Chapter 532
"Is this really the key to the eternal seal?"

Dragons and horses are not willing to give up, 120 are not happy, such a heaven-defying thing, the ancient scroll in the hands of the Lord of the Heavenly Dao Great World who controlled the top of the Six Paths in the past, the only key to open the eternal seal, it is the only key that saints will envy when they see it The item was snatched by Tianfan from several monsters of Guixian level without any effort. This guy seriously felt that it was unfair, and he was irritated.

"Although the time is long, the old man will not be mistaken. From the inheritance will of the prophets of all ages, such a scroll has appeared. It should be the key to the eternal seal of the past." The old wolf nodded with certainty.

They are now in the main hall of the Warcraft family, and the two little guys also stopped talking, listening carefully to the old wolf talking about the past that they don't know, and reading the ancient runes contained in the ancient scrolls Explain to them one by one, let them gain a lot of information from it.

"Since it is the key to the eternal seal, why did the eighteen hell messengers be created? The eighteen hell messengers are a kind of legend in the world, and they are the strongest in charge of the eighteen hells. This eighteen hells is the same as yours. Is there any connection with hell?" This is Tianfan's doubt, since this undead scroll is so valuable, why the eighteen hell messengers summoned only have the combat power of the human king's domain, which is a bit strange.

"There is no connection. Your so-called eighteen levels of hell and the so-called hell messengers are just tricks, and they are not the main point of this scroll..." The old wolf shook his head, pointed to the center of the scroll, and said, "Do you see that?" , the most important thing about this scroll is the array in the middle, it is the key to unlock the eternal seal of hell, the undead you call are just a kind of deterrent attached to it, and they will be used by people later, The most important thing that really belongs to this scroll can only be known to those who have truly reached the realm of the holy realm, other than that, it is our lineage of prophets."

The old wolf didn't go any further. The line of prophets has always been very mysterious. There is only one person in each generation. They are not strong in combat, but they know many unknown things in this world.

Tian Fan didn't ask any further questions, he didn't want to embarrass the old man, he already knew a lot about what the old man said, Pluto was also a cultivation base in the realm of celestial beings, but he didn't understand the value of this scroll, he just regarded it as a method to summon undead combat power It is used to guard the original fairyland warrior, which can be explained.

"Young man, put this scroll away properly. Although the eternal seal of hell is about to be opened, this scroll still has a heaven-defying value." The old wolf said solemnly.

Tian Fan nodded, glanced at Long Ma, and said, "I don't know if the old man knows the origin of this guy?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at the old prophet. The dragon horse had a mysterious origin. It was originally a peerless holy beast. It was an existence of the same level as the dragon and phoenix clans, but somehow it appeared on the Death Star. Yuzhong, over the years, has almost grown into a peerless old monster, even more rogue than the Son of the Demon Palace.

"I poke, why are you looking at Mr. Ma like this? Although we are handsome, don't be like this, we will be shy." Everyone held back their mouths when they heard the words. This guy is not only a hooligan, but also shameless.

The Old Wolf Prophet looked towards Longma, and he could see a faint streamer appearing on the crutch in his hand, and he looked at Longma silently. Tianfan and others did not bother him, and even Longma became quiet for a rare time. This is about it. It also wants to know about its own origin, and is very cooperative.

It's just that after watching for a long time, the old wolf didn't seem to have gained anything. He raised his divine power again, and saw a faint brilliance flowing around his body, and there were also very mysterious colorful lights fluctuating in those old eyes. Don't think about it. He also knew that this was a kind of secret technique, and it was a secret technique only known by the prophets. It was much stronger than Tian Fan's return to the ancient technique, but after a while, the old wolf frowned.

"What's the matter, old wolf?" Some warcraft generals couldn't help asking, they had never seen the old prophet show such an expression when he was investigating a person's past.

Tianfan and the others also looked over and noticed something unusual.

