Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 295: Hard Battle in Fengdu City

Chapter 295: Hard Battle in Fengdu City

The night is always dominated by ghosts. At this moment, there are gusts of wind blowing all around, and the roar of fierce ghosts can be heard endlessly. The astonishing soul makes the mighty Tianfan feel a little thrilled, and the little guy shrank directly into his clothes. Not seeing is pure.


This is a real ghost howl, the whistling sound keeps coming out, the sky over Fengdu City is overcast, and the red evil aura swirls like a whirlpool, Tian Fan feels a little tingling in his scalp, he doesn't want to stop at all, and unfolds the Divine Cloud Walk Shoot towards the front, hoping to avoid these ghosts.

However, he was disappointed. The legendary Fengdu City is really not wrong at all as the capital where ghosts live. Walking out of the building, there are all kinds of ghosts.

Tianfan couldn't estimate the combat power of these ghosts, because the fluctuations outside their bodies were too weird, which he had never seen before, but he came to a very bad fact, the lowest level of these ghosts also had Comparable to the combat power of Yuntian Realm.

"It happened!"

At the very front, at the intersection that was about to fork, a large group of ghosts suddenly appeared, and a large group of ghost soldiers rushed out from there. come over.

"There is no other way but to fight."

Tianfan whispered, feeling a little helpless, he estimated that his current combat strength is at most equivalent to that of the middle Hunyuan period, and the worst thing is that he can't fly in the air, and he is suppressed very badly, but fortunately, his physical strength is still there , was not affected in any way, which made him a little relieved, because his strongest support now was this flesh shell.


He gritted his teeth, and went straight forward. He raised his big golden hand, and a gust of wind blew away the dozens of ghost soldiers in front. His body was broken, and he fell to the ground and turned into black yin energy. .

"It's a good thing I didn't stand up again."

He said this, but his color changed in an instant, because after those black evil spirits were floating in the air, they were actually absorbed by other ghosts, and those ghosts that absorbed these evil spirits were obviously much stronger.


Ghost cries and wolf howls resounded throughout Fengdu City. Seeing Tianfan attacking first, all the ghosts suddenly went berserk, and their speed increased rapidly. The pair of blood red and emerald eyes shone with strange light, driving a strong The evil spirit rushed towards him frantically.

These ghosts don't have very long nails, and they don't have so-called fangs, but the mighty breath of death on them is really terrifying. Tian Fan has never seen such a strong breath of death, even the tens of thousands of ghosts in the Dragon Palace The God Demon Yin Soldier is also completely incomparable to this place, and he feels an extremely cold taste.


He operated the Divine Heavenly Heart Art, and cast 36 layers of defensive barriers outside his body. These ghosts did not show magic, but they were more terrifying than supernatural powers. The dark red evil spirit outside their bodies became the most beneficial weapon, and they hit Tianfan in a blink of an eye. Above the first defensive barrier set up.

Suddenly, the golden light flickered, and the powerful spiritual force attacked silently. Hundreds of ghosts landed on the ground in an instant, turned into green smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

"it is as expected!"

Tianfan whispered, two golden lights shot out from his eyes, Xinyu Wuhen is indeed the best way to deal with these spirits, they all say that the so-called ghosts are evolved from the soul after death, maybe there is such a truth, Just now he thought of this, so he spread thousands of tyrannical spiritual powers on the barrier, and it really worked.


At this moment, the golden light in his eyes was burning to the extreme, and his desire to move quickly without trace, countless tyrannical spiritual forces shot out from his eyes without a sound, and many ghosts fell down on the spot, turning into green smoke, completely dissipated, and he began to break out towards the front.

"Wow, brother, you are so powerful!"

The little guy saw this scene as soon as he poked his head out of his arms. He saw hundreds of ghosts flying upside down in an instant, and his whole body twitched and turned into ashes.

However, Tianfan didn't let go of his heart, and his expression became more dignified. This is Fengdu City, which is definitely not a good place. You can feel the Tao just from the breath of death here. There must be a powerful existence in the dark, because there are legends in the world, In Fengdu City, there lived a ghost witch who commanded all ghosts, and he dared not refuse.

It is absolutely impossible for such a terrifying existence to say that he will not say anything. Since Fengdu City is really here, it is very likely that there will really be a ghost witch. Burial Realm, if he really meets him, he really has to rely on the God Demon Gate to escape, and whether he can escape is still a question, now he can only hope that the immortal ghost witch is in seclusion and cannot appear.


After another burst of crazy impact, the momentum of the ghosts suddenly slowed down. Tianfan was overjoyed, thinking that they were afraid, but later he found that he had really underestimated these ghosts, and saw countless black shadows slowly moving in the air. It changed its shape, and finally formed the shape of a rain of arrows, with a thick dark evil spirit lingering on it.

"No way? Are they forming formations?"

I saw the sharp arrow feathers rushing towards a man and a dragon at an extremely fast speed. The death aura in the front was so strong that it was a bit scary. It hit the barrier outside his body in an instant, and the golden light and black evil aura suddenly came together. The billowing burst out, emitting a dazzling light in mid-air, like fireworks blooming.


Affected by this impact, Tianfan's center of gravity was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground. He spurted a mouthful of blood, his face paled a lot, and a puff of cold air rose. There are super powerful existences among these ghosts, which are enough to fight Now he is fighting, but he doesn't know why he didn't come out to fight alone.

"Brother, you are injured!"

The little guy raised his head and asked with concern. Seeing a large number of ghosts in front of him, the little guy stopped hiding in front of his chest and soared out. Facing one side was a piece of divine fire. The nemesis of evil things, thousands of ghosts disappeared without a trace under this fire on the spot.


When Tian Fan was stunned, the little guy could actually fly, and it was floating above his head at this moment, and he found that these ghosts were obviously innately afraid of the little guy, and the pair of blood-red and emerald eyes flickered fiercely, but they were delayed. Refusing to step forward, his actions slowed down.

"We break through!"

He let out a low growl, the silver light all over his body soared, the golden light in his eyes shone, and countless spiritual forces surged out. At the same time, the little guy's body enlarged a lot, and he spit out divine fire, opening up a road of fire in front of him.

For a time, the colorful brilliance in Fengdu City was dazzling, and countless spiritual powers and purple-gold fire were surging. Under such a double attack, a large number of ghost soldiers turned into ashes, but compared to the ghosts in the entire capital city, it was really deadly. There were too few, and at this time, a few special ghosts stepped out from the group of ghosts, which changed the aura here instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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