Chapter 289

Above the capital city of Shangguan in the Northern Territory, dark devilish energy swept across the world. He stepped forward step by step in the void. The earth was trembling and time and space were distorting. He was like a demon revived from hell. His eyes were dark and deep. It was extremely cold, with darkness and blood red flickering alternately, and the supreme magic power was mighty for nine days.


He moved in an instant, squeezed the reverse magic seal with his left hand, and thousands of ancient magic spells suddenly appeared on the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, forming a picture of chaos, directly facing the ancient battle picture of Tianjun's body go out.

"The so-called demon body is nothing more than a demon embryo, it's hard to be elegant!"

He said coldly, swiping the Heavenly Demon Seal with his right hand, and a black moon rose behind him, which was different from the Netherland cast by the Sword Immortal Sect. Punish the sky and seal the demons, and the dark moon destroys the Yuan.


The blood sprayed, and the heavenly ruler of the Tianzu was directly blown away. The ancient battle map of the prehistoric world was broken, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. On the other side, his so-called celestial demon body was even more unbearable, half of which was swept away by the moon behind Tianfan body.


Everyone was gasping for air, this was really too powerful, with Gui Xian cultivating alone against two existences comparable to human kings, high-spirited and intimidating, all the cultivators of the human race were excited, and in those pairs of eyes flickering fire.

"You! Damn it!"

Tianjun roared, the brilliance in his palm flashed, and a phantom moon appeared, he shook his hand and threw it towards Tianfan, magnified hundreds of times in the air, suppressed it instantly, and took Tianfan into it.

"Hahahaha, this is a great treasure from my ancestors, even the king and the strong will die if they are included in it!"

There was a cold smile on the corner of this Tianjun's mouth, but it stopped for a moment, because there were bursts of earth-shattering collision sounds from the huge phantom moon in the sky.


He shouted loudly, his whole body was full of gloom, and on the other side, the sky demon body covered with blue scales also rushed over, surrounded by demon energy, and together with the main body suppressed Tianfan in the magic moon.


There was a violent collision sound, a faint golden glow suddenly appeared in the dark circle, and then there were cracks all over, a golden iron fist pierced through it, the king of the heavenly clan retreated, avoiding the fist, but at this time He saw the sneer on the corner of Tianfan's mouth.

"not good!"

He screamed in his heart, and rushed forward quickly, but he couldn't stop it. He watched helplessly as the destructive magic hand smashed towards the sky demon body not far away.


There are tiny electric arcs flickering and crackling on the golden fist, as if they are connected with the divine thunder above the nine heavens, piercing into the chest of the demon body under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, the blood flowed horizontally, the cyan-colored The demon body covered with scales suddenly fell apart.

"Is this what you call something far beyond the reach of the demons?"

Tian Fan sneered, the magic light in his eyes flickered, and two jet-black dragon-shaped brilliance shot out from his eyes, cutting off the void, forcing the Heavenly Clan, the Heavenly Monarch, to retreat five hundred feet away.


He stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the pitch-black demonic soul that was about to escape from afar. The Heaven Punishing Magic Art worked, imprisoning this divine soul in the palm of his hand, and ghostly demonic energy emerged, surrounded by countless tiny spells. His left hand kept beating, and one could see that the soul in it was constantly struggling, but it was useless, unable to break through the restriction set by Zhu Tian.

"Stop it, you can't do that!"

Heavenly Clan Tianjun roared, he was really scared, worried that Tianfan would destroy the demon soul, that was his other battle body, comparable to the strength of a human king, it was because of this that he was able to fight against the demon soul. To obtain a place among many human kings, Tianjun of the same realm is far from his opponent, because his combat power alone is comparable to two human kings.

"No? Why not?" Tian Fan said.

"If you dare to destroy it, I will kill your top ten human races!" He said viciously, with a murderous aura.

"Joke, you better think about how to save your life!"

Tian Fan sneered, and he closed his left hand in an instant, actuating countless small spells, which wiped out the demon soul in his hand in an instant, turning it into a puff of black smoke that drifted away.


The monarch of the Celestial Clan spewed a mouthful of painstaking effort immediately, and his face turned pale in an instant. The Heavenly Demon Body was destroyed, and if he killed half of his life.

"Master Tianjun!"

