Chapter 535

This area is full of sand and dust, and the sun is covered by magic light. The dragon horse stands upright. Although compared with the giant elephant, its size is as small as a grain of sand, but in terms of other things, the dragon horse is undoubtedly more like a peerless old man. The evildoer, and this guy seemed to have taken a stimulant, so he howled dryly, which made Tianfan couldn't help but want to beat him up again.

This golem is really unlucky. I thought I had met a prey, but I didn't expect to meet someone more ruthless than it. The bones of my body were broken, and I fell limply on the ground like a pool of dead mud. , Seeing that there is more air out than air in.

"Wahhahaha, you know how powerful Master Ma is! Master Ma is invincible!" Long Ma laughed arrogantly.

Tianfan and the others all despised him, wasn't he just a monster who buried the peak headlong?You are a majestic holy beast, with the combat power of the celestial realm, you have defeated a monster who was buried at the top of the ground. I really don't know what to be happy about.

They stood in this area and looked around. This space is full of endless magic mist, like mushroom clouds. The ground is very humid, and black lightning occasionally flashes across the sky. It was originally extremely masculine. Power, but here, in such an environment, it gives people an extremely feminine feeling.


In the distance of the horizon, there was the sound of gods and demons crying, and they even saw phantoms of the corpses of gods and demons in the sky. Zen singing, the roar of the gods, and the magic sound of the sacrifice sounded in the distance, which was extremely strange.

"After 30 days, we will meet here, be careful!" Tian Fan said solemnly, this place is very dangerous, as can be seen from those strange void phenomena.

"Look, Ma Ye will definitely make the monsters in this Demon Slayer Cave shudder, oh, little monsters shudder, the great handsome dragon has come!" The dragon horse let out a dry howl, and stepped on it in one direction. , he is a holy beast, but there are patches of black light surging around him, no matter how you look at it, he can't be called a holy beast. The more he looks, the more he looks like an old monster.

"Brother, take care!"

"Bad guy, you are so hateful!"

"My uncle has also gone, and this time I must be promoted to the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal!"

The Son of the Demon Palace also yelled, he is the only disciple of the Heaven and Earth Sect Master. Back then, even the ancestor of the Heaven Realm failed to kill him and escaped with his life. In this life, his potential will be even greater, although it is difficult to recover his memory , but the cultivation base is advancing rapidly. After all, it is to break through and then stand up. It is much easier to break through than others.

At this moment, they separated at this place, each shot out in one direction, and agreed to meet at this place 30 days later.

"I want to become stronger, the way of heaven and earth, the natural order, nothing can stop me, I want to walk out of my own way! The invincible way!"

Tianfan walked on this land, exuding a faint nine-color divine light all over his body. He broke through many fogs like a light source, and the supreme arrogance spread out in all directions centered on him. The monsters that existed in this space felt a deep fear when they saw this tiny uninvited visitor, and they all lay obediently on the side. It was not until Tian Fan left for a long time that they grew out. in one breath.

He walked all the way, and silently comprehended many methods in his heart. Although he abandoned the supreme mentality of the Three Realms and stepped out of an invincible avenue, he was not perfect. He just stepped out not long ago. Morality, lack of real mentality.

"Beyond the way of the predecessors, get rid of all shackles, and walk out of my own way, I want to create my own supreme mystery!"

Tianfan walked towards the deepest part of this space, with an invincible belief in his heart, knowing that if he followed the path left by the ancients, there would never be a day of transcendence. He wanted to surpass everything and break the shackles of the world, so he must To create his own mysterious method.

Taiji produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sixiang, Sixiang produces gossip, and gossip turns into chaos. Everything comes from nothing, and from existence to nothing, cycle and cycle, this is the Tao, but at this moment, Tianfan is Wanting to go against the path, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams emerged above his head, evolving the profound meaning of the world. His eyes were filled with chaos, and he stared quietly at the top of his head, but earth-shaking changes were taking place inside his body.