"What is it?" The old wolf whispered to himself, he stood up himself, walked down from the top seat, came straight to the dragon horse, slowly stretched out a skinny claw, and placed it on the dragon horse's head , Said: "You relax your body and mind, this old man will use the divine attraction technique."

Regarding the issue of its own origin, the dragon horse was very cooperative from the very beginning, and after hearing the old wolf's words, it fell into the ethereal state directly.

The old wolf nodded. On top of his body, strange runes flew out of his body, and then converged into the palm of his hand, and then converged into his eyes. Behind him, a gorgeous divine ring emerged, circles of blue The brilliance flashed slowly, heading towards the body of the dragon horse.

"Hey, what is he doing?" Zi Ying poked at the huge ancient monsters beside her. Even in human form, they were much taller than ordinary people.

"Master Wolf is currently using the ancient magic technique inherited from the prophet's lineage. The so-called divine guidance is to use the soul of a person as a guide to explore everything about this person." The ancient monster explained seriously, but But the voice was kept very low, as if he was afraid of disturbing the old wolf.

"Investigate through the primordial spirit? This is really an extremely powerful divine technique!" The Son of Demon Gong was at the side. After hearing the words, he was a little shocked, and praised in a low voice. Even Tian Fan was a little surprised, and nodded his head in agreement. .

The primordial spirit is the foundation of a person. No matter what kind of creature it is, from the moment it comes into this world, a primordial spirit will be born in his body. This is innate, but there are Some people's souls are strong, while some people's souls are weak. The souls are the most basic of living beings, and they record everything about living beings, even including previous lives.

For ordinary people, they cannot perceive their own souls, but powerful cultivators can. They use various secret methods to make their souls extremely powerful, which is another source of life, Tian Fan They were surprised because in the cultivation world, it is very easy to check a person's spiritual consciousness, as long as one's spiritual consciousness is stronger than the opponent's, but it is almost impossible to check the primordial spirit.

The Old Prophet's Divine Attraction Technique was able to use the other party's soul as a medium to find out everything the other party had experienced, which is really a world-shocking technique.

They looked forward seriously, and saw circles of mysterious brilliance spread out around the old wolf, like water patterns. The old man rested his right hand on the dragon horse's head, and his left hand leaned on a wooden cane. The frown was getting tighter and tighter, and finally the old wolf let out a helpless sigh, and withdrew his right hand that was placed on the dragon horse's head.

"How about the old man?" Seeing that the old man's spell had been completed, Ryoma asked immediately.

"No, it's very hazy, I can't see anything..." Lao Lang shook his head, looking a little tired, and returned to his seat.

"Impossible, Mr. Lang. With your divine attraction technique, how could you fail to find out the origin of this dragon horse? It should be very easy."

An ancient magic beast spoke out, it was the one who explained to Ziying just now how mysterious the magic spell is, it knew how powerful the old man's spell was, and it was absolutely easy to find out a person's past. However, at this moment, the old wolf said that he could not detect it, which was a bit beyond their expectations. This was the first time such a thing happened, and the first time the divine attraction technique failed.

"Someone used incomparable means to cover up its past..." After a moment of silence, the old wolf continued: "What is certain is that it was not born in this star universe, but was sent here by a peerless existence. He came here, and covered up all the breath about it, this person is terrifying..."

"What? There's a backstage here?" The devil's son exclaimed at that time.

"Senior, please explain in more detail." Long Ma was unusually solemn, and did not pinch the Son of the Demon Palace.

The old wolf nodded, and said: "How should I put it, when you were still young, or at the moment you were just born, someone sent you into this star universe by means of incomparable means, what is his purpose? The old man doesn't know, but according to various signs, he won't be harmful to you, he should have insight into some secrets, as for what the secrets are, the old man doesn't know."

The old prophet paused, and continued: "You will know all of this in the future. In addition, if I guessed correctly, the existence that sent you to this universe wanted you to wait for someone here..."

(End of this chapter)

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