Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 551 Peerless Murder

Chapter 551 Peerless Murder

The evil spirit of blood came surging, several monsters roared, staring at Tian Fan and the others fiercely, behind them, the corpses were so shocking, it can be roughly seen that they were several human cultivators, but at this moment But it no longer has the appearance of a human being. Blood and water are mixed with heart, liver, intestines and lungs. The body has been gnawed and broken, and even the bones can be seen.

"Someone has already entered here!" Long Ma exclaimed, but in a blink of an eye, this guy showed a gloating expression, saying: "What a bunch of unlucky people."

"Be careful of this space, pay attention to your mind, and don't be affected by those negative energies." Tian Fan reminded in a low voice.

Surrounded by one after another strange mist, the color is different, the space here is dim, the air is very humid, after inhaling it into the body, I can feel a biting chill, as if swallowing a devil alive into it belly.


The three devils roared and rushed towards them at this moment. There were still drops of blood on the corners of their mouths, and they looked a bit stern.


When Tianfan made a move, a devil slapped him, and all of them flew out, smashing out several deep pits in the distant land, and the cracks spread out like spider webs.

These demons are not weak, and they are definitely comparable to any strong man in the early stage of Tianxian, but in Tianfan's eyes, they are obviously not enough. With his current combat power, without using any weapons, even the peak of Tianxian Even the most powerful monks can't help him.

However, the flesh shells of these devils are a bit strong, and they can withstand the strength of his physical body. Although he did not use all his strength, but only stimulated the strength of the sixth floor, it is amazing enough. From the human point of view, the physical strength of these devils is enough to compare with the powerful cultivators of the second heaven of immortals.

"Boy, hurry up, don't be merciless, slap them one by one, and smash them, so we can go on the road." Long Ma called.

The three devils seemed to be able to understand its words, and one of them turned its head slowly. The pupils were covered by circles of green pictures and texts, which looked strange and gloomy. At this moment, it even emitted a strange bloody light. Those green pictures and texts were beating slowly, and it stared coldly at Ryoma, meeting its eyes.


The dragon horse became quiet all of a sudden, as if possessed by a demon, and took a step forward, the color in its eyes was rapidly dimming, slowly turning blood red, it was like a puppet, unable to hear the Holy Child of the Demon Palace, etc. The voice of a person lost his self-awareness for a short while, and walked towards the three-headed devil opposite.


Tian Fan snorted coldly, and slammed it down like a drum in the evening, shaking the dragon horse and the body of the devil at the same time.

"Fuck, what happened? Why did Master Ma come here?" Long Ma's eyes returned to normal, and he found that he was standing with Tian Fan inexplicably at this moment.

"It's nothing, it's just being confused by that devil." The Son of the Demon Palace spread his palms and said indifferently.

"What!" Long Ma was furious immediately, with anger surging in his pupils, he rushed over and scolded at the same time: "Your grandpa's, your uncle's is not a beautiful woman, and dare to confuse the great Ma, you little girl, know Ma What did you do before?! I'll kick you to death!"

The few people were in a daze. They didn't expect that the dragon horse would suddenly become so fierce, and it would charge forward on a single bridge. If you step on it, it will collapse in this space.


This blow was powerful and heavy. Although the devil was powerful, it was no match for the holy beast in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal. Although he raised his arm to block, he was still stepped on and flew away, and his dark scales fell off. It fell a lot, and the two arms also hung down. Obviously, the bones in them were crushed by the dragon horse.

"I'm going. Is there any mistake? This uncle has gone all out, but he stepped on it and broke its bones. Is there any reason for it?"

Although the devil was kicked out, Ryoma seemed very surprised. It is a holy beast, and its physical strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. With its current cultivation base in the mid-stage of Celestial Immortal, in terms of pure physical strength, even for the peak of Celestial Immortal His existence would not be a disadvantage, but with a full blow, he crushed the devil's two hand bones.

