Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 275 Reverse Time and Space

Chapter 275 Reverse Time and Space
The burial place is surrounded by magic mist all year round, and the aura of death is everywhere. It is extremely quiet, but today, several powerful and unimaginably powerful auras continued to come out. looked towards a certain area.

Above the sky, Tianfan was bathed in the silver holy light, the word 'immortal' quietly suspended above his head, the sacred aura was like water and gauze, extremely soft, protecting it in it, Tianfan was very excited, this is the past year The most precious treasure in the fairy world, entrusted by the immortal emperor to the bodyguard of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, has his mother's breath on it.

"Immortal Emperor... Xuannv... Demon Emperor... God King..."

Suddenly, a sky-shattering roar sounded from under the fragments of the Gods and Demons Gate, extremely angry, and the Ancestral Saint Soldier burst out with blood-colored swords, and a faint shadow of a soul emerged from there. Neither the two nor the dragon could clearly see its appearance, but But he could clearly feel that palpitating aura. Although it was just a remnant soul, it seemed that the world couldn't bear his strength.


As if sensing this aura, beside Tianfan, three soul shadows of the same incomparable emptiness emerged. One of them was surrounded by demonic energy and dominated the sky, one was protected by golden light, and the other was surrounded by colorful rays of light. His body is not majestic, but it has the momentum to swallow mountains and rivers, just standing there casually, but it makes the Daoist shake.

Looking at this figure, Tianfan was extremely excited and couldn't help shaking his body. The blood in his body was boiling, and there was a strange force echoing between the two of them. But still looking down, staring at Tianfan, for a long time, that blurry figure suddenly shot out two soft multicolored lights, which instantly sank into Tianfan's eyebrows.

Among the fragments of the God and Demon Sect below, the Son of the Demon Palace and the little dragon were very excited. Staring at the three figures, they felt extremely powerful. It is difficult to enter the eyes of a few soul shadows.

"You bloody rebels, how dare you go against the way of heaven!"

An angry roar came from the blood-red soul, which directly shattered Gao Tian and disrupted time and space.


The terrifying aura was powerful, and the three figures didn't say anything, and directly pressed towards the ancestor ghost soldier, besieging it with horns, and the two of them looked at this scene, and they were dumbfounded. The two dramatic Big characters floated in their hearts.

"Group fight!"

The figure surrounded by the dark demonic energy was the most direct, without a word of extraneous words, it just punched down with a single punch. Resisting, but the golden figure on the other side also moved, kicked it directly, and crushed the soul shadow with a pop.


The sound of roaring resounded through the sky, and those scattered soul lights gathered together in an instant, but what greeted him was a pitch-black magic handprint, which pressed down in a short time, and shattered him into the dust again. When he was shocked, he felt the breath of Zhutian.

"Ah, you all die to me, destroy!"

The phantom recovered, and countless energies in the void gathered towards him, and his appearance was gradually visible. This is a very burly middle-aged man, but at this moment his face is extremely serious. With a loud shout, time and space All broken.

Even though Tianfan was guarded by the immortal characters, he still felt the terrifying aura. He felt chills. People of this level are really unpredictable, they can do what they say and do what they say. They are just a remnant soul. , but possesses such terrifying magic power, if he was in his heyday, it would really not be difficult to destroy the world, and he could shatter a big world with just a lift of his hand.


Just when Tianfan was still in a daze, a shrill scream came out, because another soul moved, and colorful rays of light swayed out, it was not so much light as it was a soul sword, colorful flashes, this is taboo Supernatural powers, the powerful primordial body that the ancestor of the heavenly clan had just assembled was shattered in an instant.


The blood-red soul shadow roared angrily, what is his identity?The dignified ancestor of the Celestial Clan, who used to be invincible in the universe and overwhelmed the nine heavens and ten earths, but now he is treated like this, he feels very aggrieved, and a deep sense of powerlessness arises, which of these three ghosts is not the crown The supreme beings of the heavens are all people of the same height as him, just one is enough for him to drink a pot, but now there are three people together, if he can resist such a battle, then it will be true It can be against the sky.

