Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 305 Goodbye God Demon Sect Fragment

Chapter 305 Goodbye God Demon Sect Fragment

The sea of ​​blood boiled, and the evil spirit soared into the sky. Dozens of waves of blood rushed up behind the immortal general. The sea of ​​blood was endless as far as the eye could see. At this moment, it was like a tsunami erupting, submerging one person and one dragon in it in an instant.

"You shouldn't have let them in, they're sure to die..."

The ghost witch's entire body was shrouded in pitch-black mist, and it was difficult to see its true face. Only a pair of blood-red eyes were exposed outside, which looked daunting.

"They won't die..."

The immortal general said, his face was calm, he took a step forward, a faint divine light appeared in his right hand, and a pre-immemorial character appeared in his hand, shining with three-color divine light.

"Why, Blood Sea Hell, you should know how terrifying it is." Guiwu said indifferently, looking at the opposite immortal general with some doubts, not knowing why he would say such a thing.

"Although the sea of ​​blood is dangerous, it has always been calm. Why did you seal it?" the general asked it in turn.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a strange fragment fell into the sea of ​​blood, causing a blood explosion. You should know what that means..."

The ghost witch's eyes flickered for a moment, then stared at the immortal general, and said: "That man, the blood in that young man's body makes me feel a little palpitating, who is he?"

"No comment, a battle in a million years, let me see if your cultivation has regressed." The immortal general said, taking another step forward.

"Will not disappoint you……"

One person and one ghost are not like enemies, but more like opponents. They moved in an instant. The domineering ghosts and witches are immeasurable. They raised their hands and waved thousands of ghosts. Not weak either, the divine light runes enveloped him, making him sacred and coercive.

None of them are real bodies, and their combat power is not enough, just in case, but that's it, the consequences of their battles are still extremely terrible. The ground of Fengdu City began to crack, and the ghost and witch frowned, and then flew towards the higher sky. Jiang obviously knew what it was thinking and didn't stop it. He glanced at the sea of ​​blood for the last time, and disappeared in place instantly in the form of lightning.

In the sea of ​​blood, as soon as Tianfan and Xiaolong entered it, they should have felt the powerful devouring power immediately, the evil spirit was astonishing, thousands of blood waves sandwiched the wild fierce spirit, constantly eroding The defensive barrier around them wants to swallow them up.

Tianfan used his divine power again, and propped up a stronger golden barrier outside his body. Looking at the blood-red liquid around them, they couldn't see anything else at all. They just felt a strong suction pulling them down, Tianfan He didn't struggle, he just ran the Divine Heavenly Heart Jue and the Five Elements Jue smoothly, and the faint light of gold and silver lingered around his body, blocking the engulfing of the evil spirit in the sea of ​​blood.


Suddenly, the sound of ghost cries began to be heard, and one person and one dragon suddenly raised their spirits. This is the legendary sea of ​​blood, No. 13 hell, and divine light appeared in their eyes, looking around.


After seeing the surrounding scene, one person and one dragon gasped at the same time. At some point, they were surrounded by souls of different colors, red, white, and blue. Roaring at one person and one dragon, this is a group of terrifying wraiths.


The little guy was a little guilty, and swallowed his saliva carefully. It is said in the world that there are endless souls in the sea of ​​blood in hell. People who bleed to death, their souls will still be imprisoned in it, and they cannot escape. Such a force makes them feel creepy.


The sound of ghost cries reached their ears through the blood around them, and it was terrifying. The wraiths around them roared like fierce ghosts and rushed towards them together. A puff of blue smoke dissipated.

Tianfan set up tens of thousands of powerful spiritual powers in the golden barrier, which are fatal to these spirits, but at this time he frowned, with a serious expression, because the number of resentful spirits around him was too great. There are too many. If you look around, you can see them in all directions.


Suddenly, there was a shock from below. They looked in the direction of the shock. They didn't know when there were so many spirit bodies below. They seemed to have a common will, and they fused together to form a huge palm. They actually grabbed onto the golden barrier and dragged them down to the deep sea with great effort.


Puffs of green smoke rose from that big hand, and were destroyed by the powerful spiritual force, but more resentful spirits merged into that big hand, Tian Fan frowned again, and in front of him Under the control of his thoughts, the spiritual power in that area began to retreat. He was going to enter the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, so he might as well use his strength now.

During this process, they protruded their consciousness into the sea of ​​blood, but they were all corroded, and it was difficult to survive for a long time, and it was difficult to maintain it after a hundred meters outside the body. I don't know how long this process lasted. Blood nearby began to swirl.

In this process, despite the protection of the golden enchantment, they still felt a strong downward attraction to their bodies. In addition, there was a strong rotating force, which made them feel a little dizzy. After sinking a thousand feet, Tianfan clearly felt the blood waves around them fluctuating violently, and there were tens of thousands of powerful pulling forces pulling them.

"What it is?"

The little guy said suspiciously, pointing his paw forward, Tianfan looked along his paw, and was immediately shocked. He didn't know when they had fallen into a bloody hole, like a well, surrounded by dense crowds of people. They are all holes, of different sizes, and it is the attraction that emanates from those holes that is pulling them. In these holes, pairs of eyes that are shining with blood glow burst out with a strangely cold light, which is heart-wrenching. Surprised "Chichi..."

The golden enchantment was violently fluctuating and distorting, and the surrounding wraiths were also being torn apart one by one. After their bodies were extremely distorted, they dissipated like a tortuous ray of light.

"That is……"

Suddenly, a pattern flashed in Tianfan's mind, which came from not far below. There was a piece of broken stone, the size of a door panel, and there were many brand marks above him. Now, the blood evil spirit below was so strong that it was eroding continuously, trying to infiltrate it, but the fragment remained motionless and dim, blocking all the blood evil spirit in it. outside.

At this moment, something in Tianfan's body trembled violently, the broken stones below seemed to feel it, trembled slightly, and a faint colorful glow emerged, like the divine splendor that opened up the world, and immediately shook the surrounding blood mist scattered.

"God Demon Gate!"

One person and one dragon exclaimed at the same time, extremely excited. Although Tianfan knew from the beginning that there must be fragments of the Gods and Demons Sect, when he actually saw them, he still couldn't help but be happy.


However, at this moment, an extremely powerful ghostly aura suddenly came from below, and the bloody aura was earth-shattering. A pupil dozens of times larger than a lantern emerged from below, and an extremely cold evil light emitted from that pupil. The penetrating hair came out, causing one person and one dragon's heart to beat violently.

(End of this chapter)

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