"My God, what did these guys grow up on?"

Xiaolong opened his mouth in surprise, but what the little guy said made several people speechless. When this guy was surprised that the devil's meat shell was so strong, he was able to connect with food. He really was a foodie.

"Sister Ying, the smell here is so strange, I feel a bit cold." Little Phoenix hugged Ziying tightly.

Zi Ying patted the little guy on the head with a smile, and comforted him: "Little Fenghuang, my sister is here, don't be afraid, my sister will protect you, no one dares to bully you, whoever bullies you, my sister will beat him!"

"Really?" The little guy raised his head, stared at Ryoma for a while, and then stared at the Son of the Demon Palace for a while.

"Cough cough..."

One person coughed dryly, and immediately turned his head away, looking around aimlessly. Not long ago, two unscrupulous old ruffians made a bet with each other and cheated a few fire spirit fruits from the little Phoenix, which made the little guy very dissatisfied. Seeing Zi Ying's eyes following the little guy's gaze, the two old ruffians felt chills all over their bodies.

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time!" Zi Ying shook her fist at the two old ruffians, making them sweat profusely in fright.

Tianfan shook his head helplessly, and said, "Ziying, you can't spoil her like this all the time, she must participate in future battles, and now she needs to be tempered."

"Hee hee, I know!" Zi Ying stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, and said, "You should get rid of those guys first."

Tian Fan nodded and pushed forward. This time, he did not reserve his strength. He raised his iron fist, and the nine-color divine light was dazzling. His expression was a little cold, and the air around him was instantly dispersed. The devil rushing forward was blasted into the air with a punch, and all the souls in it disappeared completely.

"Nimma, why is this guy's body so perverted? It's too scary!"

Although it was not the first time for Longma to see the strength of Tianfan's physical body, he still felt that it had an unparalleled visual impact, comparable to the flesh shell of a second-tier heavenly superhuman being, and it was smashed by him with one punch. Horror is a little too much.

"Pfft...", "Pfft..."

Tianfan's expression was indifferent, and he didn't make any unnecessary movements. He just swung his iron fist with an indomitable aura. One punch at a time, he smashed the remaining two demons to pieces. Not even the bones remained, and together with the primordial spirit, they dissipated like air. .

"It's so strange, this kid is only in the early days of the Celestial Immortal, but I dare say that his body is so strong that even if he meets a ruthless person in the fifth heaven of the Celestial, he will not fall behind!" Long Ma returned from the shock just now. Come to think of it, with a very serious look, analyze it for everyone on the side.

The Son of the Demon Palace held back his mouth and said, "It would be strange if he wasn't that strong."

They all know Tianfan's identity, the only heir of the Immortal Emperor and Xuannv, who has inherited the best bloodlines of those two peerless arrogances. As early as in the ancient times, before he was born, he was unanimously recognized by the gods. He is the strongest fighter in the three worlds of immortals, gods and demons, and a key figure who will turn the tide of battle in the future.

They stepped on the wet red earth, and every time they took a step, a blood-red liquid rose from the ground, like blood, and there were dead bones everywhere, and occasionally there would be patches of strange mist gathered from all around, but But they were all blocked by Tianfan's Divine Light Domain.

"The gate of hell is open. At this moment, there must be powerful cultivators from many worlds in this space. I really don't know what will happen." Knowing where they are hiding now, I really hope they encounter something interesting!"

Tian Fan looked at Zi Ying, who was teasing Little Phoenix beside him, and there was a unparalleled murderous intent raging in his heart. His expression was cold, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "They can't get out of here alive. Once, when the first ancestor comes, one will fall!"

A few days ago, the image of Ziying crying and crying still echoed in front of his eyes. Although the little girl was in a good mood, she quickly adjusted and turned back into a lively and lovely little princess, but he knew that she just let that sadness Buried in the deepest part of my heart, I just don't want everyone to worry about her.

(End of this chapter)

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