The two and one dragon felt very refreshed. It was a joy for the mighty ancestor of the Celestial Clan to be beaten up in such a group. The Son of the Demon Palace let out a long howl, and then immediately grinned his teeth, sweating coldly from the pain.

"What are you guys, fight me one-on-one, dare you!"

The ancestor's remnant soul roared, but the three soul shadows obviously didn't want to fight him one-on-one, they surrounded him and struck directly, a big black hand was covered in an instant, the size of a millstone, and on the other side, the golden figure kicked out again , smashed the broken air, hit his jaw accurately, and was kicked to pieces in an instant, and the colorful soul shadow was even more straightforward. He cut forward with a hand knife with his left hand, and immediately cut him open from the waist.

Tianfan laughed, and left the battlefield from a distance, appearing in the sealed town formed by the fragments of the Gods and Demons Gate, and came straight to a man and a dragon. They sacrificed the Wood Spirit Beads and suspended them above their heads, endless life energy poured into the bodies of one person and one dragon, quickly healing their wounded bodies.

They looked upwards, and the ancestor's remnant soul was very bleak, surrounded by three extremely powerful beings, and he would not be afraid if it was one-on-one, but now he was facing three people together, and he was beaten to the bone. I lost my temper at all, and I don't know how many times I was beaten and kicked, and my soul and body were broken.

"Haha, good fight, kick that bastard to death!"

The Son of the Demon Palace yelled, he almost died under his pressure, the little guy was also very dissatisfied, he clenched his golden fist, and punched the remnant soul from the air, expressing his anger in his heart.

"Through the past and present, the holy soul enters the body!"

The ancestor's remnant soul's complexion was ashen, and his hands were constantly forming seals. Those eyes were extremely fierce, piercing through the ancient times, and even directly opened a space-time tunnel, filled with endless holy light. At the end of that tunnel, a peerless figure appeared, reaching the sky and descending. When he reached the ground, the aura on his body was like an abyss like an ocean, and a colorful avenue stretched out at its intersection, and the holy auspiciousness descended from the sky, and the avenue rang in harmony.

The two of them and one dragon turned pale in shock. The figure walking from the ancient land was too terrifying. He held a blood-colored holy sword, which made the world tremble and disrupted time and space. He stepped forward and disappeared from the ancient land in an instant. The faint blood-colored soul shadows in the Burial God Land overlapped together, and a more terrifying energy flowed out, and it was constantly improving.

"Destroy half of my origin, and I will return to the peak combat power in the ancient times. Although it is only a quarter of an hour, it is enough to destroy a few of your brands. This deity will personally destroy your hopes and shatter the entire human world!"

With such an indifferent voice, he glanced at Tian Fan, and then confronted the three soul shadows again. The aura on his body continued to rise, the two soul shadows overlapped rapidly, and the entire place of burial trembled violently , Countless powerful spirit bodies all woke up, trembling with fright, bowed down directly in this direction.

Hearing his words, the two of them and one dragon were even more horrified, it was too ruthless, self-destructing half of the source, and returning one's combat power to the peak of the ancient times, if this is the case, why would it take a quarter of an hour, just an instant to end everything After all, the Immortal Emperor and the others are just a stigma, and their strength is less than one ten-thousandth of their heyday, so they cannot compete at all.


The five-colored soul shadow sent out fluctuations in the consciousness, intermittently, the blurred hands moved for the first time, mysterious and unpredictable patterns of heaven and earth flowed out from their hands, and an incomparably frightening aura flowed from it. Exploding from his body, colorful divine light spread across the sky, covering the blood-colored remnant soul body, forcing out the merging ancestor holy soul, even if it didn't work, he was beaten back to the ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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