Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 298 Bronze Coffin

Chapter 298 Bronze Coffin

Ghost Li screamed, the distance was so close, and it had no defenses, it was impossible to escape Tianfan's sharp blow, the spear pierced through his chest, leaving a huge hole there, transparent front and back, The dark ghosts are running around.


It was startled and angry, staring at Tianfan who was less than two meters away from it, those blood-red eyes were full of anger, staring at the human in front of him, where was there any scar on his body, the blood was gone, and the golden light was lingering, while he The little one in his arms also took off, suspended above the void, looking at it with some anger.

"What are you, you old man!"

Tian Fan sneered, and kicked out, kicking the Ghost Li in front of him hundreds of feet away, flying out like a scarecrow, knocking down hundreds of ordinary ghost soldiers.

"You... you are cheating!"

Ghost Li was kicked by him so that it spat out several mouthfuls of black blood continuously, coupled with the horrible wound on its chest, its eyes began to loosen gradually, the blood light began to dissipate, it finally gave Tian Fan a fierce look, its body slowly moved Turned into fly ash.


The other four ghosts screamed, but they couldn't change anything. They were too close, and they suffered Tianfan's full blow without any defense, and their souls were completely shaken away.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"How do you know that we are shadowed in the dark!"

Up to now, no matter how stupid they are, they still know that they have fallen into the trap of one person and one dragon, and the light of hatred is shining in their eyes. They did not expect such a result.

"Hmph, don't you fools think that we are stupid too. Do you think I will believe that a piece of wood can grow into that shape naturally? We hurt you on purpose just to lure you out."

Tian Fandao, this is indeed led by him and the little guy, they were deliberately injured, pretending to be seriously injured Cui Shi, just wanting to lure out the mastermind behind the scenes, because their spiritual sense can't sense where Ghost Li is.

"You... Aren't you afraid that you will attract ghosts and witches? Also, if you have a conspiracy, it is impossible for us not to discover it. We have special talents and abilities that can cut off the sound transmission of the divine sense. You have never communicated! "

The four ghosts obviously have their own consciousness, and they are called Ghost Li in Fengdu Ghost City, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of the Secret Realm of Returning to Immortals.

"Hmph, if that kind of thing is refined by ghosts and witches, then Fengdu City is nothing more than that, you are just a few small fishes, as for how we avoided your so-called natural abilities, there is no need Tell you!"

Tianfan sneered, the little guy was connected with him, and he didn't need the spiritual sense to transmit his thoughts to know each other's thoughts. , but some things still cannot be changed, how dare you lay such a heavy hand on it!"


A violent hurricane rolled out of him, the momentum was shocking, even though he was suppressed to the Primordial Secret Realm, Si Dao Guili still felt the strong pressure and was a little startled.

"Hey, it's a big deal for us to re-integrate into the ghost energy. With Fengdu City, we are invincible in this town. People in the underground burial secret realm will not be able to find our energy mechanism. The countless ghosts here will become our last... Sharp weapons!"

A gloomy sneer came out, and the figures of the four ghosts slowly dissipated, turning into streaks of black mist and blending into the air of Fengdu City, the surroundings quickly lost their aura, and the ghosts below lost their oppression because of this Feeling, I roared at once.

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you!"

Tianfan snorted coldly, took a step forward, and instantly disappeared in place. His real body appeared a hundred feet away, with golden light flashing in his eyes, and he slapped it out with a single palm. The ordinary ghosts around him flew out in pieces, and one of them was a black figure. It was extraordinarily glaring, and the blood-red ghost eyes were flickering with fright and anger.

"Impossible, how could you know where I am, right, it's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence!"

It made a sharp sound and disappeared from the air again, but Tianfan's eyes kept turning, staring at the surrounding void, and finally swung his fist backwards.


The Heavenly Immortal Realm's battle body is so powerful, a mere ghost from the Guixian Mystic Realm couldn't resist at all, it was pierced by a punch, and it was grabbing the Yin Wood in its hand, trying to transform it into form.

"Do you really think I didn't do anything? I said it a long time ago, you must die!"

He said coldly, as early as the moment when the five ghosts appeared, they had silently left five psychic supernatural powers on them, even if they escaped to the sky, he could still find them. Shocked, a ball of golden light erupted, destroying his ghost in Gui Li's terrified eyes.

On the other side, the little guy is even more ferocious, it is a divine beast, it can fly here, and the dragon clan can be said to be all-rounder, not only physically strong, but also extremely fast, a divine dragon swung its tail, and directly pulled the two Ghost Li out of the void flew out.

"The four ghosts bully me together, I will shoot you to death!"

When Tian Fan turned his head and heard this sentence, he was immediately delighted. The little guy swung a pair of golden dragon claws left and right, whipping the two Ghost Li until he lost his temper. He was knocked to the east and west. , let the thousands of ghost soldiers roar below, the little guy ignored it at all, and launched a strong attack on the two ghosts, so that they had no chance to launch the Yin ghost tree.

"Dare to do it in front of my eyes!"

Suddenly, he smiled coldly, and took a step forward, a golden arc flashed above his fist, he punched down, and with a loud roar, the last Ghost Li was thrown flying.

"Looking at your venomous eyes, it seems like I owe you something!" Tian Fan said.

"Damn humans, you can't escape, hey... countless years ago, a human broke into this place, he was ten million times stronger than you, and the result... hehe..."

On the other side, the two ghosts obviously also knew that they were in a dangerous situation and it would be difficult to escape, so they let out the most venomous laughter.

"Don't bother, I'll send you to hell!"

Tian Fan remained unmoved, his whole body shone with golden and silver brilliance, the Zhenzi Jue was on display, and he moved forward to suppress it. At that moment, there was a scream, and in his right hand, nine golden ancient characters formed a world cage. The air of sacred majesty permeated the surrounding area, trapping another Ghost Li who was fighting the little guy inside.


He clasped his palms together, pressed down the word "Zhen", and closed the nine ancient characters, two shrill screams came out, and the two ghosts, which were comparable to the strong return to immortals, disappeared in smoke.


On the other side, the last Ghost Li also turned into ashes under the strong attack of the little guy, the little guy flew back with a low grunt, stopped on Tian Fan's shoulder, and glanced around.


Ghost Li had been completely wiped out, but Tian Fan slowly frowned, Fengdu City seemed very quiet at this moment, too quiet, all the ghosts around were stunned, motionless, like puppets so-so.

"That is!"

Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head. At some point, a huge coffin appeared above Fengdu City. It was made of bronze, dark red and evil, and the mist flowed. The coffin was motionless, and there was a vague The imprint, one person and one dragon, changed color on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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