was no different from human beings.

The two of them thought about it carefully, the guardian of the Wind Lingzhu might have discovered something, and it's okay to tell them clearly that it doesn't matter if they don't stop it, someone will jump out to stop it in the future, but they don't know who will jump out in the future, they don't have that kind of person Detachment mentality.

"What should we do now?"

The army of ghosts was completely wiped out by them. The zombie ancestor king didn't know where he went. The two didn't know what impact this terrible existence would have in the future, but these were not what they could consider right now. The most important thing now was How to return to the world.

"Go find the saint, that blond girl." Tian Fan said, the zombie ancestor entered and exited a thought into his sea of ​​consciousness at the last moment.

It is easy to find the person he is looking for when his cultivation has reached his level. The two of them turned into a beam of light and shot out. After an hour, they arrived in an ancient mountain area. The old man sensed it, and neither of them deliberately concealed their aura, so they were naturally sensed by the cultivators here at the first time.

"Are you all right?" Bazar came out, and it was obvious that he was very worried about the safety of the two of them.

"What... happened in the holy city?" The blonde beauty asked, the two huge beams of light made them still feel palpitations, as if they were still in front of them.

Tian Fan didn't hide anything, including the fact that they slaughtered tens of thousands of people from the Wuyu Realm. They all told the truth. The blond beauty and the others looked desolate and full of hatred. They didn't resent Tian Fan. They hated the Celestial Clan so much, and even more hated the Lord of the Holy Cult who took refuge in the Celestial Clan.

The scene became very quiet, and Tian Fan didn't bother them until they calmed down, and then he asked. The last message that the Zombie Patriarch sent him was only three words - the place of burial.

"What? You said the place where the gods are buried! You are going to the place where the gods are buried!"

When the woman heard Tian Fan's words, she immediately opened her mouth wide in horror, and everyone around her was full of shock, and Bazar tried to stop them, saying that entering it would lead to death.

"I know you are very powerful, very powerful, but that place is still not for you to set foot on!"

For all the cultivators of the No Desire Realm, there is no one who does not know the three words of the God Burying Land. In the past, a grown-up king was stunningly beautiful and invincible in the world, but it was difficult to break into the secret realm of the underground burial no matter what.

In order to step out of the King Realm and reach a higher level, this strong Gai Dai finally decided to enter the ancient legend of the Wuyu Realm in the Absolute Land of Burial Gods to find a breakthrough opportunity, but he never came out after this trip.

It wasn't until thousands of years ago that this strong man broke out of it. At that time, he was already like a piece of dead wood, with black hair and snow-white hair, and the lamp was almost exhausted. After he came out, he just said a word, and the fire of life dissipated It's gone, the soul flies away, and the original source is completely consumed.

"The people of Wuyu Realm should never set foot in that area!"

Recalling the last words of that unrivaled powerhouse, all the cultivators in the Wuyu Realm felt unspeakable fear towards that place. Although there are still people who have reached his height in later generations, they never have the idea of ​​stepping into that territory.

"It's really so scary? Girls, are you kidding me?" said the Holy Son of the Demon Palace, he couldn't believe it, and even Tianfan frowned, it sounded exactly the same as the three restricted life zones in the world.

"That grown-up king is my great-grandfather..."

The blond beauty had only such a sentence, which immediately made the Holy Son of the Demon Palace stunned, and felt a chill.

"Boy, what, I think it's better to forget it, why does it sound more permeating than the dark abyss in the world, why don't we find another way?"

He was really a little scared. Even the adult king barely escaped from it when he was burning the source of life. The strongest of them are all in the middle stage of the king. Going there is tantamount to beating a dog with a hot bun. There is no return.

"No, there is no time, we have only one way to go!"

The light in Tian Fan's eyes was shining brightly, and he said extremely firmly, they have already spent too much time in the world of no desire, counting the time in the human world, it is only eight years since the real arrival of the Celestial Clan, he can't afford to delay, relatives , lover, and friends are all in the world, he is very anxious, wishing to appear by their side immediately.

"Goodbye, beauty, oh... I really don't want to go..." The Son of the Demon Palace put on a bitter face, and was dragged away by Tian Fan.

"Don't be afraid of perverts, I'll protect you!" The little guy rose into the air, and patted the head of the Holy Son of the Demon Palace with his paws, looking like an old god.

"Damn, little guy, you're called a pervert again, we're familiar with each other, if you do this again, I'll turn my back on you!"

The two of them and one dragon are rare powerhouses, with high cultivation bases, and their speed is naturally very fast. Under the reminder of the blonde woman, they flew all the way to the northernmost region of Wuyu Realm. One day later, a gust of wind suddenly blew ahead. There was a cold current, with snowflakes floating, during which the clouds moved around, sometimes black, sometimes blood red, sometimes blue, fast and slow, similar to a whirlpool, dazzling people.


They stopped here. As far as the blond beauty said, the burial place recorded in Wuyu Realm is not a specific area, it is in a turbulent time and space, and there is no valley bottom. For hundreds of thousands of years, it has only been It has only appeared three times in the Wuyu Realm. It was at this place that the grown-up king of the past met the God Burial Ground and entered it.


The two of them waited here for a full ten days. At this moment, the sky suddenly trembled violently, and then broke apart. Thousands of clouds spun rapidly, and then collapsed. A huge pitch-black portal appeared in the void. Hurricanes generally spread.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they really understood the horror of the Burial God Land. This is only the outer part of the portal, but it is already so terrifying. If they don't reach Guixian Realm, they can't even enter the gate. They will be torn apart in an instant. Gong Shengzi's eyeballs were almost protruding. These space-time turbulence was like a catastrophe, which made him terrified.


Tianfan's eyes flickered, but he finally gritted his teeth and grabbed the Son of the Demon Palace, propped up a golden barrier, unfolded the Divine Cloud Step, and shot into the portal in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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