Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 311 Complete Shenguang Killing Formation

Chapter 311 Complete Shenguang Killing Formation

Time and space are distorted, the void is turbulent, and above Fengdu City, a multicolored divine light array covers a space with a radius of hundreds of feet, and Pluto happens to be standing in the center of the killing array, bound tightly by countless orderly killing chains, unable to even struggle .

The ghost witch and Shura all changed their colors, and felt the aura of destroying time and space. The two powerful men were extremely terrified. The murderous aura made them such a existence feel a chill, which was extremely terrifying.

In the distance, Tianfan keenly sensed the unusualness of this divine formation. As for why, he couldn't tell, but he just had a feeling in his heart.

"Damn it, it's's impossible...on earth...when did you set it up, and when did you set it up? This king has never seen you set up the killing array, uh..."

"It was laid out long before entering the sea of ​​blood. It was not prepared for you, but everything is already doomed..."

Immortal General Gujing Wubo, golden light flickered in those pupils, and he used his thoughts to control the divine light to kill the formation. This was originally prepared for him to teleport from the blood sea at a critical moment. It was engraved in Fengdu before entering the blood sea. Unexpectedly, the one in the void above became a backhand to suppress Hades.

"So it is!"

The ghost witch and Shura whispered at the same time, suddenly realized, and finally understood why the immortal general kept attacking the Hades while avoiding the sword of killing the gods.

"Ugh...Damn it, you dare to bully me, ah! It's just a mere killing array, it can't trap this king!"

Pluto roared, struggling violently in it, and the eruption of the ghostly light multiplied, shattering the killing chain of order outside the body in one fell swoop, but everything was in vain, because just when he was about to take action, more The chain of light circled forward, instantly binding him in the center again.

At the same time, in the Divine Light Killing Formation, tens of thousands of time-space light swords slashed down with force, all of which were thicker than mountains, and each one was enough to destroy a small world, but at this moment, they were attacking and killing one person , one can imagine the horror in it, and the shrill screams suddenly resounded above Fengdu City.

"It's useless, you can't break free. Although the Immortal Emperor Killing Formation has only one corner, it is enough to kill a fairy. You will definitely die today!"

The fairy general stood still above the void, his expressionless face, still struggling with the Pluto. At this moment, his body and mind were all placed on the God-killing arrow, and for the first time his face showed a dignified expression, and he began to try his best to resist the blue magic arrow.

On the opposite side, the expressions of Ghost Witch and Shura changed wildly, they were extremely horrified, the horror of the divine light killing array was already there, they didn't think they could get out of it completely, at least half of their lives would have to be cut off, but it was so terrifying The Divine Formation is actually only a corner of the original formation.

They didn't doubt the fairy general's words at all, he didn't need to lie, this made the hearts of the two powerhouses surge up. Millions of years ago, they knew a few terrifying masters in the world from the immortal general Tianqi's sea of ​​consciousness, the immortal emperor Among them, they are very jealous of those people.

However, they didn't know the extent to which the immortal had overpowered the terrifying figure in the sea of ​​consciousness until now. Just a corner of the killing array was already so frightening. If the real body came, how terrifying would it be? The world is not difficult at all.

"So powerful! So scary! So scary!"

Hundreds of miles away, the little guy exclaimed, using three adjectives in a row, and Tian Fan finally understood why he felt that way. The magic circle faintly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

A group of multicolored brilliance appeared in the ocean of his spiritual consciousness, which was the brilliance that the soul of the immortal emperor in the past penetrated into his eyebrows at the place of burial. At this moment, the colorful holy light dissipated, and a small killing formation emerged. It was the size of a palm, but it was complete. He slowly closed his eyes, and absorbed his mind into it carefully.

"Uh... this king is indestructible... it's just a broken part of the formation, it's useless to me!"

Pluto screamed and roared loudly, but one could feel the fear in his words. Amid the remnants of divine light, the underworld fire on Pluto's body stood out, sweeping the entire time and space. The words came out of his mouth, causing the ghost witch and Shura to change their colors.

"Yin Xieming Demon Realm, come!"

The terrifying aura of the underworld came down, and in that corner of the divine light killing array, a gloomy light suddenly filled the air. Countless monsters from the underworld appeared, howling in the sky, and in the killing array, thousands of space-time lightsabers pressed down, terrifying murder He wanted to destroy Jiuyou, but at this moment he couldn't help becoming slightly turbulent.

"What a frightening killing formation, it's just a corner, and it has forced Hades to such a point that he wants to use his first supernatural power to fight against it."

At this moment, the fairy general is also in big trouble. Pluto's two supernatural powers come out together, and he uses the power of the underworld to fight against the divine light killing array, and the god-killing arrow chases and kills his body, which makes him have to raise his spirits.


However, at this moment, without a sound, a more terrifying murderous aura shot up into the sky, and the boundless void was completely destroyed. With a mouthful of blood, the protective barrier outside their bodies was shattered in an instant, revealing two majestic bodies.

At this moment, the faces of the two powerhouses both showed fear. Above the void, Tianfan's brows flickered with multicolored divine light, and a small formation emerged, only the size of a palm, but the murderous aura emanating from it seemed to be Destroy the universe.

"That's... a complete divine light killing array..."

The fairy general murmured, with tears in his eyes, he was extremely excited, his tall body was trembling, and for a moment he even forgot to resist the arrow of killing gods, but his chest was pierced in an instant, if there were not fragments of the gods and demons gate It is difficult for him to survive.

Hearing his words, both Ghost Witch and Shura felt chills, the blood on the corners of their mouths was still there, and they couldn't wipe it off for a while.

"Is this the complete Divine Light Killing Formation? It's too terrifying. Just controlling it in the hands of a Guixian cultivator has such power. If it is controlled by a heavenly immortal, how terrifying will it be?"

At the same time, the hearts of the two strong men trembled violently. They looked at each other, and stared at the white figure in front of them with some horror. In the hearts of the people - "Son of the Immortal Emperor!"


Hundreds of miles away, Tianfan's eyes shone with golden light, and he seemed a little confused. He whispered, and a flash of lightning shot out from a palm-sized light array in front of his brows, and instantly sent Pluto's God-killing Arrow flying thousands of miles away. On his shoulders, the little guy was covered by colorful fairy light, and he couldn't feel the terrifying aura of the divine light killing array at all. A pair of big watery eyes kept scanning the surroundings.


The divine light killing array trembled slightly, and flew out from Tianfan's eyebrows autonomously. It was only the size of a palm, but it made ghost witches and Shura extremely afraid, and they retreated hundreds of miles away.

In the remaining divine light formation, Pluto's face turned extremely pale in an instant, because he found that the palm-sized magic circle flew towards him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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