Chapter 314

A terrifying scene is taking place in Fengdu City. In the Divine Light Formation, the time-space lightsaber is boundless and endless, and the god marks of heaven and earth are dancing one by one. This magic circle is full of murderous intentions. was completely obliterated.

However, in such an environment, a golden primordial spirit body less than an inch high, full of precious brilliance, he even grabbed the surrounding god marks of the Dao, refined them with the mysterious source power, and became his own Dao .

"Impossible, how is this possible? It must be an illusion, definitely an illusion!"

Pluto was almost berserk. At this moment, his whole body was covered with blue blood, as if he crawled out of a big blue dye vat. He couldn't believe it, couldn't accept the fact before him. As a cultivator, his primordial spirit actually captured the marks of the Great Dao to his side.

"Nothing is impossible, so what about the avenue, as long as it hinders me, I just step on my feet, I only believe in myself, I don't respect the sky, I don't respect the ground, everything depends on myself, smash everything with a pair of fists, and open up a bright avenue of my own !"

The arrogant and domineering voice made the whole world tremble. He suddenly stared at Pluto, and two blazing lights shot out from his eyes, and said coldly: "Assassinate my strong human race, humiliate me in the fairy world!" Yingjie, this is unforgivable, today you are going to die!"

As the words fell, the golden primordial body stretched out its hand. Behind it, a golden chain rushed out at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye. Piercing through, Youlan Devil's blood poured out.


The shrill screams resounded through the sky, Pluto's face was almost distorted, and he stared at the little golden man in front of him, who was less than an inch tall. The cultivator in the fairyland was hurt, and he couldn't bear it.

"Damn ants, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

He roared terribly, extremely venomous, and the blue flames outside his body erupted again. He burned his origin and potential again, and condensed a second God-killing arrow, which pointed straight at the brow of the little golden man.

"Hahahaha... Even if I die, this God-killing Arrow will not stop. It will never stop until it kills you. Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it will be useless!"

He roared loudly, grabbed the Youlan God-killing Arrow in front of him with his almost tattered palm, and threw it forward with shaking hands. The long tail pierced into the golden realm, "It's a will never have such a chance, in my realm, all laws will be invalid, and there is only one ending for you, and that is death! "

Tianfan looked calm, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth. He gently stretched out a hand. Outside his body, dozens of divine chains of order understood in an instant, like lightning snakes, appearing abruptly in Zhushen Next to the arrow, it was intercepted and trembled firmly.

"You want to trap my God-killing Arrow?'s wishful thinking, don't you..."

There was a sneer on the corner of Pluto's mouth, but suddenly the expression on his face froze, and he stared at the front in horror. In the golden field less than ten feet away, the blue God-killing Arrow was bound by more than a dozen marks of the Great Dao. An incomplete Dao map was pressed down, and the seven-colored divine light was confused, covering the God-killing arrow, and slowly severed the connection between the arrow and Hades.

"So didn't I say, you will die today, what else can you do with the remaining four layers of origin? Today I want to slaughter the gods!"

With a cold smile, he swiped his hands continuously, creating strange notches in the air, which even ghosts and witches and other experts could hardly see what they were.

He and Shura looked at each other, and felt a chill again. They could feel that Zhushen Arrow had completely lost its due power. In that golden field, it was suppressed by the Dao Mark of Heaven and Earth and the mysterious residual image. , is gradually being wiped out, they know that if nothing happens, Pluto is finished, and no one can save him.

"Tianxian Tu? Hahahaha... a joke! Who do you think you are? Even if this king is trapped in the killing array, it's not like you, a little cultivator returning to immortality, can offend you!"

Pluto was furious. A small cultivator who returned to immortality existed like an ant in his eyes, but it was unbearable for him to talk to him in that posture at this moment.

"Since I obtained the Celestial Fruit Status, I have never encountered the shame of today. I was insulted by a small ant. I will kill you today, and you will die!"

Pluto desperately, the ghost light in his body moved violently and kept ringing. In the divine light killing array, thousands of space-time lightsabers shook non-stop. He began to use taboo secret techniques to communicate with the power of the nine nether realms.

However, the effect was not as he expected. The killing energy in the Divine Light Formation was shocking, obliterating all tangible qualities. The law of the underworld he just sent out was disintegrated in an instant, and the murderous intent became stronger. One after another The time-space light sword slashed down, and countless dao marks wrapped around him, entangled him in an instant.

"you you……"

He glared at Tianfan, extremely angry, like a wounded beast, his eyes were blood red, his teeth were gritted, he wished he could eat the little golden man opposite him raw.

"Don't forget, this killing formation is under my control..."

Tian Fan sneered, the reason why he dared to say that he slaughtered the Celestial Immortals was because of this killing array, he had already captured almost all the Dao marks in the divine light array, and there were still a few that were too terrifying to touch with his current strength. , He resolutely gave up, and just now, he got in touch with the divine light formation again and took control of the killing formation.


He stretched his right hand forward, and the Time-Space Killing Sword in the Divine Light Formation seemed to be attracted. It trembled slightly and let out an ear-piercing howl of swords, completely besieging Pluto in the middle. Thousands of lightsabers came out, and Pluto was shot into a hornet's nest in an instant. , his expression was extremely gloomy, his face was full of horror, the power of the divine light killing array was too great, even the gods could hardly bear it.

The immortals from far away and the little guy were very excited, the massacre of the heavenly immortal was right in front of them, but the ghost witch and Shura were a little horrified, this boy was too scary, at this moment they felt a terrifying wave of blood power, like To crush the entire capital of the undead.

"I said it a long time ago, if you can't live today, you must die, kill!"

With a loud shout, he propped up the golden field, and a complete battle spear appeared in his right hand. The whole body was golden and murderous. The will to kill in the Immortal Emperor's killing formation possesses extremely terrifying power. The divine light formation was left by the immortal emperor in his sea of ​​consciousness. He holds the key to open and close the divine light killing formation in his hand, but he can only Use it once, the reason why the Divine Light Killing Formation has such power at this moment is because the magic circle was opened in his hands for the first time, and there is a wisp of the will of the Immortal Emperor in it, otherwise it would be difficult for him to support it with his cultivation base of returning to the fairyland. A terrifying killing array.

However, even with the Immortal Emperor's thoughts in it, because of the relationship between time and space, it can't last long. He gradually felt the power of the divine light array is declining. The murderous aura of Hengyu completely killed Pluto in it.

(End of this chapter)

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