Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 544 Eternal Brokenness

Chapter 544 Eternal Brokenness
"Is there something important to you in hell? Do you know what you're talking about, kid?!"

The Son of the Demon Palace said, several people looked at Tianfan in disbelief, they didn't expect him to say that he was going to hell, which really shocked them, just kidding, the legendary hell is definitely a crime The frightening space can be felt just from the few words of Old Man Feng and Old Wolf Prophet.

The exile of the strongest evil people in the past is still the seal of taboo power. God knows what is going on inside now. Not to mention those ancient giants, there are probably pieces of little ghosts and goblins alone. Tianfan even said that he wants to enter it , It's like jumping into a fire pit.

"I know what I'm doing." Tianfan looked at them seriously, and said, "I won't say unfounded things, and I also believe in my own feelings. There is really something calling me in hell. In addition, The key to the eternal seal is also on me, I believe there will be no danger, and I will not make fun of my own life."

His cultivation base has reached his level, and some feel that it is very accurate, because it is a kind of prediction of the future, and there is another point that he did not say, what the weird old man said back then on the isolated island in the starry sky Let him be a little concerned, that old man is definitely a saint-level existence, and he is very clear about hell.

"Okay, since you have said so, what else can we do, let's go in." The Son of the Demon Palace said helplessly.

"I'll poke, if Mr. Ma doesn't go, it's pure courting death." Long Ma murmured, shaking his head like a rattle.

The Son of the Demon Palace pursed his lips, and punched it directly, making Longma dizzy.

"You don't want to go. I can go in alone. It's really dangerous inside. I don't want you to take risks." Tian Fan looked at them seriously and didn't want them to enter.

Although they got a lot of information from the old wolf prophet, in the final analysis, they still don't fully understand what hell is like. They only know that it is a place of crime, a place of exile and a forbidden place for evil spirits and demons. What the place of the seal of power looks like is ambiguous, and there is no real and reliable cognition.

The Venerable Master Feng once said that the gate of hell is open, so let them not interfere, don't care about the affairs of the world, and just improve their cultivation as much as possible.

However, Tianfan is obviously not this kind of person. It is impossible for him to achieve enlightenment in one place quietly. For him, a bloody battle is the best way to break through. The stronger the opponent, the more it can stimulate his potential and stimulate him to move forward. take a step.

In addition, he already knew that there would be strong people from the Celestial Clan this time, and he wanted to completely kill these people inside. The desolate scene of the Human Race Land had already made him resentful, and Ziying's tears made him feel angry. The killing intent in her heart climbed to the extreme, "No, I'm going." Zi Ying raised her head, her face full of grievances.

"Boy, there is no need to say anything. Since you said that it is dangerous inside, it is also an opportunity for us to hone. In this turbulent world, we have to improve our cultivation as soon as possible. If we really want to If you want to go, hell is definitely a good choice." said the Holy Son of the Demon Palace, determined to enter it, and the two little guys also nodded, wanting to go together.

"Woo, you're crazy, you're all crazy, Mr. Ma really doesn't want to go." Long Ma was the only one who howled, but he couldn't do anything. The objection was invalid and was vetoed by one vote.

They hid in a place in the human world, quietly waiting for the opening of the gate of hell. During this time, several people have been retreating to sort out their divine power and cultivation. They did not go to the human world to see anything. The ending It is already predictable, there is no need to add sadness.

As the eternal seal is about to be broken, the aura between heaven and earth is constantly changing, and the evil aura is gradually increasing. More and more masters of the celestial-human race gather here. They even discovered the transcendent existence of two celestial beings, Long Ma actually swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. The powerhouses of the eighth heaven at the end of the celestial beings are all legendary existences. Unexpectedly, there are actually two existences of this level in the celestial and human race.

"I said bumpkins, isn't the enemy you erected too terrifying?"

