Chapter 300

The ghost general was really pissed off, the extremely angry look flickered in those eyes, and the yin energy around it rose wildly. At this moment, it didn't hold back at all, and drew a dark red and dark bright light with the ancient sword in its hand, straight Run to Xiaolong.

"Think of me as a display!"

Tian Fan snorted coldly, took a step forward, and once again a golden divine sword rushed out from between his brows, and the black sword energy that filled the sky was cut to pieces on the spot.


The ghost general was a little surprised, Tianfan actually shattered its attack easily twice, the golden energy sword made his consciousness feel a little painful, at this moment its face was covered by a strange mask, so it was impossible to see clearly Its expression, but the pair of blood-red pupils can't help flickering.

"Xiaolong stay in the air for a while, pay attention to the movement around..."

He whispered to Xiaojia, then turned his head, looked coldly at the ghost general in front of him, and said, "What is your origin? What are your plans?"

"Don't tell me? When I take you down, I can still know the answer!"

The ghost will not answer, his expression is indifferent, and the whole body is covered by black mist. He began to run the Heaven-killing Magic Art in Fengdu City. The dark demonic energy complemented the surrounding environment, and the black ghost energy rose like a waterfall. , hanging straight to the sky, two black chains coiled around him, the vast magic power swept across the field, and a strong wind swayed.

All around, with Tianfan as the center at this moment, those dense Yin Qi began to swirl like a vortex, and a rare spectacle appeared in the entire Fengdu City. It was deeply shocked when such a miracle happened.

"you you……"

The ghost general's expression changed completely, and he couldn't help taking a step back. Originally, in his consciousness, he always thought that Tianfan would be very depressed about Fengdu's environment, and would devote a lot of energy to resist the strong ghost aura, but Seeing this scene at the moment, it felt its lips tremble a little, because the human opposite was actually controlling and even absorbing a small amount of ghost energy around it.

At this moment, Tian Fan activated the Heaven Punishing Devil Art crazily, gradually and slowly attracting the ghost aura around him. At this moment, his whole body was full of energy, absorbing these auras as quickly as possible, and then using the Heaven Punishing Demon The trick is to refine it and let your body gradually adapt to the surrounding environment.


The aura on his body rushed upwards quickly, and the aura that suppressed him gradually weakened. At this moment, the aura of his whole body was released, and a black hurricane centered on him and blocked it in all directions. Go out and turn the surprised ghost generals hundreds of feet away.

"How is it possible, impossible. This king suffered a lot back then, and it took nearly 1000 years to adapt to the environment here. How could you be so fast, how could you be so fast... This is impossible!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the ghost general became completely restless, and roared at Tianfan almost hysterically.

"In the past... you entered here 100 million years ago, what are your plans, tell me!"

His tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and two bright brilliance flashed away. There was a trace of coldness on his face, and he stared coldly at the ghost general opposite.

" did you know?"

The ghost general said, unbelievable, it certainly did not expect that because the nature of ghost energy and devil energy is relatively similar, Tianfan used the Heaven Punishing Demon Art to absorb a trace of ghost energy in Fengdu City into his body, slowly refine it, and then let himself He became accustomed to the environment here, but also got some relevant information from these ghosts.

"You celestial clan are too much! Are you really deceiving me and no one in the world? One day in the future, I will overthrow your entire celestial realm!"

He said coldly, with a powerful aura that shook the ghost general a few meters away, his blood-red eyes were full of disbelief, a little frightened, and it even gave birth to an illusion that the human being in front of him could really Do these things in general.


The ghost general remained silent, its pupils constricted, it felt a sense of oppression, and a powerful aura erupted from its body, and the surrounding dark clouds gathered again, covering it.

"Don't talk? Hmph, I hit you until you open your mouth!"

He said coldly, he has been holding a breath in his heart for a long time, and he can't release it no matter what. He rushed towards the opposite side, and there were layers of strange sounds on the black chain, which made the surrounding space tremble. Immediately, Tianfan opened his arms wide, flying past like a dragon, and rose into the sky. The fist blasted forward.

"This king was in the underground burial secret back then. If it weren't for that damned fairy general, how could this king have fallen to this point!"

The ghost general let out a long howl, its eyes were very strange, and the sound of the ghost howl pierced the sky, and a black magic eagle suddenly rose behind it. The change was so big that it blocked the entire sky in just an instant.

"So what if you are in the secret realm of burial, your Celestial Clan will be defeated in the end. Although you can't use it, it is still the power of the world. Not everyone can get your hands on it. You will still have to reap the consequences!"

Tianfan sneered, and flew up. Above his head, a pitch-black magic map emerged. The black light accelerated as it rotated, and in a blink of an eye it turned into an overwhelming map of magic chaos. From a distance, it was like a great river of time and space. , as if wanting to penetrate the sky.

"My Celestial Clan's majesty dominates the entire sky, and no one dares not to follow the direction of the Heavenly Clan. The eight original worlds are all under the banner of my Celestial Clan. How dare your mere human world defy the will of our clan? You are really overwhelmed!"

The ghost general snorted coldly, chopped off the ancient war knife with one hand, and an extremely strong ghost energy appeared in the other hand, he said coldly: "Although this king has not returned to the secret place of underground burial, the ghost energy here is It has slowly integrated into my body, this king has found another way of practice, and returning to the realm of kings is just around the corner!"

"Unfortunately, you don't have that chance anymore, you are going to die today!"

Tianfan opened his mouth indifferently. He squeezed the reverse magic seal with his left hand, and a huge magic map emerged, absorbing countless ghost energy. At the same time, a broken battle spear emerged from his right hand, piercing through the void, Waved a black light.

Seen from a distance, the dark environment of Fengdu City also appeared extremely bright because of their battle. Two black lights shot up into the sky, and various strange secret techniques were displayed one after another. During this process, they deliberately avoided the two sides of the street. The ancient house, because there is a creepy aura coming from it, especially the ghost general, whose eyes are full of vigilance.

"Killing the soul!"

A cold voice came out, and the vast magic power descended, knocking the ghost general who was a little unstable on the spot, and accompanied by a roar, dark blood poured out.

(End of this chapter)

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