There are more than 100 Celestial Clan powerhouses left in the distance, all of whom rushed out from the major palaces, and many of them are even at the peak of Guixian. This is a very powerful combat force, but even the iceberg of their comprehensive strength Not even a single corner, one can imagine how terrifying the Celestial Clan is.


Tianfan sneered, and casually moved his right hand forward. The sword energy shot up to the sky in that piece of heaven and earth, and the sound of puff puff was heard endlessly. In an instant, dozens of corpses fell from the sky.


Suddenly, another powerful aura surged from the deepest part of Shangguan's capital, and a majestic figure stepped out in an instant. He had fiery red hair, his whole body revealed a wildness, and his eyes were like beasts.

"Another heavenly monarch!"

The human cultivators in the distance felt cold all over their bodies, and they really understood the horror of the Celestial Clan. They have only seen the few human kings of the Human Race, and almost all of them died in battle. More than [-] people were lost here, but now they can walk out of the two at will, and they deeply understand the gap in strength between the two races.

"I'll hold him back, you go and ask your lord to take action!" the Heavenly Clan Heavenly Lord shouted, stopping the red-haired Heavenly Lord who was pressing forward.

"it is good!"

The red-haired Tianjun was very straightforward, staring at Tianfan, two cold lights shot out from his eyes, tearing the void with his backhand, stepped in with one step, and disappeared.

"Hey, the king is coming, you are dead!" Seeing the red-haired Tianjun leaving, the emperor of the Tianzu said with a grim face.

"I'm afraid I've disappointed you, none of you here will be able to leave alive."

Tian Fan sneered, and couldn't stop him at all. With a backhand palm, Tian Jun flew out, causing him to spurt blood, and his teeth fell all over the ground. However, just as he raised his head, he saw a scene that made him despair.

The void in front of it cracked, and a cloud of blood mist exploded in it. The little guy above the sky made a move. The ultimate combat power of the human king combined with its powerful physique as a beast, and in one fell swoop, the red-haired Tianjun was taken out of the space channel. After the shock came out, the turbulent flow of time and space poured down wantonly, shaking half of his body to pieces on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the Celestial Clan went cold. No matter how hard they fought, tearing the void didn't work, but the human cultivators in the distance seemed to have taken stimulants, howling like wolves.

"Everything is over, the blood debt must be paid in blood, you all go to hell, go and apologize to the Shangguan's children who were slaughtered by you, and go to repent to all the human spirits who died in vain!"

Tianfan shouted coldly, behind him, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams emerged, the brilliance of the cadre position shone, the world's original power surged out, the earth trembled, time and space trembled, hundreds of millions of living beings trembled, and the emperor of the heavenly clan uttered the last trace of unwillingness to be miserable. He screamed, and was instantly swept away by a touch of the world's original power, and turned into fly ash in an instant.

"Go to hell, too!"

He drove the five elements and eight trigrams map to sweep across, pieces of blood mist exploded, there was nothing to stop him, and finally the little guy made another attack, the dragon clan's ancient combat skills unfolded, all the nine heavens and ten earths were covered with purple gold dragon shadows, and the dragon's claws shook the sky Shocked, he shattered the red-haired Tianjun, and the five elements and eight trigrams map swept over at the right time, and the wisp of Tianjun's holy soul was wiped out, and it will become empty forever.

This is no longer a battle, it is a one-sided killing. Needless to say, Tianfan's combat power is comparable to a human king. With five elements and eight trigrams, he can sweep thousands of troops, and the little guy is even more terrifying , the dragon's body swelled to sixty feet, and with a roar of the dragon, a large cloud of blood blasted into the sky.

The screams kept coming out, and the people guarding here from the Celestial Clan struggled to resist and attack. Some even wanted to escape through the portal to report to the King of the Celestial Clan, but everything was difficult to change. One person and one dragon were invincible. Life harvester, corpses continue to fall from the sky.

"Our human race has its own dignity, we are not afraid of foreign enemies, and we will not surrender even if we die, but if anyone violates our territory, kill them!"

Tian Fan sneered coldly, and a word of "Killing" shook people's hearts and souls, causing the mountains to tremble. The brilliance of the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams skyrocketed, covering the entire sky, and the people guarding here from the Tianzu continued to explode. , none of the Celestial Clan survived, all of them died in battle, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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