You must know that the existence of the eighth heaven of immortals is definitely a super terrifying existence. Its strength is astonishing and its cultivation is world-shattering. It is already shocking for a world to have such a strong man. However, the last time the Celestial Clan was in the ancient One fell on the battlefield, and now there are two more here, and these Celestial Clan cultivators who came this time are all strong. Although there are not many people, there are only a limited number of dozens of people, but all of them are strong. It is a terrifying existence, none of them are weak, and the lowest ones are all at the peak of the underground burial.

Such a group of terrifying existences, how terrifying the divine power in their bodies is, you can know just by thinking about it. When there is no way to hide, the monstrous blood energy fluctuations can be felt from a long distance, like a group of ancient people. beast.

"No matter how strong a person is, he will die one day." Tian Fan said calmly, with a murderous intent in his words.

Time passed day by day, and the aura of the human world gradually became cloudy. Another thirteen days passed, and the human world shook violently. In the northernmost region, a sky-shattering roar came out. Undulations swept across the ten directions, the area was filled with black light, and the evil breath rushed out like waves, which shocked every cultivator in the human world in an instant.

A crack appeared in the eternal seal, and terrifying demons began to attack the seal.

The undead scroll in Tianfan's arms trembled spontaneously, and emitted circles of mysterious brilliance, which surprised them all. This scroll was indeed related to the eternal seal, and it was the key to unlock hell. At this time, there was an abnormal movement.

"Ten days at most, the eternal seal will be completely broken, and the gate of hell will open!" Tian Fan said in a deep voice. He controlled the scroll of the undead, and at this moment, he sensed such a message through the mysterious brilliance.

In the next few days, there were continuous roars and impact sounds in that area, and the sky gradually turned blood red. There were more than one terrifying existence impacting the seal at the same time, and the power formed by the sound waves Breaking through Gao Tian, ​​the terrifying energy fluctuations make one's scalp tingle, and after being sealed in hell for so many years, there is still such a power, just thinking about it makes people feel horrified.


On the ninth day, the whole world trembled violently for a long time, an incomparably terrifying aura swept across the sky, magic light covered the sun, black light soared into the sky, and the sky turned completely red, as if it was stained with blood As usual, in the starry sky, two blood-red moons emerged, much larger than usual, with strange lines on them, exuding a strange aura.

When the two moons appear at the same time, the heaven and the earth will be in chaos, and the gate of hell has finally been completely broken through.

"It's been two million years, Heavenly Emperor, God Venerable, you wait, you will never die!"

The sky-shattering roar came out from the boundless magic cloud, and a pair of extremely terrifying eyes appeared in the magic cloud, exuding an icy chill, as if the seven emotions and six desires had been wiped out, the aura was shocking, at this moment No cultivator in the human world dared to move, including the two celestial beings of the Celestial Clan, the eighth heaven's detached existence froze, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.


Ryoma swallowed hard. The owner of these eyes is too terrifying. They have been sealed for 200 million years. After such a long time, there are still such terrifying fluctuations.

And Tian Fan felt cold all over his body, this person was definitely a holy existence in the past, and he was not an ordinary saint, because from his words, it can be heard that he seemed to have fought against the Emperor of Heaven and the God Venerable in the past, He doesn't know who the god is, but he is very clear about the emperor of heaven. The master of the world of heaven, this person actually fought with the emperor of heaven and was not killed. He is definitely a super predator.


A cold snort came out, and Endless Xingyu trembled, and another terrifying existence was born, not weaker than the previous one, he was shrouded in a hazy light, although he did not emit the slightest energy fluctuation, But the breath that flows naturally is also extremely terrifying, sweeping across the entire world like a hurricane, countless mountains collapsed, and countless rivers boiled.

Tianfan carefully controlled several treasures, hidden in the void. Although they were still tens of thousands of miles away from the location of the eternal seal, the horror of such existence was definitely not what they expected, and they had to be extremely careful, because using As far as the toes can be imagined, these two people are definitely ancient saint-level powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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