"The Tao is in my heart!"

Tianfan whispered to himself, constantly suppressing his realm, sorting out his divine power and cultivation, comprehending many methods of the Three Realms, and evolving the circulation routes of many divine powers. The lines of divine power are intertwined, and they will explode if you don't pay attention. As long as you are a monk, you will not do such a reckless thing, because it is no different from suicide.

But Tianfan didn't care, he wanted to create his own supreme profound method, and really walked out of his own supreme way, he had no other choice, the boundless pain, he suppressed it with willpower, even though he was enduring the pain at this moment Hell-like torment, but there are pieces of blazing light beams erupting from its body, breaking through the lightning above the sky, and the monsters in the distance are trembling.

On the top of his head was the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams diagram, step by step towards the distance, each step would shake the ground, leaving clear footprints on the ground.

At this moment, in his body, the ancient Zen singing, the thunderous roar, the magnificent heavenly voice, all kinds of supreme divine voices are recalling, and finally turned into bright ancient characters, like drops of fairy dew Like, slowly nourishing his body, flowing into his ocean of spiritual consciousness.

Tianfan did nothing and calmly, walked forward step by step, as if immersed in a Taoist realm.


The five-element and eight-diagram diagram rotates slightly, and the induction is produced independently. The light of chaos and the origin of the world echo each other, and one after another Tao diagram is evolved on the sky. Each pair contains a supreme Tao rhyme. There is a kind of domineering and majestic.

These are the carriers of the Dao produced by Tianfan's own body. They were drawn out by this divine map of heaven and earth, and after being baptized by the light of chaos and the origin of the world, they were finally driven into Tianfan's body.

In a crucial step, after walking out of his own way, he took another step deeper and initially realized his own mysterious method.

After several Dao pictures entered his body, his divine power began to operate autonomously along a fixed route. Various visions intertwined above his head, and divine light overflowed. If other cultivators saw this, they would probably accidentally bite off their own tongue, for someone's divine power would make such an astonishing noise.


Suddenly, above the sky, endless dark clouds emerged, thunder and lightning flashed, pieces of thunder, as if from ancient times, covering most of the sky, he suppressed the state again and again, at this moment, in the initial realization After owning my own profound method, this realm is no longer difficult to suppress, it has reached the extreme, beyond the bottleneck, and the catastrophe has come.

It seems that because of the way Tianfan walked and the method he created, this time the catastrophe seemed terrifying. Endless lightning surged above the sky, and the light of destruction made people feel chills even tens of thousands of miles away.

"Come on, no one can stop me, not even the sky!" Tianfan said coldly, the nine-color divine light all over his body pierced through the sky. At this moment, he is like a god king, ignoring the endless tribulation thunders above the sky, climbing to the sky step by step. superior.

Endless thunder light poured towards him, like a storm, a large area of ​​thunder light submerged him in an instant, but he was like a fish swimming in the water, with a powerful body flowing with holy brilliance, It actually blocked all the thunder and lightning outside.

Today, there are almost no lightning calamities that can hurt his body. You must know that he has even resisted the legendary six reincarnation calamities, and these calamities are naturally no problem.

At this moment, he was like an ancient demon, with fluttering clothes and bright eyes, he punched Gao Tian directly, the terrifying power seemed to be deeply dreaded even by the light of the catastrophe, and he trembled violently.

This area is flying sand and rocks, the void is broken and rebuilt, and then broken again, a situation where the end of the world is approaching.

It wasn't until an hour later that the thunder light all over the sky disappeared, and Tian Fan's treasured body shone with holy light, apparently becoming stronger. He had truly entered the mid-stage of the Celestial Immortal, and he felt his own strength, but he didn't stop, and his steps remained the same. Stepping towards the deepest part, the divine power in his body has begun to operate autonomously along a new route. At this moment, he needs to consolidate his realm. The powerful demons and strange Jedi in the depths of this space are his best choices.

(End of this chapter)

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